


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
i hate that drug.
part of why i shouldn't have been in a relationship for 10 years.
I hoe you are not on it long enough for the adrenal fatigue too.
Should be very short term. Inflammation begets inflammation. Once things start to get knocked down things seem to clear up quickly. As soon as the swelling goes down I will start to taper off.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
do you have the extreme munchies & scalp tingles yet?
Yeah, the hunger is strong. Which is actually kind of nice. I haven't had a real appetite in years, which generally means I only really care to eat really tasty rather unhealthy food.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
No, the court pays you for time spent. Or at least they do here. I donated my court pay because my salary is also paid (and a little more than $10/day).
In Connecticut, people with full time jobs are not paid by the court until the 6th day, at which point they get $50 a day. State law says my employer must pay my regular scheduled wages for the first five days.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.

Bonus checks hit yesterday afternoon. Mostly Gone by yesterday evening. But, parts and tires for ///Motorcycle are on the way. Maybe I'll have it on the road by end of November, weather permitting. I was going to order a Roundel for my tool box

but 68 dollars? Fuck you BMW. That picture is slightly larger than actual size. Gonna blow the rest on a low end laptop for the wife and possibly bike parts if any is left over.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
My chiropractor used the leg drop table and I try to emulate that on the edge of the bed with some success. There is part of me that swears it is getting better, then there is part of me that just thinks I have gotten accustomed to the numbness and pain, so I only noticed when it really hits.

My sister pointed out our fathers routine of crunches, stretches and push ups every night before bed. We used to make fun of him because my father, while not fat, was also not athletic (college drama professor). He did it to keep his back in order and I should have been doing the same all along.
i do the leg drops too. the bed method works OK, but a firm surface is better.

a lot of my issue was tied back to poor coor strength. regaining that strength is what's been helping my in the long run.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Hello. In the office.

Last nights group ride was.....different. It was hovering just above freezing, so we rode at a very leisurely pace. And rode most of the trails backwards to what we usually do. Worked out pretty well and every seemed to have a good time.

Big post-ride mistake afterwards though. Nachos with extra jalepenos for the group and (too many) hot wings for myself. To say my stomach is grumpy today would be an understatement. I feel sorry for the toilet here at work, I just crammed down two bananas and a coffee.
Thumb recovery halted by a rather intense flare up of psoriatic arthritis. Doc has me on prednisone, has yet to reduce the swelling. I am however getting a full salvo of side effects, constant brain farts and insomnia. At least crippling depression hasn't kicked in yet.
Add a little reefer to the mix? Doesn't sound fun...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Big post-ride mistake afterwards though. Nachos with extra jalepenos for the group and (too many) hot wings for myself. To say my stomach is grumpy today would be an understatement. I feel sorry for the toilet here at work, I just crammed down two bananas and a coffee.
these days i've gotta take an antacid before bed to prevent that kind of outcome morning after.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
well, it's complicated. the parent company Ituo is who went under; they were the overseas manufacturer and just closed up one day. Ituo USA, the distributor, has rebranded themselves RAKC lighting, have a new supplier, and have some new stuff in the works they've been teasing on their fb page.

just checked - they've now got stuff for pre-sale on their website. product offering is very similar to what they were getting from Ituo.

thanks for the info. weren't RAKC around before Ituo? I guess I'm good with my current combo (Wiz20 on my bar with a spare pair of batteries that I swap out halfway through a ride, and the three-LED light head on my helmet with a 4-cell battery pack), but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be better off with a dual-LED lighthead and a 4-cell battery pack on the bar... The Wiz 20 will see daily use on the commuter bike this winter, so we'll see how it holds up to daily use and salt etc...


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Morning. 70 yesterday, snowing a bit this morning. Another deer last night, more processing tonight. Three tags filled, three to go and an elk still
What do you do with all the meat, antlers, and remaining body parts? That's a lot of Cervinae....

@jimmydean --What everyone else is saying. Stretches, yoga, whatever you can start with. I like "Yoga with Adriene" on youtube, she's got yoga for everything, but you may need just gentle stretches for a while. Buffalo had some crippling back pain, and stretching is what helped. Mine isn't as bad, just constant, and the yoga/stretches/regular exercise keep it manageable. If the foam roller is too much, just wait until it isn't! Wishing you the best of luck...

