
Turner 5.Spot


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
i'm in the market for a new XC/AM bike and i stumbled over this 2010 Turner 5.Spot over at CRC

the price is very tempting, but the reviews i read were kind of mixed, mentioning a high front, rather high weight and a steep HA...

so, my dear fellow monkeys, watcha think????
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Certified Lift Whore
Sep 16, 2001
Richmond VA
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Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
There was a similar thread on the MTBR Banshee forum (Spitty vs. 5 Spot) and while many people (myself included) cannot say enough good things about the Spitty's ride qualities, a lot of Spitty owners have experienced a frustrating amount of frame wear around bushing shoulders (even with proper maintenance and not over-tightening the axle bolts). Thus, a lot of Runes and Spittys develop play and/or flex in the rear after awhile, although the Banshee guys are aware of this and supposedly have developed a "kit" to address the issue. I'm of the understanding that the kit will include a newly designed set of axles (original ones seemingly wear prematurely, altho I have not had this problem) and washers which will cover the bushing shoulder wear areas. Not perfect IMO, but I am willing to deal with it if I can get a few more seasons out of the frame. Not trying to scare you away frm of a Spitty, just makking you aware of an issue - again, best riding AM bike I've ever thrown a leg over. You can run a of different travel forks, geo is adjustable and flat out the best in the segment IMO, it's light, and fairly inexpensive compared to most other choices. And if they made a bearing version of one tomorrow, I would buy it within hours. Can't say anything about the 5 Spot, but I'm sure it's well made and rides great too. Just not a fan of the geo.
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