
~~~Tuesday GMT~~~


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Morning all! Early rise today, sitting in the airport in Philly, waiting on the ride to Seattle. Short trip, fortunately, be home Friday afternoon.

I hate air travel.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Wanting to sell my bike.

Yesterday I stripped the threads on the derailleur and the hanger. I can fix both, but it seems to be the sort of thing to happen just as you start thinking of selling.

I went to go riding this morning, but half way down the track I started thinking of all the other things that could go wrong with the bike. Finished the run and went home. I'm going to strip the bike down and rebuild it ready for selling.

I fear that is my season basically over now :(

I'm off to work down south in a week's time anyway, so I'm only missing a week. Maybe concentrate on photos this next week...

Have a good day all.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Morning all. Still in the great state of Ohio for another day at a training class. Turns out its more like arts and crafts but hey, I'm not going to complain! Didn't do much yesterday, ran 3 miles, went to the mall, but generally just bummed around.

I second hating air travel.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

My wife would third on hating air travel. She finally got home yesterday....but her luggage didn't. Apparently it's still in Chicago somewhere. :think:

A low-key evening....grilled some chicken and veggies, played with Colin and read for a bit in some new photo books I picked up over the weekend. Had a dream last night with all of the characters from "Deadwood" in it----crazy. :crazy: One of those dreams where you were self-aware that it was a dream, and you paused to look around at all of the cool dreaminess of it all.

Heading to the beach next week for a few days. Hurry up, Friday!!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good morining.

Nothing but work, grocery shopping and pizza yesterday. Livin' on the edge I tell ya.
Big meeting this morning, hopefully leaving with a signed contract for a big job. fijngeers cvrozssed.

Rain again today so it might be a laundry/gym night. Maybe ride tomorrow.

Coffee in hand.
Last edited:


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
Mowed the new front lawn for the first time last night. Oh the crabgrass. As long as it's green I suppose...

Got a new Rennen cog for my SS that I'm putting on tonight and will rock out with tomorrow. Very psyched. For the record, Rennen is the sh!t. I'm thinking about talking to George about the G-Cog for my SS application. Ahh, pipe dreams.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
They just announced that my company is being dissolved. Not sure what this means for me. I may have the same job under new overlords. I may just get laid off and owed a very nice severance package. I may get transferred to new overlords who can lay me off and owe me no severance package.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning Monkeys! Got up early and rode the trails this morning! Had to keep the pace up to avoid getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes! Great way to start the day though that's for sure. Riding is good! :thumb:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
They just announced that my company is being dissolved. Not sure what this means for me. I may have the same job under new overlords. I may just get laid off and owed a very nice severance package. I may get transferred to new overlords who can lay me off and owe me no severance package.
Ugh. Best of luck, Westy.
Mornin. While since Ive been on here but have decided after a couple years of motorcycles thats its time to get back to my roots, now i just need to sell this dual sport bike and get a new MTB. Teacher report back to school tommorow, so that means this is the last day of my first summer off.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
They just announced that my company is being dissolved. Not sure what this means for me. I may have the same job under new overlords. I may just get laid off and owed a very nice severance package. I may get transferred to new overlords who can lay me off and owe me no severance package.
Oh no!!! I am not sure whether to be happy for you (since I recall you didn't like it there) or sad. Good luck with the severance package though!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Had a nice (hot but not as bad as I thought it would be) LUNA Ride last night. Got home in time to read bedtime stories to Syd and tuck her in too! Syd's got a crazy cough working right now and apparently chicken pox is going around too but luckily she's not cranky and is coloring me a picture right now. :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Found out a little more information. I will most likely become the employee of a different company. If they decide not to keep me they don't have to honor my corporate severance package. If they keep me I may have to move to suburban Illinois. If I refuse to move to midwest hell I'm probably not even eligible for unemployment benefits.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Good luck Westy.

Hope everyone is well.

Today is my first day out of my sling. One step closer.

I also found out I not only dislocated my left shoulder at the Sea Otter this year, I also sprained my right one in the same crash. WTF is wrong with my joints?

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Found out a little more information. I will most likely become the employee of a different company. If they decide not to keep me they don't have to honor my corporate severance package. If they keep me I may have to move to suburban Illinois.
That sucks. But when big sh!t like this happens, it's inevitable that someone will tell you: "everything happens for a reason".

If I refuse to move to midwest hell I'm probably not even eligible for unemployment benefits.

If you move, will you change your handle to "Mid-Westy"?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
....Or "East of Westy" :D

Sucks to hear it, man.....What part of suburban Illinois? The southern half of the state is awesome.
An hour or so outside Chicago. I like Chicago but ****ing despise suburbs. Especially flat cold suburbs.

I will be pursuing every possible option to avoid moving there. I really wish I had just gotten laid off.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
An hour or so outside Chicago. I like Chicago but ****ing despise suburbs. Especially flat cold suburbs.

I will be pursuing every possible option to avoid moving there. I really wish I had just gotten laid off.
Is there still time to be considered an incompetent? Try harder!

I don't know what your line of work is (precisely) but you owe it to yourself to take a crack at living out west.

I'll pull some strings to see if Canada will have you if you're interested...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Is there still time to be considered an incompetent? Try harder!

I don't know what your line of work is (precisely) but you owe it to yourself to take a crack at living out west.

I'll pull some strings to see if Canada will have you if you're interested...

All of our incompetent employees got sweet layoff packages last month. They decided to screw over all the good workers.

I do like the west. Will be spending a week in Washington next month. Was planning on riding out their but I'm honestly a little burnt out on the bike. Might be looking for a job.

I've been a jack of all trades engineer. Do a little bit of mechanical, electrical, software, specifically a control application engineer. A few months ago I took a position as a product manager.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Afternoon, Monkeys! Day 2 of week 2 and things are "interesting". If only I could divulge details in a public forum...

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I do like the west. Will be spending a week in Washington next month. Was planning on riding out their but I'm honestly a little burnt out on the bike. Might be looking for a job.
Sounds like an idea. Apart from the not-riding-while-in-Washington part. That sounds dumb.

Good luck on the job hunt. I guess you'd be looking for manufacturing companies to work for? Are you the guy that designs all the machines you see on "How It's Made"?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sounds like an idea. Apart from the not-riding-while-in-Washington part. That sounds dumb.

Good luck on the job hunt. I guess you'd be looking for manufacturing companies to work for? Are you the guy that designs all the machines you see on "How It's Made"?
We do controls and drive systems for CNCs. Our customers build the machines, many of which has been seen on "how it's Made" I've been in a few of the factories that have been on the show.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Awesome. :thumb:

Well that didn't go very well. :thumbsdown:
Can I get in on that deal too? I speak Canadian, and I'll bring beer.
I'd recommend against bringing American beer. Unless it's a snobby one. Then you'll be welcomed with open arms.

(I know Westy just started singing "with arms wide open" by Creed just then....)