
***Tuesderp GMT?***


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Either I missed it, or you jackasses are really slipping.

Shopping for life insurance. I've long been of the opinion that all insurance is like a shady basement poker game that the chances of "winning" are not what they might seem, but so far my life insurance shopping experience seems especially......scammy.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
my missing GMT has a better title.

Does life insurance pay off in the event you die, but then recover? you could totally cash in on that


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
The problem with life insurance is you fold and then everyone else gets the pot. The wife and I both have enough to cover expenses for the other one. My buddy is an agent, so I think I got a *little* less screwed. He basically helped set us up with what we would need to take care of our family should something happen to one or both of us. I hate to say it, but if something happened and we didn't have insurance, my wife or I would be screwed.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Most employers offer a basic life insurance as a standard benefit with extended coverage as an option. I don't know what I have right now and don't give a shit. No one relies on me and I don't need to give anyone any more reasons to want me dead.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I think ours through work is like 10K. It's not very much. We can also get coverage at relatively low rates, the only caveat is that you leave, you lose coverage. It was better to just get an outside policy. Also, the sooner and healthier you are when you get it, the cheaper it is.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Seeing how little interaction I can get away with today. On the plus side I did enough work on my big project to determine that the problem has either already been solved, or its someone else's problem. Nice.

Ride tonight.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I think ours through work is like 10K. It's not very much. We can also get coverage at relatively low rates, the only caveat is that you leave, you lose coverage. It was better to just get an outside policy. Also, the sooner and healthier you are when you get it, the cheaper it is.
Pretty much this, though my work coverage is not extendable. Hence the reason I'm looking for something from the outside.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I worked in the insurance industry for about a year. I worked for years in sales and insurance was just too slimy for me.

That said. The mutual insurance Companies will screw you less than companies with public stock. Whole life is a complete scam so are annuities. Term for while the kids are young is affordable. The only thing long term I would buy while young is a long term care policy so you don't have to have the kids care for you as an old bastard (you can't afford it if you wait until you become mid to older grumpy old men.

if you are well off Permanent Life policy's may be an option

Remember they don't lose money betting you will not die while you bet that you will


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Miles between crashes on the MTB while attempting to bend the laws of physics: a few hundred
Miles between falling on my face when casually running on a trail: a few


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Get a 30 year term policy. Pick the lowest bidder. Use a broker.

I agree that underwriting is a pain in the ass. They are professional ass-coverers, after all.

/me has too much insurance and is going to reduce it in a few months
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Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
RM has officially gone OLD. -__-

Get a 30 year term policy. Pick the lowest bidder. Use a broker.

I agree that underwriting is a pain in the ass. They are professional ass-covers, after all.

/me has too much insurance and is going to reduce it in a few months
Bearings on Moonlander bottom bracket are shot. Disassembled the crankset this afternoon - what an ungodly complicated assembly - the non-drive side has splines similar to Shimano XT, the drive side splines appear to be ISIS. The drive side is set up with a self-extractor to pull the arm from the axle, except that the mechanism was a little short on lube and didn't work as designed. Eventually I got it all disassembled, and new bearings are on order.