
***Tuesday GMT***


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!!

I wish like hell I had more to report.....but yesterday was pretty bland. Colin fell asleep in the car on the way back from day care, so I put him to bed early, and was able to knock back a couple of chapters in the book I'm reading. Justine was not feeling it on a grocery store run, so I took the bullet and went intead.

The boss calls up yesterday afternoon in a complete huff demanding that I write up an employee who he saw taking a smoke break. A smoke break? Seriously? "Write him up" for that? I don't even know what "write someone up" means......I'm usually the one being "written up" now I have to be the douchebag that does the writing? What the hell is this, high school? He even had the nerve to get pissed at me because I somehow couldn't manage the molecular task of being everywhere at every moment to catch this guy in the heinous act of *gasp* industrial restitude. What a crock of well-marinated sh*t. :plthumbsdown:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
now I have to be the douchebag that does the writing?
It's a tough pill to swallow. ;)

Your night sounds as eventful as mine. Crapped out on dinner and ate a sandwich instead of cooking. Managed to get the dog out for a walk before I passed out at 8 o'clock and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4.30. I am thinking about a run, I need one. But it is really cold here again and it's pissing me off. Thought about commuting in to work but I have a couple of meetings all over the place and it's frickin cold. I am really ready for summer.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning! I spoke to MBC's uncle last night about getting new windows put into our house (he works for a distributor). Eight upstairs windows. The ones we have now suck and let in all kinds of cold air. He's going to charge us 10% over cost, plus installation. I'm psyched.

Other than that, not much going on.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
There is half a metre of fresh powder outside and blue skies. I cannot find the energy to go boarding.

Am I bad?

I want it to be summer too.....

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Yesterday was a cluster fvck at work. Assignments got all messed up, and as a result, the boss said there will be no more early releases on Fridays before a holiday. Oh well. I didn't get to go to Greenwich, but I went to Trumbull instead, at least it was out of the office.

Not much to do today, "high impact" workout tonight.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Gooten mornen, all. Waiting for little "E-1" to get up (his "street" name!). Otherwise, working late due to a "team building" today...fun.

Yesterday = hit the gym, played with E-1, then after he hit they hay, I snuck downstairs to to some work on the R9- new chainring on, cranks reinstalled, new housing and shift cable cut to size and zip tied down. Left to do = new brake pads, wait patiently for my wheelbuild, then pop on the tires/rotors/cassette/chain and tighten 'er down! Oh, and buy pedals...

PS: Greyhound, welcome to my world...sorry, dude.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Yo! Good morning :monkey:s.
Brief street ride on the DOC last night, dinner, and I was out like a light.
This week blows already. Is it too early to start thinking about this weekend?

Have a great day.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
PS: Greyhound, welcome to my world...sorry, dude.
E-1.....cool street name!!

Heh....I even called my wife and explained the situation to her to try and get her opinion on how to do this. She couldn't stop laughing at the thought of me struggling with how to word it in corporate-speak.

I feel like this guy --->

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
E-1.....cool street name!!

Heh....I even called my wife and explained the situation to her to try and get her opinion on how to do this. She couldn't stop laughing at the thought of me struggling with how to word it in corporate-speak.

I feel like this guy --->
That's funny, I always pictured you as more of an Emilio Estevez kind of guy (tho from Repo Man, not Breakfast Club! :lighten:)


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
back at work this morning after a nice break!

time to get back in a rhythm for the push to the end of the year!

In bike related news... I have been diggin DJ's with Manhattan and his bro's. They are lookin good but we need a little rain to help pack them in... the forecast says we are supposed to get it today but who knows. Manhattan took a bunch of pics and as soon as that lazy @$$ loads them up I will link them up! They are pretty big, but I am looking forward to the challenge of learning!

I picked up some parts from the chop the other day to try to get the 575 ready to ride! I was working on it last week and realized the brake pads were not worth cleaning up! the chain was fvcked up as well! :disgust1:

Tigg, you still need a chain? I didn't have a lot of chains to pick from at the shop... but I think I have a sram 951... you still need one?


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
In bike related news... I have been diggin DJ's with Manhattan and his bro's. They are lookin good but we need a little rain to help pack them in... the forecast says we are supposed to get it today but who knows. Manhattan took a bunch of pics and as soon as that lazy @$$ loads them up I will link them up! They are pretty big, but I am looking forward to the challenge of learning!
I always feel much more clear-headed after some shovel time. Takes your mind off of all the trivial B.S. in life and focuses it into a single task.

"What's ALL this dirt doin' in my hole, Luke?"


