
tuesday gfmt


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Some days I can’t even automatic.

I’ve made some half assed attempts to learn to manual but never did quite get the hang of it. I can faux manual on trail, like through a puddle or depression and for a very short distance. But never on flat ground. So when I’m riding a long, effortless manual then I know I am still asleep and dreaming.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
indeed, roads are shit. Also, new car sucks in the snow. I may have to buy more srsly tires for it- it really doesn't want to stop/turn/accelerate on anything other than perfect roads.


free wieners
well, they're in the right place for a darwin award
much of the park is still closed from the flooding and peeps are still driving into washes, getting stranded in closed areas as well as idiots needing helicopter evacs in areas that are impassable. Had a pretty long convo with a cute ranger gal the other night and she had some pretty good stories just from the last week.


free wieners


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Life hack: hit the Costco at 10 on Tuesday. I pulled straight up to a pump for gas, got the 8 things I needed and self checkout was clear.


Wood fluffer
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
It was a Deere? How'd they kill it so quickly? I'm looking for a 96-02 Case 580 4x4 extendahoe with cab and under 5000 hrs.

Market is empty unless I want to buy a god-knows-what unit of Texas.

the ABC’s of construction are Anything But Case.

580’s are a pretty solid machine though. Although if you buy a 5 stick, I don’t think k we can be friends.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

I’ve made some half assed attempts to learn to manual but never did quite get the hang of it. I can faux manual on trail, like through a puddle or depression and for a very short distance. But never on flat ground. So when I’m riding a long, effortless manual then I know I am still asleep and dreaming.
I could ride a unicycle but I couldn’t get the right balance point to manual on a bike. I wonder if I should’ve built one of those fancy trainer rigs the kids have these days.


free wieners
It was a Deere? How'd they kill it so quickly? I'm looking for a 96-02 Case 580 4x4 extendahoe with cab and under 5000 hrs.

Market is empty unless I want to buy a god-knows-what unit of Texas.
second-hand convo with the local dealer says it came into the shop with a seized engine (no fluids) and a toasted transmission as well as a torched transfer case.

I am willing to bet they tried using my massive grader V plow on the backhoe loader bucket in high range while snow plowing the road.

I bought it with 400 hours

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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I skied. Copper. Snow was kind of shit, honestly, so the east coast visitors probably thought it was the best day ever

Got to get base fixed up after this weekend. Rox.

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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Uncharacteristically ate a shit tonne of beige and fried food yesterday. GI tract is paying for it today. Back on the salad today!


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
been hella busy at work. popular show=a bazillion tours and programs. hrmf. also slow going getting floors replaced and action on counter fixing/replacement. tired of calling/texting/harassing people.

in better news, got small tax return.

need some bike time. maybe next week? zero daylight in schedule until then.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
fucking winds from hell today. Gusts up to 75 mph at sea level, can't imagine what they got at the higher levels. trees into houses, across roads, power lines down. Glad out shit is underground and we are on the same power block as the fire station. We never lose power for more than a few minutes.

Front wheel bearing went out on the van. I put it in for that service 3 weeks ago and they said the bearings were fine. horse shit, when they pulled the wheels today fucking metal shavings everywhere, dipshits.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Shoulder is fucked, but I'm gonna ride the shit out of it until December.
something tells me that's not actually true

go fix that shit

You showed me a pic of GOBS AND GOBS of snow in your driveway with your little toy in the background, fix it now. Snowboarding doesn't require shoulders and you've obviously got 37 months of that left. Bikes take arms. Make your summer good.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Curiously, the main reason I haven’t really been riding much this year is due to (very reasonable) fear that I am going to throw my arm out, either in front of or behind me, and roach it badly enough that I can’t ride. I care way more about bikes these days. I can do basically anything with my elbow under my shoulders, or arms, really.
Just got back from two days of riding ultra rowdy tech, both uphill and down, no problems. I have been riding with it like this for a year. Going to ride in Colombia next week.
The summary says it all.
’sort of’ hoping we meet our deductable by December, then I might get the shoulder and right knee done at the same time.

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