
turdsday how ya doin thread...


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i really did not need this....


the fp would make donnie two scoops hands seem huge....


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Who mounts a radiator from the back side through a shroud? Dickheads at JCB!

A radiator out and in shouldn't be a day job.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

UPS failed to deliver my seat post parts last night and now they're saying tomorrow. Fingers crossed...


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
estoy aqua

been a stressful couple of days. vacation planned for next week, which means anxiety this week. To add to it, my boss has been on the warpath. She laid into my intern on Monday, into me on Tuesday, criticized a presentation that I got a lot of positive feedback for on Tuesday afternoon, then sent a few nastygrams about cleanliness in the lab yesterday. Trying to lay low and avoid the wrath until I scoot away on vacation.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
late start, easy schedule. Training a new employee then off to go work a horse show for 3 days.

get a dog they said. they woke me up at 4 so I let them out for ten minutes then went back to sleep until 6 an lo and behold they rewarded me with piles of shit in the hallway :rant: :rant: :rant:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Yo I know that this is a MTB forum and ew gross roadies, but the TdF was kind of really exciting to watch yesterday. Between WvA being able to do everything all the time to Jonas Vingenenagnngennarrrgd taking the yellow, it was pretty neat.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Wife woke me all in a panic at 7 this morning about some deer "trapped in the rocks under the bridge". Got dressed, walked my uncaffinated, bleary eyed ass all the way up there, and the stupid thing was dead as a door nail.
Coffee-ing nao, strong meh for the rest of the day.

get a dog they said. they woke me up at 4 so I let them out for ten minutes then went back to sleep until 6 an lo and behold they rewarded me with piles of shit in the hallway
Currently dog sitting for friends, meaning we have four in the house right now. 3 pee spots and one turd this morning upstairs. :mad:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Got to bed at 2:00 this morning after a long travel day, then had to wake up at 5:00 to get the dogs from the sitter, then slept three more hours after. So I am kind of in a fog here this morning.

Re: my half Ironman last Sunday, I finished it in 5:11, so no sub-5 hours for me. Still good for top 18% overall though, so I am happy about that. The swim was insane. 1.2 miles down a river, which was flowing so fast that they most likely would have cancelled it if it was any faster due to safety concerns. I swam it at a 1:01/100 yard pace, which would be world class speed in a pool. It was so much fun to go that fast. The bike course was almost entirely through Oregon vineyards and it was beautiful. I didn't really read up on the course before the race so I was really surprised at how nice it was. The only issue was that the roads were all worn in chipseal, and the constant vibrating kind of wore me down. The run was entirely in nature preserve, so that was nice too. Overall it was the nicest race course I've done. Wife wants to go back in 2024.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Found out about an old neighbor who isn't going to pick his apricots because of surface marks on the fruit skin.

He said I would be able to glean 100 lbs in 10 minutes. Going to go check that out for sure! There may be diarrhea in my life later today.

@canadmos I had a seatpost show up in the mail yesterday but mine was a 27.2 Chromag post for my gravel bike. I can't bring myself to buy a dropper for the gravel bike.

@jonKranked you got a no cooling call out to an hvac company or what?