

the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The economy wasn't bad under Bush, it was the housing market crash due to the banks & stupid subprime loans. People weren't losing their jobs, they were losing their homes. Which was very fucked up! Banks & mortgage brokers took advantage of a lot of people, especially lower income with outrageous 3-1 ARM loans. Their mortgage rates were great for the first 3 years, then it would just explode to something un-payable. Just awful, I felt so bad seeing people losing their homes on a daily basis. Was a very sad time. There will always be peaks & valleys, but I don't think we'll see something like that happen again of that magnitude.

It was a great time to buy!!!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The economy wasn't bad under Bush, it was the housing market crash due to the banks & stupid subprime loans. People weren't losing their jobs, they were losing their homes. Which was very fucked up! Banks & mortgage brokers took advantage of a lot of people, especially lower income with outrageous 3-1 ARM loans. Their mortgage rates were great for the first 3 years, then it would just explode to something un-payable. Just awful, I felt so bad seeing people losing their homes on a daily basis. Was a very sad time. There will always be peaks & valleys, but I don't think we'll see something like that happen again of that magnitude.
It's amazing how oblivious and ignorant my parents are on this subject. The economy tanked and the bottom fell out in 2008, we felt it big time where I was working at (University). Students dropped out and stopped enrolling and it was scarce. I was pretty high up on the foot chain by then, so it wasn't too bad for me, but it was hard on most everyone and there was significant downsizing, we had people trying to come back to work that had just left and subsequently gotten fired from their new job due to all the fallout. Keep in mind, they were so proud to be "moving on" right before this happened. After that point, the economy got steadily better and things turned around, but it took a little while obviously. The bat-shit-crazy part is my parents will not acknowledge this. They pretend that it went from 2008 instantly to 2016 as soon as Trump took office. There are all sorts of economic indicators you can pull up and use to show this over those years, but they refuse to believe it.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
It's amazing how oblivious and ignorant my parents are on this subject. The economy tanked and the bottom fell out in 2008, we felt it big time where I was working at (University). Students dropped out and stopped enrolling and it was scarce. I was pretty high up on the foot chain by then, so it wasn't too bad for me, but it was hard on most everyone and there was significant downsizing, we had people trying to come back to work that had just left and subsequently gotten fired from their new job due to all the fallout. Keep in mind, they were so proud to be "moving on" right before this happened. After that point, the economy got steadily better and things turned around, but it took a little while obviously. The bat-shit-crazy part is my parents will not acknowledge this. They pretend that it went from 2008 instantly to 2016 as soon as Trump took office. There are all sorts of economic indicators you can pull up and use to show this over those years, but they refuse to believe it.
The real estate market started to rebound about 2013-14 then took off again from there until 2018. It's cooled off a little, but still moving along steadily. I agree, real estate at least here in the SF Bay Area been moving before 2016, nothing to do with Trump, everything to do with the Silicon Valley thriving. If the tech industry were to ever leave, the Bay Area would crumble.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
It was a great time to buy!!!
Being in the industry, it was heart wrenching watching people lose their homes. There was a housing market boom and with those loans, anyone could qualify and easily make the mortgage for the first 3 years. Then after the 3 years was up, they would almost double to triple in payments. Then again, I saw many people refinancing multiple times taking a boatload of equity out, to then lose their home because their payments also skyrocketed. I'm seeing a lot of homes for sale now, where the people bought in 2010-2014 at the bottom are selling their homes for a $300K-$500K profit. Its nuts, then again its the SF Bay Area.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Being in the industry, it was heart wrenching watching people lose their homes. There was a housing market boom and with those loans, anyone could qualify and easily make the mortgage for the first 3 years. Then after the 3 years was up, they would almost double to triple in payments. Then again, I saw many people refinancing multiple times taking a boatload of equity out, to then lose their home because their payments also skyrocketed. I'm seeing a lot of homes for sale now, where the people bought in 2010-2014 at the bottom are selling their homes for a $300K-$500K profit. Its nuts, then again its the SF Bay Area.
Were you selling houses at the time and profiting off their misery ? Just curious.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Were you selling houses at the time and profiting off their misery ? Just curious.
Nope, doing home inspections and/or construction during that time. If I was in fact selling homes at the time, is it considered profiting off their misery, or making a living keeping a roof over my head, if that's a source of income to pay the bills? Most of the homes were already bank owned so the owner was already gone, but the short sales were sometimes sad. I didn't have much sympathy for the ones who kept refinancing to buy nice toys, cars, ski boats etc. because that was more or less self induced.

