
***Tuesderp GMT***


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Why Good Morning fellow Monkeys!

In early so out early. Bike in the truck, the hardest part of my day will be sitting through work and deciding whether its a White Ranch, Chimpex, or RR->MW->DR kinda night.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Morning! Is the Wintah ovah yet? (no it isn't :rant:, perhaps teh @FSM could help a lil' here?) According the latest forecast, I'll be seeing 3 hrs of rain on top of 12" of heavy snow later this afternoon. Go home mother nature, you are drunk!

Now we work. :twitch: Beers later.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
After the best riding February in the history of NC winters, we are getting the weather we missed earlier. 34 and pissing rain today--the classic NC dick punch of cold but no snow, just shitty rain that cancels riding for a while.

We're making the most of it though. We found an empty area for new trail. It's going to be pretty good I think.

IMG_4449 (1).jpg

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Indeed, it is a snow day. Surprised the boss allowed me to close the department.

I've got a bike trainer to ride. I'm thinking Spectre to help pass the time.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Mornin, coffee in, food in, time to take on the day. Gonna get the bike trailer out and take the lil man for a ride, go get some rubbing and polishing compound, then come home and make some money working on an old .38 special and a 300 win mag. Good times.


Sep 8, 2009
Snowmageddon Stella is hitting us as we speak. Pretty much every school closed today in preparation but so far we've only gotten a couple inches. I'm really really hoping they just over-hyped this whole thing but I guess we'll see.


Feb 24, 2011
Like the rest of the East Coasters, I am gonna get some snow to shovel later on today. Could get up to 20". I am fine with it. I have been enjoying the Lust for Crust on the fat bike, but would like to take Jr. out snowboarding a few more times this year. Now to finish work so I can drink beer by the fire. Winter wonderland,


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Apparently management is in office today and I was not informed. Everybody is wearing their nice clothes, while I sit here in my golf pants and polo shirt. I guess I'm going to be staying in my cube for most of today.
Haley was an incredible shit at bed time, as she really wanted to get in another game of Jenga. Biting, hitting, yelling ensued, as did the removal of Jenga from the game pile. Otherwise, same shit different day.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Just a little sprinkling of snow here. Though about an hour away is apparently getting hammered with the white stuff.

No worries, that still didn't stop some 'tards from wrecking themselves on the freeway and causing a huge traffic jam. It was a little frustrating as the traffic was moving at a speed slow enough just under the creep rate of first gear, but not quite stopped.

Also got flipped the bird by some dickbag in a Mercedes this morning. Listen bud, it aint my fault that you are incapable of merging onto the freeway correctly. Next time try merging above 70km/h and I won't suddently appear in your mirrors. I lol'd and waved as he then suddenly and mysteriously sped away.......and then cut off a transport truck at the next exit.:rofl:


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Really crappy weather in NYC. School closed and working from home. Besides the snow, rain and thunder its blowing hard and branches are being ripped off. Hopefully the old Volvo is not suffering too bad.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
good morning. darn near 70* here today.
coffee and cherry pie for breakfast, because I'm an athlete, and now worky work.
Breakfast of champions if you were racing Tour Divide :D mmm Hostess Cherry Pie.

I'll be up on my roof later to mend the chimney cap and then some mountain bicycling will also be done once the work day is over.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...

Rain here. At least it is washing the streets. Sweepers were out yesterday, bike lanes should be less gravely in a few days.

I think its time for new riding shammies, to bib or not to bib?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Took my Tundra to the tire shop yesterday afternoon for some new shoes, going up a size which should look great and ride nice with the lift I put in this past summer. I planned a mountain bike ride while the shop was to do the work, but wouldn't be done until after they closed. So I paid for the tires and install up front, with the arrangement that the shop would lock my keys (a set of spares) and the invoice inside the truck, and leave it in their lot for me to pick up in the evening. After the ride, spaghetti & meatball dinner special (only $3.95 with purchase of a beverage!), and a couple of Alaskan IPAs, my buddy and I headed back to the shop to retrieve my truck. As you have probably guessed at this point, the truck was not outside when I got there. We peeked in the garage and sure enough, it was locked inside.

Fortunately my buddy had driven (I had ridden to the TH from the shop) so he gave me a lift home. At 7:15am I got a call from the shop owner — super apologetic, saying this is not how he wants his customer service to be handled, and sorry for the miscommunication with his guys, etc. He offered to bring me my truck straight away. Fortunately I don't live far, and there's singletrack between here and the shop. So I told him I could really use an oil change and an air filter, and if they could take care of that then I was more than happy to pedal over to pick up the truck. Done and done for no charge was the answer, no hesitation.

