
#%*!Tuesday Damnit !*%#


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Haley's fucking toast. She decided to stay after school for a class kickball game, but didn't tell us. She was sending me msgs via chat, but I was on a call, so didn't get them. Wifey "went for a walk" with Layla heading towards the school.

I mean, she did tell you...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I worked up to two years of grounding as a kid that way. not that I gave a shit about getting grounded mind you.
Begging for forgiveness is different when you've already asked but not gotten confirmation.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Alright guys. I need help referencing/finding a quote source. It's popular culture, I believe a movie. I thought Blues Brothers, but was incorrect. It's along the lines of "it's night, the headlights are off, and we're going faster than the speed limit (speeding?)".

I'm trying to refer to it in a presentation I'm giving tomorrow (fur fun), but I can't remember to movie or actual quote.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Alright guys. I need help referencing/finding a quote source. It's popular culture, I believe a movie. I thought Blues Brothers, but was incorrect. It's along the lines of "it's night, the headlights are off, and we're going faster than the speed limit (speeding?)".

I'm trying to refer to it in a presentation I'm giving tomorrow (fur fun), but I can't remember to movie or actual quote.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
We are leaving tomorrow for a 6 day vacation. Ruth walked into the master bedroom this afternoon and there was water flowing out of the master bath. The toilet tank had failed, cracked in half, water was spraying everywhere. I hit the water shut off and grabbed my shop vac. Sucked up at least 5 gallons of water. thankfully the bathroom floor is Linoleum and the master suite is waterproof Pergo. If this had happened tomorrow and we were gone for 6 days I can only imagine the damage and the cost. We did get a plumber to come out and install a new toilet. He said our subfloor suffered no damage.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
So I was kinda right. I knew it was Blues Brothers!

Edit: "Alright everybody. We've got 45min, I'm 4 cups of coffee in, and we've got a lot of material to cover. Let's hit it."

When teaching classes to people who are in their late-50's to mid-60's, the reference shouldn't be lost on them.
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eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
well the folks that came and test rode Ruth's Grand Prix Horse today just called and agreed to purchase the horse for the asking price of $275,000 USD. That's a testament to Ruth's skill as a rider and horse trainer. Very few horses ridden and trained by amateurs ever sell for more than $80k and only a handful at this price.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
pay down the mortgage on the house. Should leave us owing less than 100k with 16 years to go on a 20 year fixed at 2.0% interest
NO! 2% fixed is free money. You can make money buying 1yr t-bills. That's how high rates are. Even a moderate risk portfolio should spit out return at 4-6% annually. Take the spread.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Enroll your kid in Martial Arts so he can at least stand up for himself mentally if not physically. Knowing that you can defend yourself against a bully and that they can't really hurt you usually precludes having to physically defend yourself from them.
Yeah but I was bullied and beat up as a kid. It stopped when I took Martial Arts and learned how to respect and stand up for myself. All it ended up taking was standing up to one of them and all the rest stopped. 99% of ending it was mental on my part.
Lots of :thumbsdown:
I'll third the martial arts suggestion. My daughter is a a pretty quiet, artsy, school orchestra, book nerd type. We got her into a Brazilian Jujitsu/MMA school here in town about a year ago, the difference it's made in her self confidence is honestly kind of amazing. She's approaching it these days with the same full commitment that she applies to her violin. The dichotomy of those two interests is also pretty amazing.
I'm going to say the solution will depend on the reason for the bullying. My youngest has a learning disability and is about 1.5 years behind on reading and math. Despite best efforts by the school staff (who are useless, fwiw, but options to move him are limited - and that's a matter for a separate post). He realizes full well that he's not doing the same work the other kids are and gets pulled from class for 1 on 1 teaching. So do the other kids. Last year, the kids in his class were pretty cruel. This year he's with a different group of kids that are nicer and closer to him, so that helps. But his sense of self-worth is pretty low. He's not great at sports either, so I don't know that sending him to a martial arts class would help...

anyways, all this to say, it's not always as simple as "put him x,y, or z activity". and who knows, he might not even care?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I'm going to say the solution will depend on the reason for the bullying. My youngest has a learning disability and is about 1.5 years behind on reading and math. Despite best efforts by the school staff (who are useless, fwiw, but options to move him are limited - and that's a matter for a separate post). He realizes full well that he's not doing the same work the other kids are and gets pulled from class for 1 on 1 teaching. So do the other kids. Last year, the kids in his class were pretty cruel. This year he's with a different group of kids that are nicer and closer to him, so that helps. But his sense of self-worth is pretty low. He's not great at sports either, so I don't know that sending him to a martial arts class would help...

anyways, all this to say, it's not always as simple as "put him x,y, or z activity". and who knows, he might not even care?
Totally fair point.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
now instead of investment properties maybe i should get into investment horses
you need to marry Eric and have him as free labor to schlep around the horse and its accoutrement to the horsie dancing shows to make the math work

: prepareyourangus.gif:


