

Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
He needs to be more careful. Obama is outside taping his conversations.

I like how the circle and window panes line up to make a cross hair. If that was intentional, bravo, if not, talk about a metaphor for the Trump administration being CNN's target.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Also, I have to say that I never truly appreciated the tenacity and grit of the #fakenewsmedia until now. The breadth of investigatory reporting being done across almost the entire spectrum (sit down Brietbart, I'm not talking to you) is mind blowing. If nothing else it is encouraging to see that even if Congress isn't willing to stand up for the American people we have an institution that is. Continue the good work fellas!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Also, I have to say that I never truly appreciated the tenacity and grit of the #fakenewsmedia until now. The breadth of investigatory reporting being done across almost the entire spectrum (sit down Brietbart, I'm not talking to you) is mind blowing. If nothing else it is encouraging to see that even if Congress isn't willing to stand up for the American people we have an institution that is. Continue the good work fellas!
About that. These are the same clowns who gave him literally millions of dollars in free press, legitimized every off the wall stupid shit thing he said, and never followed up, or investigated any of it. The press is complicit and are only now freaking the fuck out because Mango Mussolini is cutting them off and threatening the institution. If these fucks had done half their jobs during the run-up to the election we might not be dealing with Baron von Fuckstick in the first place. Edward R Murrow must be rolling in his grave.

Edit: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/14/this-harvard-study-is-a-powerful-indictment-of-the-medias-role-in-donald-trumps-rise/



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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
About that. These are the same clowns who gave him literally millions of dollars in free press, legitimized every off the wall stupid shit thing he said, and never followed up, or investigated any of it. The press is complicit and are only now freaking the fuck out because Mango Mussolini is cutting them off and threatening the institution. If these fucks had done half their jobs during the run-up to the election we might not be dealing with Baron von Fuckstick in the first place. Edward R Murrow must be rolling in his grave.
I'm not sure that's necessarily true. Once his position was solidified as the primary Republican front runner all of the news sources I read called him out on his lies and untruths. I think the bigger problem is the whole cadre of his supporters that got him elected were unwilling to listen to any logic and thought that only he and only he knew the real truth. Maybe I'm projecting my inability to communicate the truth in these situations upon the press as a whole but how can you battle that?

Yes they gave him free press coverage, and yes dangling from the rating machine that is Trump probably helped his cause, but they are obligated to cover the Presidential candidate of one of the major political parties. To not do so, or to do so in a biased fashion, would only appear to validate the vitriol Trump spewed against the media in the first place. In hindsight that probably wouldn't have mattered to either his supporters or his detractors, but I can see why they did what they did going into it.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
but they are obligated to cover the Presidential candidate of one of the major political parties. To not do so, or to do so in a biased fashion, would only appear to validate the vitriol Trump spewed against the media in the first place.

But the primary responsibility of the 4th estate is to speak truth to power, or about power, and those who would seek it.
It wasn't until after the so-called president was elected that I think they realized how bad they fucked up. Remember how ground breaking it seemed when Chuck Todd called out Kellyann over "alternative facts"? Over the size of the inaugural crowds. How brave of him. :rolleyes:.

CNNs president barely coming around to maybe, just maybe, they fallated Trump just a little too much.

How it was news, in and of itself, when a major newspaper dared to use the word "lie" in a headline.

There was all sorts of hand wringing and pearl clutching going on over at places like NPR and Fortune about how do we dare call giant piles of bullshit, bullshit, after the election. Too little WAY too fucking late.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a firm believer that freedom of the press is the most sacred institution and right guaranteed by the Constitution. I firmly believe that all the other rights stand on the shoulders of it. But I have a hard time being sympathetic to anybody who shoots themselves in the foot. You're correct in that it's great to see them come around. I sincerely hope it's not too late, for them, or for us.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Also, I have to say that I never truly appreciated the tenacity and grit of the #fakenewsmedia until now. The breadth of investigatory reporting being done across almost the entire spectrum (sit down Brietbart, I'm not talking to you) is mind blowing. If nothing else it is encouraging to see that even if Congress isn't willing to stand up for the American people we have an institution that is. Continue the good work fellas!
You might want to tune into FoxNews just to witness their spin.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I wouldn't put it past him for this to be the revenge he's sought, whether his doing or with the aid of a foreign power *cough Russia cough*, against the intelligence community. :tinfoil:

This shit gets leaked, but somehow not the so-called presidents Tax Returns?

