
>>>> Tueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesday GTM >>>>>

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hello monkeys. Work? No. What?

Thanks to @jonKranked who cared enough to take my SID concerns seriously. :monkey:

32mm air cap and 5 tokens ordered on Friday, delivered today. Once installed I expect to be the best curb hucking baller in the whole goddamned state.

ALSO: @SkaredShtles - that's racist and informative. :thumb:... :think: :confused:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
We’re back down to level two here in Wellington, which means do what you want but with masks and social distancing, and 50 people max in a gathering. Kids go back to school on Thursday. Wastewater testing (which is amazing) shows no cases here or most of the country for the last few days. Auckland still getting 20 cases a day, down from a peak of 90 and they are still at L4 but at this point new cases are nearly all co-quarantined. Fingers crossed.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
everyone re-integrated their own beds last night. I had been in my youngest boy's bed so I could sleep undisturbed. my wife and I have just swapped sides in our bed (I can't get out of bed on my own side - it's the side with the broken ribs and shoulder blade).

no one slept well. we woke up at 2 am and all had a hard time going back to sleep. I even took a morphine which didn't seem to help much. lucky for me I don't have to work and I can nap whenever I want. Though I'm in paperwork hell trying to get the intake people in Ontario to recognize the referral to spinal specialists written out by a Quebec surgeon. Now I have to request my files from the hospital archives, and have them sent to my family Dr. who will then submit a referral to the spine unit here... seems ridiculously byzantine.
Bummer about the beds, but that'll work itself out!

When I separated my shoulder a few years ago, I ran into the same kind of shenanigans. And that was just trying to get documents and x-rays from a city a few hundred kilometers away.....in the same province. Ended up saying screw it and just told the local doc to redo everything, as waiting days/week/+ for copies and stuff was ridiculous.

There's no reason stuff like that shouldn't be seemless to patients.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Also: incoming nasty weather with 60mph winds and predicted hail with the accompanying thunderstorms.

I hope we get rocked by them. Up north on Sunday night, there was a lightning strike very close to the cottage. One of those ones where it looks like someone is welding down the road and it feels like the walls are reverberating.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
well, that was ..... odd. my wife called down to the basement office that there was an emergency. said my son crapped in his bed.


venture up to investigate. there is, in fact, sloppy poopies on his bed. he is in the bathroom, finishing pooping, and preparing to take a shower. he yells "DONT COME IN". i promptly ignore his request, enter, and inquire. first odd thing i notice is a single, firm log in the commode. he yelled at me "I SAID DON'T COME IN". arguing commences. i notice an odd lack of poo stains on both his underwear and his shorts. i return to his bedroom to further investigate, i had closed the door previously to keep the cats out. only to discover one of them had been closed in. the plot thickens. return to bathroom, tell my son i need the truth. lay out the facts and tell him something doesn't add up, because if that was in fact his poop, he was either naked and deliberately crapped on the bed, or he defied the laws of physics by crapping through his shorts without getting stains on them. at this point i was certain it was the cat. i finally coax the truth out of him, that yes, it was the cat. he was taking the fall for the cat because he was worried we would get rid of him because he pooped on the bed. i laughed and calmly explained that the cat would be staying. he felt better, and i used it as an opportunity to explain why telling the truth, however gross, is important.

kid is clean. cat is clean. sheets are in the laundry.

i should note here: the cat in question is one of the new ones, and butt issues are a side effect of the medication he is on.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Bummer about the beds, but that'll work itself out!

When I separated my shoulder a few years ago, I ran into the same kind of shenanigans. And that was just trying to get documents and x-rays from a city a few hundred kilometers away.....in the same province. Ended up saying screw it and just told the local doc to redo everything, as waiting days/week/+ for copies and stuff was ridiculous.

There's no reason stuff like that shouldn't be seemless to patients.
hmmmm... sounds like a good idea. I guess the only problem is the surgery intake people want the MRI report... not sure I'll be getting an MRI any time soon... without an emergency anyways...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
well, that was ..... odd. my wife called down to the basement office that there was an emergency. said my son crapped in his bed.


venture up to investigate. there is, in fact, sloppy poopies on his bed. he is in the bathroom, finishing pooping, and preparing to take a shower. he yells "DONT COME IN". i promptly ignore his request, enter, and inquire. first odd thing i notice is a single, firm log in the commode. he yelled at me "I SAID DON'T COME IN". arguing commences. i notice an odd lack of poo stains on both his underwear and his shorts. i return to his bedroom to further investigate, i had closed the door previously to keep the cats out. only to discover one of them had been closed in. the plot thickens. return to bathroom, tell my son i need the truth. lay out the facts and tell him something doesn't add up, because if that was in fact his poop, he was either naked and deliberately crapped on the bed, or he defied the laws of physics by crapping through his shorts without getting stains on them. at this point i was certain it was the cat. i finally coax the truth out of him, that yes, it was the cat. he was taking the fall for the cat because he was worried we would get rid of him because he pooped on the bed. i laughed and calmly explained that the cat would be staying. he felt better, and i used it as an opportunity to explain why telling the truth, however gross, is important.

