


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
grown man shit....@JohnE

merry fucking tuesday....

i need to see a hockey game...
Last edited:


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Just ordered a new pair of bike shoes.
First time doing this online without trying them on first. :fie:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Scored a perfect score on the pistol class test yesterday. The hardest part of that was taking seven pages of notes. In this digital age, I've lost the ability to write quickly and legibly. That was work! Now Wednesday is the actual shooting portion of the class.

Anyway, I swam 3300 yards this morning. Dentist now.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I managed to get the the gym last night after dinner and consuming too much birthday cake. Made me feel good. Yesterday was biking today I will head up for some Hans and Franz sessions.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Scored a perfect score on the pistol class test yesterday. The hardest part of that was taking seven pages of notes. In this digital age, I've lost the ability to write quickly and legibly. That was work! Now Wednesday is the actual shooting portion of the class.

Anyway, I swam 3300 yards this morning. Dentist now.
are you getting a gun? Did I miss something?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
been off the bike for far too long as I battle cold after cold. I am finally moving past it though my congestion is hanging around. I do not feel like death which is fine, but cannot breathe through my nose quite yet either. This is considerably frustrating as I've lost like two weeks of fitness....

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Day 3.5 solo with kids, no deaths reported.

25 mi on the trainer last night, stumbled upon a huge YouTube playlist with the entire soundtrack from the first 9 New World Disorder bike videos. Admittedly only recognize up until 5 or 6, but damn did it bring back great memories. I should see if a Kranked version exists.....

Good break from my favorite 2 Ricks.....Shiels and Beato.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'd suggest a carbon fiber Glock if he wants to pack heat while triathloning.
Training for biathlon!

I am taking the class because my father in law has a collection and suggested wife and I get certified because we stand to inherit said collection. In the State of Connecticut, we can not take possession unless we are licensed.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Training for biathlon!

I am taking the class because my father in law has a collection and suggested wife and I get certified because we stand to inherit said collection. In the State of Connecticut, we can not take possession unless we are licensed.
It's funny, I've heard this more often than I would think. Where I live, gun ownership is challenging (I like it that way). You have to be committed, certified, licensed, etc. I have a dad-friend who inherited a gun and had to jump through some hoops to take care of it (whether it was sell it off or keep it, I forget). My MIL also has some funny gun inheritance stories.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Day 3.5 solo with kids, no deaths reported.

25 mi on the trainer last night, stumbled upon a huge YouTube playlist with the entire soundtrack from the first 9 New World Disorder bike videos. Admittedly only recognize up until 5 or 6, but damn did it bring back great memories. I should see if a Kranked version exists.....

Good break from my favorite 2 Ricks.....Shiels and Beato.
poke around and you can find the movies themselves..... good way to pass time on the trainer. redbull tv has some good mtb flicks as well.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
It's funny, I've heard this more often than I would think. Where I live, gun ownership is challenging (I like it that way). You have to be committed, certified, licensed, etc. I have a dad-friend who inherited a gun and had to jump through some hoops to take care of it (whether it was sell it off or keep it, I forget). My MIL also has some funny gun inheritance stories.
It should be a long and difficult process. We have to pass three tests (the first was a classroom test yesterday, then Wednesday is a test on following instructions, then a test on actually shooting). Assuming we pass all three tests, we then have to apply for the permit, and then wait anywhere from four weeks to eight months for the application to be reviewed and processed while they run our background checks. I am fine with all of that. Once your application is approved, you are good to go for purchasing, owning, and concealed carry.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It should be a long and difficult process. We have to pass three tests (the first was a classroom test yesterday, then Wednesday is a test on following instructions, then a test on actually shooting). Assuming we pass all three tests, we then have to apply for the permit, and then wait anywhere from four weeks to eight months for the application to be reviewed and processed while they run our background checks. I am fine with all of that. Once your application is approved, you are good to go for purchasing, owning, and concealed carry.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
poke around and you can find the movies themselves..... good way to pass time on the trainer. redbull tv has some good mtb flicks as well.
Yea I did see most of them up there, which as nice as my NWD 1-4 and Kranked 1-4 are on VHS :p

I've found listening to music more enjoyable on the trainer than watching stuff, oddly enough. I'm sure that will change at some point. Whole lot of air guitar and air drums for added cardio.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
only reason I bought online, 60% off.
my dh shoes getting close to a decade old, and were never the most comfy, but i never had any real issues. they are 5.10 ravens. they were white leather, which is probably why they were discounted to $20 when i got them. an $8 bottle of black leather dye made them much more stylish