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I'm going to say the solution will depend on the reason for the bullying. My youngest has a learning disability and is about 1.5 years behind on reading and math. Despite best efforts by the school staff (who are useless, fwiw, but options to move him are limited - and that's a matter for a separate post). He realizes full well that he's not doing the same work the other kids are and gets pulled from class for 1 on 1 teaching. So do the other kids. Last year, the kids in his class were pretty cruel. This year he's with a different group of kids that are nicer and closer to him, so that helps. But his sense of self-worth is pretty low. He's not great at sports either, so I don't know that sending him to a martial arts class would help...

anyways, all this to say, it's not always as simple as "put him x,y, or z activity". and who knows, he might not even care?
You kid sounds a lot like me as a highschooler, so unfortunately he may turn into a weirdo who talks to a bunch of dudes about horses and raising kids on a mountain bike forum all day when he grows up. The good news is that I got better at math eventually and now pretty much do math for a living, and contrary to what all my teachers told me I neither have to memorize formulas nor are calculators banned.

I wish my parents had put me in Marshall Arts of some sort, obviously good coaching is key but knowing something, anything, about how to defend myself as a kid would have been nice, and I've always gravitated toward individual sports as they allow you to set your own goals. I did 1 karate class as a kid, loved it, and so naturally my parents forced me to do more baseball which I hated with a passion because karate was "too violent" and activity is activity, so baseball is the same thing, right? Being a shit athlete in a team sport (a sport I hated too) did not exactly do wonders for my self esteem.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
You kid sounds a lot like me as a highschooler, so unfortunately he may turn into a weirdo who talks to a bunch of dudes about horses and raising kids on a mountain bike forum all day when he grows up. The good news is that I got better at math eventually and now pretty much do math for a living, and contrary to what all my teachers told me I neither have to memorize formulas nor are calculators banned.

I wish my parents had put me in Marshall Arts of some sort, obviously good coaching is key but knowing something, anything, about how to defend myself as a kid would have been nice, and I've always gravitated toward individual sports as they allow you to set your own goals. I did 1 karate class as a kid, loved it, and so naturally my parents forced me to do more baseball which I hated with a passion because karate was "too violent" and activity is activity, so baseball is the same thing, right? Being a shit athlete in a team sport (a sport I hated too) did not exactly do wonders for my self esteem.
I hesitated between "winner" and "useful" for your post. I really need to hear these sorts of stories because it's very easy to fall into a pit of despair and hopelessness for him. He's an amazing kid, so kind and forthcoming, but he struggles a lot because of his sense of self worth. I think he has a very high "EQ", and adults always say how kind and pleasant he is to be around. I suppose those things will serve him well as he grows up, but it sucks to see him suffer so much now. It also sucks that the educational team at his school (from the principal on down) is freakin' clueless and useless. But I'm starting to know how the system works, what to look for and what to push for.

He's already in xc skiing and swimming at the moment, but I suppose an extra activity wouldn't hurt him... There's so many BJJ, MMA, kickboxing and karate places around us that it wouldn't be hard to do. We've been told that scheduling a lot of activities for ADHD kids can actually be a good thing...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I hesitated between "winner" and "useful" for your post. I really need to hear these sorts of stories because it's very easy to fall into a pit of despair and hopelessness for him. He's an amazing kid, so kind and forthcoming, but he struggles a lot because of his sense of self worth. I think he has a very high "EQ", and adults always say how kind and pleasant he is to be around. I suppose those things will serve him well as he grows up, but it sucks to see him suffer so much now. It also sucks that the educational team at his school (from the principal on down) is freakin' clueless and useless. But I'm starting to know how the system works, what to look for and what to push for.

He's already in xc skiing and swimming at the moment, but I suppose an extra activity wouldn't hurt him... There's so many BJJ, MMA, kickboxing and karate places around us that it wouldn't be hard to do. We've been told that scheduling a lot of activities for ADHD kids can actually be a good thing...
we should chat offline and compare some notes, my son is HF/ASD and ADHD. very sweet, very bright, but struggles in other areas, especially social skills


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
we should chat offline and compare some notes, my son is HF/ASD and ADHD. very sweet, very bright, but struggles in other areas, especially social skills
our 17yo is the same...has been doing tae kwon do since he was ten. it's really his main physical activity. for him it's a safe place, a place where he feels comfortable, and has a sense of belonging, and is something i think he's proud of. in fact he now helps teach, which is also awesome. he has been on asperger's-type spectrum forever, and has always been super socially awkward/anxious.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Made a giant leap forward on the Velosolutions pumptrack project. We cleared the SEPA and Critical Areas applications. Literally, all we need is the money and we can schedule construction.

We had someone ask us yesterday if they could have naming rights if they cut the check. Wtf can it be this easy??

Wtf how is it Wednesday already?
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
you need to marry Eric and have him as free labor to schlep around the horse and its accoutrement to the horsie dancing shows to make the math work

: prepareyourangus.gif:

Don't credit Eric. Credit his wife for her expertise in training dumb servile beasts.