

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
at this point i think Flynn maybe have gone papadopolous... ie cooperating.
I read the other day that Flynn has a kid that's been active in the white house and is part of the investigation as well. Remember, Mueller kind of made a name for himself by going after family members of Enron execs during that investigation. I'd bet a shiny quarter Mueller throws the fucking book and Mike Flynn Jr. to see if Gen. Flynn will squeal.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I read the other day that Flynn has a kid that's been active in the white house and is part of the investigation as well. Remember, Mueller kind of made a name for himself by going after family members of Enron execs during that investigation. I'd bet a shiny quarter Mueller throws the fucking book and Mike Flynn Jr. to see if Gen. Flynn will squeal.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I dunno. If you buy the argument that Trump is a next-level narcissist (and to be clear, I absolutely believe this) he might literally be incapable of giving a shit about his kids outside of how they can further his own ego. They will swing from the castle gate and he still will never fess up to anything. Is this true about Gen. Flynn as well? To the extent that all people in positions of high power tend to be narcissistic, probably. But letting his own kid eat shit while he walks? I tend to think that level of self serving is pretty rare, even among this administration.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I dunno. If you buy the argument that Trump is a next-level narcissist (and to be clear, I absolutely believe this) he might literally be incapable of giving a shit about his kids outside of how they can further his own ego.
i saw a piece a few weeks back claiming he was hesitant to name his son Don Jr in case he turned out to be a loser


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I dunno. If you buy the argument that Trump is a next-level narcissist (and to be clear, I absolutely believe this) he might literally be incapable of giving a shit about his kids outside of how they can further his own ego. They will swing from the castle gate and he still will never fess up to anything. Is this true about Gen. Flynn as well? To the extent that all people in positions of high power tend to be narcissistic, probably. But letting his own kid eat shit while he walks? I tend to think that level of self serving is pretty rare, even among this administration.

But I would put cash money on DJT letting either his kid-in-law or even Junior hang before considering getting his hands dirty.

I am also willing to put money on the DJT legal team using either "too stupid to know what was going on" or the Chewbaca defense when the time comes. Either way, they are going to make POTUS look even dumber than he does already in hopes that will work.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Knowing what I do about the character of military intelligence types, I would bet that Flynn sees himself as above the law and smarter than all of the rest of us. Definitely as narcissistic as DumpsterFire Donny, if not more so.

Smart money is that he copped a plea and is singing like a canary.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Paul Ryan: I really mean it this time

The message is clear: Firing Mueller would be too much, a stepping beyond the bounds by Trump. And, if the President did take that course of action, Ryan -- and presumably the Republicans loyal to him in Congress -- would have no choice but to disavow Trump for good.
Because THIS is the line he doesn't want crossed, until the next one.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
If Paul Ryan was as ambitious as his eight year campaign to repeal Obamacare would lead you to believe, then he'd be figuring out ways to help get rid of Herr Twitler and the Hollow Eyed Man. But it's a little difficult for the Speaker of the House to see that opportunity with his current perspective of Trump's colon.