
***Tuesday GMT***

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day Garlic, and onions, and curry. Oh My! Today’s a very special day. A day not for culinary cowards. But a day for using spices, herbs and other bold tasting ingredients in your cooking. Or you could just head out for something tasty at your local Indian, Mexican, Thai or...

Abet and Aid Punsters Day
General Election Day (US)
National Parents As Teachers Day
X-ray Discovery Day
Admission Day (Montana)
Dunce Day

Yet another day of doing the same thing. It must be Groundhog Day.

Had a good "high impact" workout last night. Got to beat up lots of different people. I feel so relaxed now.

Be safe out there.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
How long does it take to go from sleeping "I'm a student/freelancer, I wake up and go to sleep when I want" to " I'm at work I need to get up really really early" ? I tend to loose track of time when I go back from work and end up going to sleep after midnight. Saps my daily energy easily.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Tell me about it. I woke up at 10pm after passing out on the couch for no reason yesterday and didn't get to ride. Woke up and was pissed that I wouldn't be able to ride today, and just noticed a whole lot of nothing outside!

Slackers. :disgust1:


Going in for some OT today, easy $$$$. The "fast moving and powerful" snow storm we got last night produced exactly 0" of snow.


Nov 28, 2008
Hey. Power outage Day 11.
that is insane. when you get power, you should turn on every light and appliance in your house then forget to pay next month's bill.
good morning. my kids are sick, and have been sick for a week now, and i am sick, and the wife is sick, and no one is sleeping in the house because everyone is coughing. but i still managed to take out the road bike to clear the lung butter.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

It is a busy week here at The Art Institute...we have a mid-quarter start happening on Thursday and I'm running around frantically trying to get last-minute details worked out for two students of mine. Working in Admissions for a school is kind of like setting up a very large coke deal....you have to talk to a lot of sketchy people throughout the process, and lots of little things have to fall into place at the right time in order for the deal to happen. :D


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning! Fell asleep early last night (before 10pm) trying to watch TV...guess it wasn't all that entertaining. LONG day at school today as it's "report card night". That means teachers have to be here from 4-7pm to meet with parents who come to pick up their child's first quarter report card. I'm also the Sophomore class advisor so the Schwan's truckload sale pick-up is at the same time so I'll be busy! Hopefully that means the time will go by fast. I actually rode my mountain bike on Sunday. It was just below freezing when we started riding and warmed up to a whopping 40 degrees when we finished. Good ride, but my lungs were really unhappy about the cold at first! They just need some more conditioning.

Haev a good day...I'm off to find more coffee!