
***Tuesderp GMT***


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Say goodbye to all your extra money. :D
Yeah no kidding. Going up 500 a month. The wife and I worked very hard to make sure our budget was sound. It will take about three years on a tight budget, then cars are paid off, and we will have the equity to rid PMI and drop the interest rate as well(hopefully).. May even pick up a part time job to pay off the vehicles faster


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Too short notice, sucker volunteer from here is already gone. Gotta catch a 7pm flight from DEN. Maybe I'll start keeping my boots in the jeep. Just in case.
It occurs to me that it didn't really matter. Unless @rideit was going to spot me full kit, I didn't have pants, jacket, gloves, goggles, helmet, etc. I still would have needed to come home and I just didn't have enough time.