
***Tuesderp GMT***


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I was learning about herding cats this morning (leadership training session thing with an actually good speaker), and then over a lunchtime meeting learned that all of the divisions within my department earned the full bonus this year. Now some Matlab.



Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
We got several buckets of rain last night so trails might be muddy. Not sure if I'm going to ride today.

Went back and read the directions on the vinyl spackle I used to fill some cracks in a door and it said not to apply if rain expected within 24 hrs. This would explain why it is soft and chalky. Cure damn it !
Drove. Stopped at Troegs on a whim, bought beer and a hat, finally found Tim up on a ladder moving grain for Christmas beer from point A to point B. Managed to get van and trailer out of parking lot without any collisions. Now at Natural Bridge/Lexington KOA, near the Pink Cadillac diner, consuming a Perpetual Imperial IPA. Tomorrow is onwards to Brevard.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I appear to have a (mild) allergy to something in the pomegranate flavor of Bai juices. Lovely. I think I'll stick around work a bit longer until I feel normal again–probably few better places to have such a reaction than here.


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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
I always imagined Westy would be more like:

lol - that's not @Westy . . . that's donald's #400poundhacker

Drove. Stopped at Troegs on a whim, bought beer and a hat, finally found Tim up on a ladder moving grain for Christmas beer from point A to point B. Managed to get van and trailer out of parking lot without any collisions. Now at Natural Bridge/Lexington KOA, near the Pink Cadillac diner, consuming a Perpetual Imperial IPA. Tomorrow is onwards to Brevard.
troegs=good; natural bridge=tourist trap (but near douthat, which, as i recall, was super fun).


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
No dead mice today.

Snuck in a quick dusk ride tonight. Best part about this weather is that the beer is still cold upon completion of the ride. Oh yeah and no dust, bugs and crap like that..
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Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Was supposed to close on my house today but the buyer ran into lending problems. I suspect the buyer is a real piece of work.
Bummer on the sale. It's a lot of work to get to the point of sale with someone only for them to hold up the whole deal.

Our refi took forever for some reason. Bad timing apparently since the wife was on 'disability' after having the baby. Instead of getting all the documentation and proof for that, it was easier to just wait until she had her paychecks from work again. That along with property tax time is jacking everything up. Finally got it sorted and we are just going to pay taxes on our own instead of having them impounded. Prior to having the 20%, we didn't have a choice. Now we have like $6k tied up in impound account with our current loan.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
you seem calm about it, but i suspect on the inside you're all like

Wasn't terribly unexpected. Offer came with a letter claiming hardship because they lady was a widow whose husband was a law enforcement officer that was a victim of gang violence. A google search showed that was a twisted version of the truth. The second child's (out of three) father was a security guard that got himself involved in some shady shit and disappeared, suspected to be the result of drug violence.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Gads, I dunno. We don't really work like that, but I'm sure there is some bean counter at corporate who has a halfway decent idea. It took three of us the better part of the afternoon just to yank off the one on the right. We don't do engine changes here very often, so were not quite as fast as some place like SLC where the do them regularly. We can generally have one off, components swapped, be back on the pylon, run and paper work completed in about 36 hours, but that's with probably 3-4 guys working round the clock. Though we've kind of thrown that out the window on this airplane already anyway. It's the last of the hail damaged planes from way back on July 28th. This one was bad enough it's been waiting for somebody to have the courage to junk it. It's lease is up which means we have to put all the OEM crap back on it, so it can be sent to the boneyard in Tucson where hopefully it will be stripped of parts and turned into beer cans for another shitty Canadian import like Labatts.
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Made the decision to bin the angry auger which tried to eat me. It was grossly undersized by the manufacturer. He is preparing the quote for a new auger, larger in diameter and also with extra girth in the shaft.

Since he undersized the shit, what am I financially responsible for? I think I am looking at 10-15k for the swap, if none is comped.

Also the angry auger will be availiable to me for disposal. I was thinking of sticking it in my yard (it's about 15ft long) and using it as a pissing pole.
lol - that's not @Westy . . . that's donald's #400poundhacker

troegs=good; natural bridge=tourist trap (but near douthat, which, as i recall, was super fun).
All I'm doing in NB is drinking beer, eating, and sleeping. Douthat is a strong possibility for the run north later.

Made the decision to bin the angry auger which tried to eat me. It was grossly undersized by the manufacturer. He is preparing the quote for a new auger, larger in diameter and also with extra girth in the shaft.

Since he undersized the shit, what am I financially responsible for? I think I am looking at 10-15k for the swap, if none is comped.

Also the angry auger will be availiable to me for disposal. I was thinking of sticking it in my yard (it's about 15ft long) and using it as a pissing pole.
Just stay the hell away from the augurs, OK?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Since he undersized the shit, what am I financially responsible for? I think I am looking at 10-15k for the swap, if none is comped.
do you have an original specification and bill of sale for the one you have now? if you can prove (with documentation) that he goofed, he should foot the entire bill.

then again, if he didn't make it to spec and you accepted it and used it, it's partially your fault for not outright rejecting a piece of equipment that wasn't built to spec.

see if he'll eat 50% the cost.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Old guy at the laundry to young chubby girl taking all available seating. "You know honey we can see your snatch in those shorts??". Young girl runs out.. Seating now available. Pure genius...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Turns out the bar next door has awesome Bloody Mary's... Bacon Celery with tops on and 2 long carrots. Green olive with pimentos.... Delicious...


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Old guy at the laundry to young chubby girl taking all available seating. "You know honey we can see your snatch in those shorts??". Young girl runs out.. Seating now available. Pure genius...
c'mon now...you're not old enough yet to call yourself "old guy" yet!


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Old guy at the laundry to young chubby girl taking all available seating. "You know honey we can see your snatch in those shorts??". Young girl runs out.. Seating now available. Pure genius...
This handicapped old guy would've chosen to stand and stare at young chubby free show.