
***Tuezderp GMT***


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Happy tired Tuesday! Trash day with the in-laws away, let's see what I can throw out. 5 year old cheese? Meat from the last century? Who knows! Let's see what kinda treasures turn up!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Happy tired Tuesday! Trash day with the in-laws away, let's see what I can throw out. 5 year old cheese? Meat from the last century? Who knows! Let's see what kinda treasures turn up!
after my grandmother died (a LONG time ago) my mom has been purging old stuff that's been taking up space in their basement. i'm in my 30's and she still had drawings and crafts from when i was in preschool. it's been a slow process, but she has been making progress.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Thankfully got back to sleep after having to let the DSO outside to poop at 4:22AM. Still tired from the last couple of weeks, but not walking dead tired like yesterday.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
after my grandmother died (a LONG time ago) my mom has been purging old stuff that's been taking up space in their basement. i'm in my 30's and she still had drawings and crafts from when i was in preschool. it's been a slow process, but she has been making progress.
Sounds like my mom. She still has a lot of our childhood stuff (siblings are mid-20s to late 30's) hanging around in the basement. I'll give her credit, she's going through and digitizing documents and getting rid of stuff, but its an uphill battle when you've got 4 kids worth of things accumulated.

I get it. I'm the sentimental type. Give me something and I'm liable to hold onto it cause I associate it with you. But at the same time, I can get rid of it once it out lives its usefulness or begins to clutter up my life.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Bike commuted again. Nice morning weather these days.

Normal day (save for normal-for-Tuesdays pancreas conference) and then no rehearsal tonight as we're in a few weeks break between concert cycles.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Crutching around, contemplating ordering a pair of pedals for the single speed mountain bike.

Just ate a pancake that had been left for me by the family.

A fine Tuesday morning. Supposed to have our first frost in a couple nights. BOO

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Back to the land of the living after essentially taking yesterday off to recover from helping out with my buddy's enduro race event over the weekend. I was the starter and the sweeper for four (4) enduro stages over two (2) days so I got to ride all the stages and transfers along with the racers, and I'm wrecked. Legs are shot. Saddle sores are... sore. I just haven't been riding my normal volume this year, and definitely not in the high country. The weather seemed a bit dodgy for day 1 but it ended up being perfect dirt and conditions for both days. It just doesn't get any better than fall in the high country. Had a few house guests including @mtg for the event, which was super rad. And he took the W in the Open Men category, so that was cool. Not ready to get back on the bike yet, but the fall weather is friggin' killer so I oughtta get out there.
  • 2 days
  • 4 stages
  • 56-3/4 miles
  • 5,343' climbing
  • 13,281' descending

Not too shabby, Abby.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Hannah decided to crawl into bed at 4am and not really go back to sleep. Have kids they said...

Appt scheduled Friday to sell MIL1's car. Wifey hasn't seen the condo in almost 7 years, so Thursday should be fun...