As much of a bummer as it was to not get my truck last night (I was pretty hot about it actually) it's cool these guys are willing to throw in a little something to make it right. I haven't bought tires from anywhere else in the past 8 years, because this is standard practice with them. Usually it's great customer service from the get-go, but the fact they're also willing to own up and make good is awesome. HIghly recommend.

After the best riding February in the history of NC winters, we are getting the weather we missed earlier. 34 and pissing rain today--the classic NC dick punch of cold but no snow, just shitty rain that cancels riding for a while.

We're making the most of it though. We found an empty area for new trail. It's going to be pretty good I think.

View attachment 124924
Nice! Is that turn real close to that tree? That's something that's been vexing me for a while... the propensity for some trail builders to put corners really close to obstacles that prevent you from leaning the bike properly in the turn. Lots of those shenanigans on the tamer trails in Mojab, actually... my guess is that it's on purpose to check speeds but who knows. Not criticizing, just asking and waxing poetic.

good morning. darn near 70* here today.
coffee and cherry pie for breakfast, because I'm an athlete, and now worky work.
What else are you gonna eat on 3.14?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Home this morning as various trades come by to fix the lingering warranty issues with the house. Big issue is a squeaking floorboard. There's a hardwood guy and a framing guy here. Overhead as I sit down in the basement and try to get some writing done:

"¿Tiene papel? ¿Green card?"

Denver's construction industry would grind to an absolute halt if Trump doesn't rein in the CBP.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Got to sleep in due to WFH today while I wait for my gato to be released from the hospital. Last round of tests round she was suffering from pancreatitis, so they kept her another day and put another bag of fluids in her. Other than just chilling with my pooch, I forgot the grandson is here all day today. So I get to take Abbey and hide upstairs while he destroys the downstairs, yay.

Do work and stuff.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
As much of a bummer as it was to not get my truck last night (I was pretty hot about it actually) it's cool these guys are willing to throw in a little something to make it right. I haven't bought tires from anywhere else in the past 8 years, because this is standard practice with them. Usually it's great customer service from the get-go, but the fact they're also willing to own up and make good is awesome. HIghly recommend.
This is awesome. I have a few shops I go to because o service, not always price. Even though I am a cheap bastard, I find myself willing to pay a little more to get service I am happy with.

Every damn day there is some guy bitching on facebook about how this deal that sounded too good to be true turned out to not be true vs going to your LBS or local small business.

My buddy just got took for $2500 trying to buy some ultra rare gun from a scam website. Not only are they supposed to be almost impossible to get, it was $500 of! I don't know the brand, I do know it is a .308 AR15 style gun that is supposed to kill moar things betterer.

But now he is out $2500. :rofl:

Buy local. :cheers:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river

My buddy just got took for $2500 trying to buy some ultra rare gun from a scam website. Not only are they supposed to be almost impossible to get, it was $500 of! I don't know the brand, I do know it is a .308 AR15 style gun that is supposed to kill moar things betterer.

But now he is out $2500. :rofl:
I'm trying to figure out how this happens? Did he use a bank transfer to pay for it? :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Nice! Is that turn real close to that tree?
What else are you gonna eat on 3.14?
Thanks for the kind words. Looking at the picture, I see how you'd think the tree was in play but it's an optical illusion--the turn is a good 10 feet past that pine and I hacked out all the scrub on the inside. That's also not going to be a very fast turn so lean angle won't be crazy.

That said, let me reassure you that no one has deeper disdain for inside-of-corner-trees than I do. The guys I build with have very strict criteria for turn quality and I/we are militant about it. Living in the piedmont, we don't have endless elevation loss to play with, so good turns are the main source of fun where we ride--hence the focus on good ones. Wish all our trails were laid out with drifty turns and riding fast in mind...


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Big O Tires on South Golden Road. Owner's name is Troy, got chatting with him a bit yesterday and he mentioned his kid raced 4X in the Mountain States Cup for a year, and that he used to race DH. Apparently he also used to own/manage/run a BMX team back in the day.
That's funny, Big O here and s the one with the shitty reputation of trying to upsell you services that you don't need and other general fuckwaddery. Glad to hear you have a good one.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Did you get Nevegals or Gomas for the truck?

That's funny, Big O here and s the one with the shitty reputation of trying to upsell you services that you don't need and other general fuckwaddery. Glad to hear you have a good one.
I think all the Big O stores are franchises, so the owner and staff make a huge impact on how well the shop is run and their level of service.