Damn IRS, you scary.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Assange is an anti 'murika douchebag. He is bent on seeing the US fall apart...no wonder he hasnt initiated a search for 45s tax returns. Whether or not he is in collusion with the Soviets, it is in his best anti US interests to see Drumpf flip, flop and flounder...and the US along with him.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Assange is an anti 'murika douchebag. He is bent on seeing the US fall apart...no wonder he hasnt initiated a search for 45s tax returns. Whether or not he is in collusion with the Soviets, it is in his best anti US interests to see Drumpf flip, flop and flounder...and the US along with him.
It certainly appears that Assange is a Trump supporter. Fuck him !


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
It is quite amazing and a sad commentary on the state of this world when two such men, an admitted and an accused sexual predator, have such an influence on things.

Where is that giant out of control asteroid when you really need it anyway?
Although cutting back the Coast Guard and airport security doesn't sound like such a bad idea - get the CG back to search & rescue and maintenance of aids to navigation rather than drug war bullshit, and maybe disband the TSA...


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Although cutting back the Coast Guard and airport security doesn't sound like such a bad idea - get the CG back to search & rescue and maintenance of aids to navigation rather than drug war bullshit, and maybe disband the TSA...
Shortsighted and ignores major problems from recent decades that require more coast guard funding, not less. For example Illegal fishing causes serious problems for marine ecosystems and finances a 25 billion dollar blackmarket.



President Obama has signed the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Enforcement Act, marking another critical step in the Administration’s efforts to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud.

The bi-partisan legislation, signed by the President yesterday, includes a number of provisions preventing illegally harvested fish from entering the United States, and supports efforts to achieve sustainable fisheries around the world. The U.S. will now join a global effort to ratify and implement the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA), which will prevent vessels carrying fish caught illegally from entering U.S. ports and keep illegal product out of U.S. markets.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Dial back the Navy and dial up the CG says I. And either give TSA true powers beyond root through someones underwear looking for fuck all or get rid of them. Let airports run their own security based upon local threat analysis and levels...fund as necessary and feasible.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Dial back the Navy and dial up the CG says I. And either give TSA true powers beyond root through someones underwear looking for fuck all or get rid of them. Let airports run their own security based upon local threat analysis and levels...fund as necessary and feasible.

Don't see how local level threat deterrent could work. Once you are in the system you are in, unless you want to go through security again when you get off your plane from central bumbfuck Nebraska when connecting through Chicago.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Poorly worded on my part...local threat levels as determined by DoD and Homeland Security. Threat levels are made to be raised or lowered according to the local assessment. No threat, minimal security, menaing Gramma doesnt get strip searched, no matter how badly Gramps wants her to. High threat, bring the boys and dogs and guns and shit and everyone gets felt up by the help. Unfortunately, this requires various agencies to work together, putting egos and prejudices aside for the common good. It also requires timely analysis of actionable intell combined with a level headed response that is one level greater than the detected threat. A bunch of morons standing about with weapons 24/7 only contributes to the general publics feelings of unease and aggravation. Furthermore, these guys get tired too, and bored, and inattentive...which leads to bad things.

Also, despite the (mis)administrations insistence that the US is a smoking wasteland full of jihadists and other evil doers (Thank you Obama...) there are not many agencies that will admit to having existent threats within their AOs. Mainly because there are not.

But the answer surely is mohr gunz. Gunz and Jesus™.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I haven't flown since I was a kid so I have no experience with the TSA. If I do fly in the future should I dress appropriately ? When I was little, getting on a plane was a serious affair requiring wearing your dress clothes and being your best behavior.

I hear this is no longer the case. Would wearing just jump suit and nothing else be more appropriate ? And would it be a good idea to cover myself in Vaseline or vegetable oil in case I get strip searched ?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I haven't flown since I was a kid so I have no experience with the TSA. If I do fly in the future should I dress appropriately ? When I was little, getting on a plane was a serious affair requiring wearing your dress clothes and being your best behavior.

I hear this is no longer the case. Would wearing just jump suit and nothing else be more appropriate ? And would it be a good idea to cover myself in Vaseline or vegetable oil in case I get strip searched ?
I always opt-out of the body scanner and go for the pat down. Because I usually have to pay to get groped like that in public. TSA does it for free.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
The only people getting a happy ending out of Trump are visitors to his Chinese massage parlors.

We should help Herr Twitler name some of his new ventures, after all it is the least we can do.

Trump Handyworks

Trump's Golden Shower

Donnie's Dong-a-thon

Pussy Grabbers

Trump's Bigly Bordello

Ivanka-dump and Pump