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Tigg, you still need a chain? I didn't have a lot of chains to pick from at the shop... but I think I have a sram 951... you still need one?
Yes sir, I do! :)

Morning. Wife and I met with our travel agent last night. Kell is burnt out on work and has decided that come hell or high water, we're taking a vacation next year! We've narrowed it down to 2 places in the Caribbean and are waffling between the two. One location has "world-class" mountain biking, so my mind is pretty much made up! :monkeydance:

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
morning. got cold last night. 24^ on my way in this morning. planning on riding sweet singletrack after work today. pretty pumped about that.


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
good f'in morning. Rode in today for the first f'in time in 08. Felt good, but was f'in borderline cold with the 11F temps. Should have double wrapped the fingers...:disgust: If anyone knows where I left my spare tube, let me know. Thanks.

I have a massage booked for lunch time...rad. Just a rub, no tug.

Other than that, just trying to survive the week...


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Yes sir, I do! :)

Morning. Wife and I met with our travel agent last night. Kell is burnt out on work and has decided that come hell or high water, we're taking a vacation next year! We've narrowed it down to 2 places in the Caribbean and are waffling between the two. One location has "world-class" mountain biking, so my mind is pretty much made up! :monkeydance:

the last line rectified my trepidation! Bek always says... NO Following you and your friends to some mountain where you run off and ride and we sit around waiting for you to come back isn't vacation!... I think differently however! combining the 2 leisure times into one is a great way to keep the peace!

PS, cool I will see what I can do!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
The morning is really going slow........I've been here since 6am and I'm starting to lose interest really quickly. I think I got spoiled by the three-day weekend last week and decided that I'm going to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to reduce my work week by approximately 2 full days.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - worked late last night and started early this morning, but both reasons for the late night and early morning went extremely well so I'm stoked.

Hoping to goof around a little on a bike(s) tonight once I get home from picking up the kids from school. Liam is trying out for his middle school baseball team. I hope he makes it.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Relatively uneventful night for us as well last night. Busy day here followed by a department meeting afterschool so the fun never ends today for me. :disgust1: Spinning tonight and changing the tires on my bike so it's one step closer to being ready to be shipped out for the LUNA Summit.


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
Good Morning!!!
The boss calls up yesterday afternoon in a complete huff demanding that I write up an employee who he saw taking a smoke break.
Ummm...... isn't that discrimination? I mean, I'm not a fan of smoking, but I don't think you can legally write someone up for taking a smoke break. If the guy is working 8 hours a day, he's entitled to two 10 or 15 minute breaks per day, and so long as he's outside, he can smoke if he wants. At least that's how it works in NY. And I'm an HR rep, so I know the laws.

Anyway, nothing much going on here. Waiting for the weather to warm up so I can start riding. Yes, I am a wuss and don't ride when the temp is below 50 degrees.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
S i recently sold my road bike frame. yesterday I bought a bike box to ship it out in. I got home and realized I had no packing materials to ship with. So I went to wally world and as it turns out the packing stuff was next to the clearance Easter stuff. Instead of buying a roll of bubble wrap for 6 bucks I bought 20 bags of Easter grass for 10 cents a bag. So today im going to UPS with a carbon bike frame nestled in a bed of Easter grass whose final destination is some lucky guy in Beverly hills.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Ummm...... isn't that discrimination? I mean, I'm not a fan of smoking, but I don't think you can legally write someone up for taking a smoke break. If the guy is working 8 hours a day, he's entitled to two 10 or 15 minute breaks per day, and so long as he's outside, he can smoke if he wants. At least that's how it works in NY. And I'm an HR rep, so I know the laws..
I didn't provide all the details....just the Cliff Notes version. The employee in question gets scheduled breaks as you described. It's just that I have a very irrational and emotional boss who lets those particular qualities rule nearly every moment in his miserable life. In his mind, unless you're staring straight at your work, not moving from that spot for 9 hours every day, never go to the bathroom, or never speak to your coworkers, then you aren't worth the dirt you're made of and the whole business is going tits up tomorrow as a result. Look....I'm down for getting things done--that's how we get paid. No problems there. But, I'm also aware that we're all humans and prone to moments of moral slackitude. All of us are guilty of it as I spend time on the 'Monkey goofing off with you guys too....but you gotta be willing to overlook a smoke break here and there if it ultimately keeps that worker happy, showing up everyday, and motivated to work. Yeppers....I'm pretty easy-going but I also have my moments of "motivational vocalization" as well, but little things like this don't bother me as long as the overall picture gets realized and projects get completed on time and built right. We're a small manufacturing facility, and the corporate rules that some of you may adhere to are a little less stringent for us when you're dealing with some of the "quality" employees that we manage to find ourselves attached to. :twitch: