

Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
You do realize if Trump was pushing mail in voting, the left would be dead against it because of potential voter fraud.
You do realize that in 2016:
1. There wasn’t a pandemic that spread easily by physical proximity.
2. Trump had no power to influence the operations of the USPS.
3. Trump is already toying with the idea of delaying the election.
4. If mail-in votes showed Trump winning, he’d do no fraud investigation. If they showed him losing by a small margin he’d claim massive fraud could barely offset his massive popularity and still stay in office. If they showed him losing by a huge margin he’d say it’s all fraud and stay in office.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I'm old enough to remember when the fragile man baby called into question/claimed BIGLY voter fraud of the election *he won* because his opponent had the temerity to win the popular vote. Of COURSE he's going to claim even bigglier voter fraud this time around.

Also, nice to see that this weeks talking points are hot off the gay frog presses. :rofl:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
bigglier voter fraud this time around.
every time i see that fucktard start saying stupid shit....which is....forever...i wonder why a staffer just doesn't come up...donkey punch him in the head and say press conference over....

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
You do realize that in 2016:
1. There wasn’t a pandemic that spread easily by physical proximity.
2. Trump had no power to influence the operations of the USPS.
3. Trump is already toying with the idea of delaying the election.
4. If mail-in votes showed Trump winning, he’d do no fraud investigation. If they showed him losing by a small margin he’d claim massive fraud could barely offset his massive popularity and still stay in office. If they showed him losing by a huge margin he’d say it’s all fraud and stay in office.
I guess the point I'm trying to make, is there needs to be some way to prove your mail in ballet is legit and someone is not mailing in multiple ballots. Here in CA it doesn't matter, its a blue state so 55 electoral college votes are all ready going to Harris before the election even started same as NY. However its the swing states is where it need to be careful & as honest as possible.

Trump said he does not want to delay the election. With that being said, there are rumors about left not wanting Biden to debate Trump & keep him in his basement until the election. If that's the case, I'd say delay the election until the 3 agreed upon debates are completed. When Biden comes out for his basement talks he rarely takes questions, and if asked, they're easy ones to answer.

The left has been trying to oust Trump since the day he was elected. Started with the Russia probe, then collusion which all turned out with no actual proof. So in a sense Trump would have reason to question the results. If the left took it all in stride and said we'll regroup and beat him in 2020 it would be a different story. However the left has been running around Washington with their pitchforks and their deep hatred for him, one could question the results if he lost in a mail in way.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Stop dancing around the issue.
Again, why not drive through drop in ballot from Saturday-Tuesday? Show your DL/ID card and drop the ballot in the bucket. The main concern is voter fraud and mailing in ballots for people that no longer exist (it can work both ways, for or against), it's not dancing around the issue. It's a better solution than mail in and every ID is checked which keeps it honest. Whats wrong with that solution? Any 18+ year old legal American can take the time and register to vote. Our CA DMV asks you if you want to register while your renewing your DL or jut go online to register. Like I said before, if Trump was pushing mail in voting, you'd be against it saying it would be corrupt and Trump was trying to steal the election. No matter what, can't win.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
All Trump is asking for is a fair election. Limiting mail in voting (at least for now) assures a more legit winner on both sides. The country is so divided, one would think, they would want it a fair as possible for both sides, because we're all aware if Trump does in fact win, the Dems will say he cheated no matter what.
This is primarily where we differ (from your entire quoted post). He doesn't want fair; he wants to win. What he's working to do, and already exposed, is that the system is flawed and there is no secure, better way. Any result will be questionable, but he wants the burden of proof placed on the opposition.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Again, why not drive through drop in ballot from Saturday-Tuesday? Show your DL/ID card and drop the ballot in the bucket. The main concern is voter fraud and mailing in ballots for people that no longer exist (it can work both ways, for or against), it's not dancing around the issue. It's a better solution than mail in and every ID is checked which keeps it honest. Whats wrong with that solution? Any 18+ year old legal American can take the time and register to vote. Our CA DMV asks you if you want to register while your renewing your DL or jut go online to register. Like I said before, if Trump was pushing mail in voting, you'd be against it saying it would be corrupt and Trump was trying to steal the election. No matter what, can't win.
I just mailed in my ballot on Friday. It required one of 3 forms of identification and then I had to have my signature witnessed by someone (which I did at the brewery with the bar-tender).


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I just mailed in my ballot on Friday. It required one of 3 forms of identification and then I had to have my signature witnessed by someone (which I did at the brewery with the bar-tender).
does it go straight to Sarah Palin, or are they collected and delivered to her in bulk?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
You do realize if Trump was pushing mail in voting, the left would be dead against it because of potential voter fraud. The problem with mail in voting, there is a greater chance of people using ballots from deceased family members or family members that have moved to a different state for example. So what happens if people did that exact thing, and it comes out in Trumps favor? The left would be losing their minds.

There was Russian election interference in 2016, the left was convinced Trump was in cahoots with Russia. So what happens if mail in ballots are allowed in all states and then Trump wins. A year or so down the road, they find fraudulent ballots possibly from another country that if removed would have made Biden, I mean Harris president? If there is nationwide mail in voting, Trump wins the left will immediately say Trump cheated and demand looking closer at all the ballots to see if they're legit. What happens is someone in the mail system is going through ballots and disposing ones from a certain party? A lot can happen behind closed doors.

A ballot drop off box? Hell yes! However there should be a representative at each drop off box checking ID's before dropping it in the box. To make it more convenient, have the drop off box Sat, Sun, Mon and the rest can be dropped off on election day, that's 4 days to be able to drop off a ballot which should be great for all voters.

If they can develop a more fool-proof mail in system, I'd be for it, but you can't try to put something like that in place with less than 80 days until the election and assure everything it will go smoothly.

All Trump is asking for is a fair election. Limiting mail in voting (at least for now) assures a more legit winner on both sides. The country is so divided, one would think, they would want it a fair as possible for both sides, because we're all aware if Trump does in fact win, the Dems will say he cheated no matter what.
Mail in voting fraud to date is .0025%.
you do realize that, don’t you?


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Here in Yakima there are several mail sorting machines being dismantled, similarly to other machines being dismantled all over the country.

The USPS is literally taking itself apart. Seems like a strange thing to be focused on heading into an election.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
There are many many ways to make voting safe and fair but the Republicans are making no attempts to do that, because they don't want fair elections. They want electoral anarchy with the hopes that a conservative majority in the Supreme Court will maintain Trump's power.

The miserable cunt screams it's not fair more than a petulant 7 year old.

For Brian


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Mail in voting fraud to date is .0025%.
you do realize that, don’t you?
Maybe so, but a country has never been this divided and the hatred so fierce. This is not your typical election. This will overwhelm the USPS with such short notice when they are unprepared to handle the amount of mail. They struggle with what they have now. What can possibly go wrong?


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
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