During that time, did you work for a profit or for free? My dad was in the jewelry business for over 51 years and my grandfather 25 years before that, there is a shitload of margin/profit in that business. Curious, did you just charge for your cost in materials and your labor is free? I'm willing to bet you try and make a profit, right? That business has a lot of wiggle room for profit. Gotta live, pay the bills and occasionally buy a new bike/toy now and again if you have something left over.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Wasn't that at all, the left media doesn't let their viewers/readers hear the other side, so it was her way since it was airing on all the news stations of getting that info out there to all the public. Schiff has been keeping this one sided, that's why he kept cutting her off. He didn't want to have to answer that question, God forbid the left hears why he's only wants to keep it one sided.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Nope, doing home inspections and/or construction during that time. If I was in fact selling homes at the time, is it considered profiting off their misery, or making a living keeping a roof over my head, if that's a source of income to pay the bills? Most of the homes were already bank owned so the owner was already gone, but the short sales were sometimes sad. I didn't have much sympathy for the ones who kept refinancing to buy nice toys, cars, ski boats etc. because that was more or less self induced.

During that time, did you work for a profit or for free? My dad was in the jewelry business for over 51 years and my grandfather 25 years before that, there is a shitload of margin/profit in that business. Curious, did you just charge for your cost in materials and your labor is free? I'm willing to bet you try and make a profit, right? That business has a lot of wiggle room for profit. Gotta live, pay the bills and occasionally buy a new bike/toy now and again if you have something left over.
Oh I absolutely profit off other's misery. Totally own that shit. I am happy to take your money for some wedding bands and thus ruining one's bachelor status. I have no delusions that my work is a necessity and not a luxury item. But one thing I could never do is take someone's last dollar.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
If you call the delusional blatherings of Nunes and his ilk "the other side", you are not clear eyed in your interpretation of what is really going on.
How many times is the left going to change their narrative. Collusion? Obstruction? Quid Pro Quo? Now what it's the latest one, it slips my mind? Yep, keep moving the goalposts. Democratic house member Mike Quigley from Illinois said hearsay can be much better evidence than direct. Give me a break, not one witness at the hearings has direct knowledge of what actually happened. They're trying to impeach a president on based on only hearsay. Again, its quite obvious what the left's narrative is. Drag this out, they have the media TV & internet against Trump, they're going to keep this up and hope it will sway the 2020 election in their favor. Want him out? Beat him in 2020, it's that easy.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Give me a break, not one witness at the hearings has direct knowledge of what actually happened. They're trying to impeach a president on based on only hearsay.
Then why is Trump stonewalling Bolton and Mulvaney's testimony?
"Most transparent President in History" my ass!
If you can't see through Trump's bullshit, I can't imagine the other crap people pull over on you.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
How many times is the left going to change their narrative. Collusion? Obstruction? Quid Pro Quo? Now what it's the latest one, it slips my mind? Yep, keep moving the goalposts.
Lets take all of the above for 600, Alex.

Can we throw in witness tampering and campaign finance violations also?

Also whats the proper term for Putin's puppet? Thats like treason isn't it?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Oh I absolutely profit off other's misery. Totally own that shit. I am happy to take your money for some wedding bands and thus ruining one's bachelor status. I have no delusions that my work is a necessity and not a luxury item. But one thing I could never do is take someone's last dollar.
It's not taking anyones last dollar, homes were already forfeited, banks were paying the commission. It wasn't coming from of the person losing their home. Most stopped making payments for a year or two while staying in the home until the bank eventually evicted them. Therefore they were able to squirrel away money for a place to rent. They still had their jobs, had income coming in. I don't think you understand how this all works. I'll give you an example. Their mortgage with taxes & insurance lets say was $1500, after 3 years it jumped to $3200. Well they're still working, but now don't make enough to cover the mortgage therefore they stop making those payments. They stayed in their home, just paying the utility's etc, just not the mortgage. You're thinking they lost their job as well as their home, this was not the case.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
If you call the delusional blatherings of Nunes and his ilk "the other side", you are not clear eyed in your interpretation of what is really going on.
Imagine watching that testimony on Friday, and being dense enough to think to yourself, "Man, that Gym Jordan and Devin Nunes really gave that Curly Haired lady what for!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Ill value the opinion of an actor before the opinion of someone who wants to “nuke hurricanes” any day of the week.

But you have to admit, being an "actor" totally illegitimizes any relevant point said actor might be making without actually answering your question or paying attention the the actual issue at hand, like the president is a fucking criminal who steals money from veterans organizations and cancer kids.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
But you have to admit, being an "actor" totally illegitimizes any relevant point said actor might be making without actually answering your question or paying attention the the actual issue at hand, like the president is a fucking criminal who steals money from veterans organizations and cancer kids.
Sure helped me to understand that dipshit Ronald Regan a little better.