Thumb recovery halted by a rather intense flare up of psoriatic arthritis. Doc has me on prednisone, has yet to reduce the swelling. I am however getting a full salvo of side effects, constant brain farts and insomnia. At least crippling depression hasn't kicked in yet.
Good Lord! Just cut it off already!!!! Im sure they can make a prothetic hook so you can still hold the handlebars!


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Bonus checks hit yesterday afternoon. Mostly Gone by yesterday evening. But, parts and tires for ///Motorcycle are on the way. Maybe I'll have it on the road by end of November, weather permitting. I was going to order a Roundel for my tool box

but 68 dollars? Fuck you BMW. That picture is slightly larger than actual size. Gonna blow the rest on a low end laptop for the wife and possibly bike parts if any is left over.

For that price, its gotta be OEM.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Ding, ding ding!!!!!! I was just going to toss it in to my order since I bought all the other shit, thinking that it would be like 5 bucks. I don't need one, so i passed.
Speaking of which, how do you sell something for $1.50, ship it internationally, and still turn a profit? I mean, I know it's coming from China and all, but damn.


Thanos did nothing wrong
Jun 13, 2017
Floating down the whiskey river...
6:30 group ride this morning. In the low 60's during the ride, brr. But we it stopped us from over heating like usual.
Front tire kept going flat, kill list? No noticeable tears or holes. Guess i need more special sauce in it.
Ceiling fan needs more shims, its wobbling around like a drunk during a sobriety test. Kill list.
New neighbors upstairs from me. Kill list


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
My employer pays me my full regular salary for the duration of the trial.
I work for the state so get paid "Jury time" as well. Still would be mind-numbingly boring for most of it, I'd imagine.

Thumb recovery halted by a rather intense flare up of psoriatic arthritis. Doc has me on prednisone, has yet to reduce the swelling. I am however getting a full salvo of side effects, constant brain farts and insomnia. At least crippling depression hasn't kicked in yet.
i hate that drug.
part of why i shouldn't have been in a relationship for 10 years.
I hoe you are not on it long enough for the adrenal fatigue too.
I was waiting for TN to respond, having read his prior rants about prednisone.


Bonus checks hit yesterday afternoon. Mostly Gone by yesterday evening. But, parts and tires for ///Motorcycle are on the way. Maybe I'll have it on the road by end of November, weather permitting. I was going to order a Roundel for my tool box

but 68 dollars? Fuck you BMW. That picture is slightly larger than actual size. Gonna blow the rest on a low end laptop for the wife and possibly bike parts if any is left over.
Ding, ding ding!!!!!! I was just going to toss it in to my order since I bought all the other shit, thinking that it would be like 5 bucks. I don't need one, so i passed.
That $1.50 one makes me leery. Several $8.99 options that seem less scammy, but YOLO


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I dropped off the new minivan for an exterior detail at my preferred place. I had stuck the belt-drive bike in the back (fits in quite well upright, in between the 2nd row captain's chairs with the 3rd row stowed flat into the floor) and rode it back.

That first section heading straight north was on small residential streets. I did have to play frogger crossing 6th Ave and Colfax but that wasn't too bad. Once at E 18th Pl it was protected multi-use paths (Sand Creek Greenway for majority of it, little stint on High Line Canal initially) the whole rest of the way home. Very pleasant, and there are actually legit little forests along the path. This must be how this area looked before we cut down all the trees for grazing land and building shit as we are wont to do.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002

Bonus checks hit yesterday afternoon. Mostly Gone by yesterday evening. But, parts and tires for ///Motorcycle are on the way. Maybe I'll have it on the road by end of November, weather permitting. I was going to order a Roundel for my tool box

but 68 dollars? Fuck you BMW. That picture is slightly larger than actual size. Gonna blow the rest on a low end laptop for the wife and possibly bike parts if any is left over.

You can pick one up much cheaper at the local golf course parking lot for the cost of little more than a nice sharp putty knife.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Another visit to the doctor. This one is an impromptu urgent care, because I can't wait for the visit with a specialist on Monday.

My kill list is me.