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
after my grandmother died (a LONG time ago) my mom has been purging old stuff that's been taking up space in their basement. i'm in my 30's and she still had drawings and crafts from when i was in preschool. it's been a slow process, but she has been making progress.
When my great grandmother died my grandparents generation couldn't decide on what to do with the estate which included timber royalties paid upon harvest. No one had any incentive settle so they didn't. One of my great uncles moved into the house and touched NOTHING for 20 plus years. When he died they decided to donate the use of the house to her church. The whole family got involved in dividing up the crap in the house. My job was to empty the contents of 2 chest freezers in the basement that were almost completely iced in. They were full of half eaten ice cream cartons and used Cool Whip containers. The Cool Whip containers were filled with dried out blackberries or silver coins - nickels, dimes and quarters. There were enough coins to fill 2 5 gallon water bottles. The next day none of the kids were allowed in the house while the adults ripped it apart. They found silver dollars and 50 cent pieces stacked in glassware, bundles of paper money wrapped in used butcher paper stashed inside the piano and pockets full of loose change in almost everything hanging in closets... and unopened mail. Apparently my great uncle stopped opening mail the last 5 years of his life, his social security and pension checks were never cashed. And porno mags... EVERYWHERE! Hundreds and hundreds of porno mags from the 60s and 70s.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
When my great grandmother died my grandparents generation couldn't decide on what to do with the estate which included timber royalties paid upon harvest. No one had any incentive settle so they didn't. One of my great uncles moved into the house and touched NOTHING for 20 plus years. When he died they decided to donate the use of the house to her church. The whole family got involved in dividing up the crap in the house. My job was to empty the contents of 2 chest freezers in the basement that were almost completely iced in. They were full of half eaten ice cream cartons used Cool Whip containers. The Cool Whip containers were filled with dried out blackberries or silver coins - nickels, dimes and quarters. There were enough coins to fill 2 5 gallon water bottles. The next day none of the kids were allowed in the house while the adults ripped it apart. They found silver dollars and 50 cent pieces stacked in glassware, bundles of paper money wrapped in used butcher paper stashed inside the piano and pockets full of loose change in almost everything hanging in closets... and unopened mail. Apparently my great uncle stopped opening mail the last 5 years of his life, his social security and pension checks were never cashed. And porno mags... EVERYWHERE! Hundreds and hundreds of porno mags from the 60s and 70s.
that sounds a lot like some of my family from Maine. minus the porno mags. i have one cousin who has been "retired" since his late 40s? from the rounds of kodak layoffs in the 90s. being from a maine farm family he's always been very frugal.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
When my great grandmother died my grandparents generation couldn't decide on what to do with the estate which included timber royalties paid upon harvest. No one had any incentive settle so they didn't. One of my great uncles moved into the house and touched NOTHING for 20 plus years. When he died they decided to donate the use of the house to her church. The whole family got involved in dividing up the crap in the house. My job was to empty the contents of 2 chest freezers in the basement that were almost completely iced in. They were full of half eaten ice cream cartons and used Cool Whip containers. The Cool Whip containers were filled with dried out blackberries or silver coins - nickels, dimes and quarters. There were enough coins to fill 2 5 gallon water bottles. The next day none of the kids were allowed in the house while the adults ripped it apart. They found silver dollars and 50 cent pieces stacked in glassware, bundles of paper money wrapped in used butcher paper stashed inside the piano and pockets full of loose change in almost everything hanging in closets... and unopened mail. Apparently my great uncle stopped opening mail the last 5 years of his life, his social security and pension checks were never cashed. And porno mags... EVERYWHERE! Hundreds and hundreds of porno mags from the 60s and 70s.
oh, when my wife's dad died suddenly (they were estranged) i went though his office very carefully. i found around $2k worth of savings bonds that were in my wife's name and her sister's name. it was about $1k each.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Speaking of frugal, I just ordered a bike, and probably have to decide on pulling the plug on what I have been working on for over a year.
And lose my insurance right before surgery.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Speaking of frugal, I just ordered a bike, and probably have to decide on pulling the plug on what I have been working on for over a year.
And lose my insurance right before surgery.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
It did include a "market re-adjustment" as well. Whatever that means.
In addition to the pre-adjustment? SCORE!

Back in my day an entry level manager's salary was based on the AOR dollar volume and the local cost of living, I forget what they called it but your base pay was tied to a cost of living index. You only got it once, my first management position was in Tacoma WA so I benefitted from the insane Seattle housing market. I didn't really understand it at the time but it ended being very useful when I was offered early retirement. My package was 118% of standard (the maximum), minimum for a similar position in the south would have been 82%.

My guess is, you are going to do very, very well if you stay with this company.

Congrats! :banana:


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
When my Grandparents died My Uncle came in the Middle of the night and took everything. He moved around a lot later in life. He saved everything. When he died we got it all back. It was crazy. 3 disassembled Harleys. All in Boxes.