

My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
omg I just heard a snippet from the press conference. WTF is this idiot doing?
Should the GOP not rise up to stop this they're done, and we're fucked.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
omg I just heard a snippet from the press conference. WTF is this idiot doing?
Should the GOP not rise up to stop this they're done, and we're fucked.
The GOP? You're kidding right? Have you met them? They are just as compromised, they are just as complicit. They sold their souls for a supreme court seat, "Liberal tears", and are tied to the treason train now. There is no going back for them. You think Paul Ryan is going to condemn Trump? Mitch McConnell? Any fucking slackjawed, fly over state, bumfuck yokel going to burn their MAGA hats tonight? Any dogwhistle racists like BrianHCM1 or Manimal going to own up to being suckered? The 40% base of "patriots" that are stuck behind him in the world's biggest sunk cost fallacy? Fuck no. We're already fucked, if we weren't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
omg I just heard a snippet from the press conference. WTF is this idiot doing?
Should the GOP not rise up to stop this they're done, and we're fucked.
I actually hadn't listened to or seen any of it as I generally can't stand his voice now.

But WTF, his response to being asked about Russian interference while standing next to Putin was to bring up the Hillary email server...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The GOP? You're kidding right? Have you met them? They are just as compromised, they are just as complicit. They sold their souls for a supreme court seat, "Liberal tears", and are tied to the treason train now. There is no going back for them. You think Paul Ryan is going to condemn Trump? Mitch McConnell? Any fucking slackjawed, fly over state, bumfuck yokel going to burn their MAGA hats tonight? Any dogwhistle racists like BrianHCM1 or Manimal going to own up to being suckered? The 40% base of "patriots" that are stuck behind him in the world's biggest sunk cost fallacy? Fuck no. We're already fucked, if we weren't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
"We are deeply concerned and will furrow our brows quite seriously."


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Serious question. Any thoughts on this?

The GOP seems awful willing to let Trump go unleashed.
Do you think they may reign him in or even bin him after they get the supreme court locked up?
After that, some damage control before the derailed train gets cut up for scrap.
Even they must realize that the more they let him get away with the more he will push, and eventually they will fall off the edge of the world. The push back seems to have started in some corners.

So supreme court or total bust?


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Do you think they may reign him in or even bin him after they get the supreme court locked up?
No. The last few sitting GOP candidates who spoke up against trump lost their primary races.

You guys realize we're in for "four moar yearz" of this mess right? The Democrats have essentially given up, other than being anti Trump they have no message.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
this is huge. someone in the US has been arrested as a spy / acting as an agent for russia

Guess who the woman asking the questions in this video is, in July 2015.

She is known as a protege of Alexander Torshin
Ho boy.........

Serious question. Any thoughts on this?

The GOP seems awful willing to let Trump go unleashed.
Do you think they may reign him in or even bin him after they get the supreme court locked up?
After that, some damage control before the derailed train gets cut up for scrap.
Even they must realize that the more they let him get away with the more he will push, and eventually they will fall off the edge of the world. The push back seems to have started in some corners.

So supreme court or total bust?
Nope. In for a penny, in for a pound. They can't put him back in the box. This only ends one of two ways, the suicide of the American Republic or these GOP enablers/traitors receive death and/or prison.

No. The last few sitting GOP candidates who spoke up against trump lost their primary races.
Yup. The only ones who've spoken out against him (with the exception of McCain) are in districts where they are/were going to lose primary battles against candidates to the right of where they already were.

You guys realize we're in for "four moar yearz" of this mess right? The Democrats have essentially given up, other than being anti Trump they have no message.
I'm not sure this is true. While the Democrats have always been the party of herded cats, they have done quite well in special elections so far, and polling seems to suggest a pretty decent blue wave come November, assuming elections are allowed to be held :tinfoil: The candidates doing well have also tended to run on a pretty progressive platform, with "anti-trump" being an almost secondary issue. I know it's cliche, but the coming november election might be the most important one of our lives, so get out there. That said, I believe quite strongly that a Trump second term is a real possibility still. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

There currently is no viable dem candidate.
Let's pray for Mueller.
This is dangerous thinking. Legal proceedings of this level are bound to take years, and, a presidential election is still two years away. Get out, volunteer, protest, and vote. If he can be clogged up by the november midterms there is still a fighting chance.
Last edited:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Some :tinfoil: from reddit:

"This is where it potentially circles back to the high levels of the Drumpf campaign.

