

The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
did they slip and refer to him as mein fuhrer?
You know you want one. RM secret Santa? Scroll to the bottom, it's an epic read.


Colonel Angus

Feb 15, 2005
land of the green chiles
You know you want one. RM secret Santa? Scroll to the bottom, it's an epic read.

That is so unbelievable fucked up


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
What was said?
It said hes instructed his team and Mnuchan to cease all negotiations on another stimulus until after the election when he will surely win, then he'll give the American people bigly relief.

Yesterday brought a healthy bounce, and analysts started they're optimistic about the markets under democratic leadership and less uncertainty.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It said hes instructed his team and Mnuchan to cease all negotiations on another stimulus until after the election when he will surely win, then he'll give the American people bigly relief.

Yesterday brought a healthy bounce, and analysts started they're optimistic about the markets under democratic leadership and less uncertainty.
So he has basically put a gun to the economies head and is holding it hostage. And by economy I mean the actual economy and not the stock market.


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Conspiracy 2020 - 20xx For the abridged-version, scroll down to Paragraph no. 8

Trump is Schizophrenic. High functioning, but Schizophrenic, if not that - it's he's Paranoid Schizophrenic. My cousin married a Military Psychologist, I learned a long time ago the common characteristic of psychosis is a dissatisfaction with one's immediate surroundings. Such a 'mood' can be overcome; the mood in fact is quite normal. It will be noted as self-induced mental illness once the distinct view goes and delineates interaction with others and relationships. Trump literally has no relationships with others, everyone is either on Payroll, in a form of Membership, or an in-law. Cannot think of one individual in the past 4 years or what's been dredged-up since where anyone claims a mutual, common, friendship of Donald Trump. Apparently, this was a phase if anything at all w/ Trump at an earlier stage in life and now likely finds himself taking satisfaction in the false belief the American public (at the least) just pines away for his friendship.

Trump's behavior in-office, easily and firmly, it is that of a manic-depressive. Causes of this is near-entirety in composition from Trump's finding himself in a Catch-22 scenario, actually being voted into Office. Trump realized as 2016 poll results came in he'd never be able to balance past time in the private sector while being rocketed into the public sector.

Synopsis going into the past week, his Administration and largely the RNC probably goes a bit like so --

Massive appetite for Drugs - likely Cocaine and whatever related 'downers' exist. The first Administration's on the receiving end of denied Security Clearances for his Family is because - they're all on Drugs. Melania being in a spousal living arrangement was able to claim emotional-support as part of an on-going, on-call, specialized-care scenario. Tweedle-Dee, Tweedle Dumb and the rest of the pod-people children Trump has as heirs just flat-out lied about it in initial applications, hence the prolonged process and drama surrounding the revelation that no one in Trump's immediate Family was granted more than basic Govt. Classified Security Clearance.

FFW to some recent, ominous trips to care facilities - Trump was forced into a Psych-Evaluation. His protection-detail is nothing dissimilar from Police in that each posses formal understanding of Human Psychology and, are always observing.
Trump's guffaws and fumbling of words, especially at West Point in June were opportunistic moments in an attempt to divert potential interventions from his Detail, if not Medial Staff @ White House. In reality Trump just appears like a problem child, desperate to be seen as witty and clever; How Trump prepared for Debate 2020, his Debate performance and, post-Debate engagement from his Administration dissolved tolerance.

Having learned Trump has had market-accounts with those now being given monumental Govt. Funding to develop a COVID19 Cure or Cures, it's not all too difficult to imagine there's a class of medicine already developed but not stable - in that it works until it doesn't so then there's this new pill, and another, and... Or, that 'perfect' COVID HOAX is just that, has been under control the whole time, is population control except by the hands of some really, really good looking people, and Trump's private sector allies from around the globe had the Red Herring antidote developed twinly w/ the cursed-virus. Pocket full of Sunshine.

Either way, Trump and his Administration have been awfully confident from Day no. 1 that Coronavirus is not a big deal. So in a blaze of glory, Trump had enter the lexicon of the news cycle a working-knowledge of controlled substances being involved in another (Biden) as clutch to mounting challenge in Debate. Where instead, Trump instead took a Antonio "Tony" Montana amount of Turquoise leading up to debate on stage before the American People (and the World) and proceeded to act like he took a Antonio "Tony" Montana amount of Turquoise leading up to debate on stage before the American People (and the World).

Who knows how long Trump could have had Symptoms of COVID and if documented symptoms were at all even beyond being a-symptomatic. Having to absorb his heir Don. Jr. gak'd out on the television not too long ago lends itself (with change) to the fact someone in his Family and therefore his Administration has a drug connection. Hypotheticals being potential explainable as 'this world we live in' and 'the pressures we deal with', this morphed into a large-scale, modern day Project MKUltra. That's being awfully generous however - in reality it's just more Screen Time for the Man. Maybe he'll be taking up competitive Hopscotch.

I highly doubt the infection qualities as-a-whole of this 'Super Spreader Event' are the slightest comparable to that which has stricken and overcome 210k+ here in the US and 1M+ for everywhere else. CDC has had no access to any testing of those attending the Rose Garden announcing of the Administration's SCOTUS pick. Instead, little fish became big fish. Trump hid behind (another) veil of deception and cowardly entered into some form of Psychiatric Care over the weekend; what urgency was found to have Trump's head examined was usurped by a scripted National Security event. Trump's 'West Wing, now gone West' occupiers rapidly stepped up their health initiatives in order to be able to project futures for the Stock Market, ride the Stock Market into the Election.

Trump's never experienced the 'Gossamer' of Washington DC. If Trump wins the 2020 Election, or if he soundly loses the 2020 Election, either way there's a Web of Deceit over his Head.