kid is clean. cat is clean. sheets are in the laundry.

i should note here: the cat in question is one of the new ones, and butt issues are a side effect of the medication he is on.
Solid bro move.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
well, that was ..... odd. my wife called down to the basement office that there was an emergency. said my son crapped in his bed.


venture up to investigate. there is, in fact, sloppy poopies on his bed. he is in the bathroom, finishing pooping, and preparing to take a shower. he yells "DONT COME IN". i promptly ignore his request, enter, and inquire. first odd thing i notice is a single, firm log in the commode. he yelled at me "I SAID DON'T COME IN". arguing commences. i notice an odd lack of poo stains on both his underwear and his shorts. i return to his bedroom to further investigate, i had closed the door previously to keep the cats out. only to discover one of them had been closed in. the plot thickens. return to bathroom, tell my son i need the truth. lay out the facts and tell him something doesn't add up, because if that was in fact his poop, he was either naked and deliberately crapped on the bed, or he defied the laws of physics by crapping through his shorts without getting stains on them. at this point i was certain it was the cat. i finally coax the truth out of him, that yes, it was the cat. he was taking the fall for the cat because he was worried we would get rid of him because he pooped on the bed. i laughed and calmly explained that the cat would be staying. he felt better, and i used it as an opportunity to explain why telling the truth, however gross, is important.

kid is clean. cat is clean. sheets are in the laundry.

i should note here: the cat in question is one of the new ones, and butt issues are a side effect of the medication he is on.
tell him you're keeping the cat and getting rid of him due to dishonesty


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
well, that was ..... odd. my wife called down to the basement office that there was an emergency. said my son crapped in his bed.


venture up to investigate. there is, in fact, sloppy poopies on his bed. he is in the bathroom, finishing pooping, and preparing to take a shower. he yells "DONT COME IN". i promptly ignore his request, enter, and inquire. first odd thing i notice is a single, firm log in the commode. he yelled at me "I SAID DON'T COME IN". arguing commences. i notice an odd lack of poo stains on both his underwear and his shorts. i return to his bedroom to further investigate, i had closed the door previously to keep the cats out. only to discover one of them had been closed in. the plot thickens. return to bathroom, tell my son i need the truth. lay out the facts and tell him something doesn't add up, because if that was in fact his poop, he was either naked and deliberately crapped on the bed, or he defied the laws of physics by crapping through his shorts without getting stains on them. at this point i was certain it was the cat. i finally coax the truth out of him, that yes, it was the cat. he was taking the fall for the cat because he was worried we would get rid of him because he pooped on the bed. i laughed and calmly explained that the cat would be staying. he felt better, and i used it as an opportunity to explain why telling the truth, however gross, is important.

kid is clean. cat is clean. sheets are in the laundry.

i should note here: the cat in question is one of the new ones, and butt issues are a side effect of the medication he is on.
Detective Dookie on the case.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
New trails discovered locally (<10min away). Some technical rock sections with scaling levels of difficulty, so Haley has a lot to work with. Relatively open, so no concerns about coming up on someone fast and blind, and relatively short loops, so doing a 45min ride is actually feasible. FTW!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Wastewater testing (which is amazing) shows no cases here or most of the country for the last few days.
In contrast to many other things, detection of SARS-CoV-2 in WW is not a good proxy for the number of patients in an area. The local hospital here has analyzed the feces of their Covid patients and while many shed the virus, some patients (also severly ill ones) had no detectable genetic material from the virus. Virus shedding was also not correlated to the severity of the case.
The local WWTP is monitoring the incoming water for the virus anyway and had, even during the heights of the pandemic here, no detectable levels.
After hearing this I got sceptical about all those projects trying to analyze SARS-CoV-2 in WW.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
I think maybe we’re doing it differently; recently there were three cases in Wellington and that was detected. Here’s a thing about it:

Sounds like the same procedure they use here. However, the fact that not all patients shed virus should be the same for Danish people and New Zelanders me thinks.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Sounds like the same procedure they use here. However, the fact that not all patients shed virus should be the same for Danish people and New Zelanders me thinks.
Water goes down the toilet in the opposite direction down there though.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Water goes down the toilet in the opposite direction down there though.
This is, unfortunately, not really true. In a perfect hydrodynamic case it would be true but IRL the geometry of any real world system outweighs the coreolis effect.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
I’m not sure this is true. My understanding is everyone sheds to some degree, albeit at different levels at different times of their infection.
I have seen the data. Colleagues from the medical faculty presented the preliminary data in a lecture series that I organize, we discussed afterwards about it. They were as surprised as I was, but did all the controls. As far as I remember, about 10% of the covid ICU patients (n around 80) never had a positive qPCR result from their feces, also after repeated testing. I cannot find the data published, but next time I see them I will ask what happened.