Here's another angle on that. In paragraphs 36 and 37 of the affidavit, Butina and "Russian Official" talk about who Drumpf will nominate as Secretary of State:

BUTINA suggested a phone call to discuss, and the RUSSIAN OFFICIAL noted that he liked the idea, but was worried that "all our phones are being listened to!" BUTINA suggested they talk via WhatsApp.
On November 11, 2016, BUTINA sent the RUSSIAN OFFICIAL a direct message via Twitter, in which she predicted who might be named Secretary of State and asked the RUSSIAN OFFICIAL to find out how "our people" felt about that potential nomination.

Dollars to doughnuts says that Twitter message said Mitt Romney. Why would that be important? Because of the lesser known Steele Dossier #2.

Former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the influential dossier detailing President Donald Drumpf's connections to Russia, reportedly wrote a memo in 2016 that contained a bombshell claim that wasn't included in his original dossier — that Russia had told Drumpf not to nominate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for secretary of state because of his perceived hawkishness toward Russia.
The New Yorker detailed how Steele reportedly claimed that Moscow had contacted Drumpf and instructed him to drop Romney and instead nominate someone who would be willing to lift sanctions placed on Russia due to its incursions into Ukraine in 2014, and would be open to working with Russia on its own geopolitical goals in places like Syria.

Source ... Stay tuned

EDIT - I should have used the original New Yorker article, since it's much more detailed:

One subject that Steele is believed to have discussed with Mueller’s investigators is a memo that he wrote in late November, 2016, after his contract with Fusion had ended. This memo, which did not surface publicly with the others, is shorter than the rest, and is based on one source, described as “a senior Russian official.” The official said that he was merely relaying talk circulating in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but what he’d heard was astonishing: people were saying that the Kremlin had intervened to block Trumps initial choice for Secretary of State, Mitt Romney. (During Romney’s run for the White House in 2012, he was notably hawkish on Russia, calling it the single greatest threat to the U.S.) The memo said that the Kremlin, through unspecified channels, had asked Trump to appoint someone who would be prepared to lift Ukraine-related sanctions, and who would coöperate on security issues of interest to Russia, such as the conflict in Syria. If what the source heard was true, then a foreign power was exercising pivotal influence over U.S. foreign policy—and an incoming President.

As fantastical as the memo sounds, subsequent events could be said to support it. In a humiliating public spectacle, Trump dangled the post before Romney until early December, then rejected him. There are plenty of domestic political reasons that Trump may have turned against Romney. Trump loyalists, for instance, noted Romney’s public opposition to Trump during the campaign. Roger Stone, the longtime Trump aide, has suggested that Trump was vengefully tormenting Romney, and had never seriously considered him. (Romney declined to comment. The White House said that he was never a first choice for the role and declined to comment about any communications that the Trump team may have had with Russia on the subject.) In any case, on December 13, 2016, Trump gave Rex Tillerson, the C.E.O. of ExxonMobil, the job. The choice was a surprise to most, and a happy one in Moscow, because Tillerson’s business ties with the Kremlin were long-standing and warm. (In 2011, he brokered a historic partnership between ExxonMobil and Rosneft.) After the election, Congress imposed additional sanctions on Russia, in retaliation for its interference, but Trump and Tillerson have resisted enacting them."

TL;DR: The Kremlin picked Trumps Secretary of State. :tinfoil:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
This is dangerous thinking. Legal proceedings of this level are bound to take years, and, a presidential election is still two years away. Get out, volunteer, protest, and vote. If he can be clogged up by the november midterms there is still a fighting chance.
As a follow up: Legal proceeding against a sitting president are bound to end up in front of the Supreme Court. Call your reps and DEMAND that they not vote to seat another Trump SC appointee.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The President of the United States openly betrayed his country on the world stage. We can argue why he did it – whether it was a mistake in judgment, a failure to lead, or simply deference to a man who might very well be his handler. We cannot know why Mr. Trump did what he did in Helsinki, why he aided and abetted our most dangerous foreign adversary. But we watched a high crime play out on national television.

We saw a president disqualify himself from office. And if he hasn’t resigned his position by the afternoon or offered an explanation while begging forgiveness, he should be removed for the good of the country.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Wow, I know I shouldn't be surprised to see folks standing with him on this, yet I am.

I have folks say on Facebook "we mess with other countries elections all the time." And "they say it had no impact, so where is the harm?" :disgust:


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Wow, I know I shouldn't be surprised to see folks standing with him on this, yet I am.

I have folks say on Facebook "we mess with other countries elections all the time." And "they say it had no impact, so where is the harm?" :disgust:
Somebody at work said "well, all these DNC people were dirty and some went to jail". To which I said "yeah, maybe criminal, but not treason". Colluding with a foreign power? Treason.