

Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
from the above link:

Rather rapidly, two things happened: First, Republicans realized they’d radicalized their base to a point where nothing they did in power could satisfy their most fervent constituents. Then—in a much more consequential development—a large portion of the Republican Congressional caucus became people who themselves consume garbage conservative media, and nothing else.

That, broadly, explains the dysfunction of the Obama era, post-Tea Party freakout. Congressional Republicans went from people who were able to turn their bullshit-hose on their constituents, in order to rile them up, to people who pointed it directly at themselves, mouths open.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
from the comments:

I think this is pretty spot-on and is something I’ve been saying to folks for years now. It really hit home to me in the closing weeks of the 2012 election during the peak of the “unskew the polls” phenomenon. The rubes were eating this shit up as usual, but then it became obvious that plenty of actual power players in the GOP were as well and I found that genuinely frightening.

Back when Fox News was first launched, the GOP elites knew exactly what it was, namely a bullshit factory and distribution system. It worked great and made loads of money in the process. But over time these same people, many of them people involved with making Fox what was always meant to be, began getting high on their own supply. They completely forgot why they had created this Wurlitzer of bullshit in the first place.

This was made perfectly clear on election night when Karl Rove lost his goddamn mind on live television while watching the Ohio numbers come in. He had bought the whole fucking thing and couldn’t believe that what he was watching unfold could possibly be happening. Honestly, it scared the shit out of me.

I had long assumed that something like this was incredibly unlikely, especially from a player like Rove. He’s an evil motherfucker, but he’s not stupid.

What’s even worse is who the GOP “elites” are now, especially in the House. Since 2010, the ranks of Republican lawmakers in both DC and the state houses have seen turnover and huge numerical gains. So many of those newcomers are, to be perfectly honest, fucking morons, the type that had grown up as the prime targets of all of this manufactured bullshit. Say what you like about, say, John Boehner, but the fucker was a player. He knew how all of this shit came to be and had no illusions about nonsense like Agenda 21 or Jade Helm or the New Black Panthers or whatever other nonsense was being force-fed to the fucking rubes. These new lawmakers were weaned on that shit. They were and are true believers. And they’re running the goddamn show now.

Add to this the real explosion in even more outlets for this crap (and the scams that come with them. Hell, Fox is for fucking cucks now. The rubes prefer Breitbart and Info Wars and a host of other purveyors of noxious bullshit now. So does the President of the United States.

These people are real. They are your neighbors and your family and your state senator and congresscritter and the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth.

We are well and truly fucked.