
TV Ads Target Companies Moving Offshore


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Wed Apr 9, 5:51 AM ET


WASHINGTON - American companies that move their headquarters offshore to avoid paying taxes will be the target of a new television advertisement that questions their patriotism during a time when U.S. soldiers are fighting in Iraq (news - web sites).

The ad contrasts images of soldiers at war with a fictional corporate executive. "In the sands of Iraq, our soldiers risk their lives for our country," says the voiceover. "At the same time, big corporations are abandoning our country and setting up phony tax shelters in the sands of Bermuda."

A group of taxpayer and citizen organizations calling themselves The Bermuda Project are running the advertisements to pressure Congress to pass legislation to stop companies from moving to offshore tax havens.

In what's known as a "corporate inversion," a company sets up a shell headquarters in a tax haven such as Bermuda while keeping most operations and jobs in the United States, potentially saving millions of dollars in U.S. taxes on income from foreign sources.

The ads will run later this week in this area and in the districts of House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas. The group wants Republican leaders to bring the legislation before the House for debate.

"The message is about shared sacrifice," said columnist and author Arianna Huffington, one of the founders of The Bermuda Project. "They're really cheating America, and they're cheating every American taxpayer who plays by the rules.

Hastert spokesman John Feehery said Republican leaders plan to examine the corporate tax system to reduce companies' incentives to move overseas. "Our companies are unfairly discriminated against in U.S. taxes," he said.

The ads are paid for by Working Assets, a company that donates part of its profits from telecommunications services and credit cards to environmental, educational and human rights organizations


May 21, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
Delaware is a big corporate HQ state too.

I'm all for the ad campaign. Let the consumers (tax payers) tip the balance of economic power in their favor a little bit.

I'd rather pay a little more at the register than pay more in taxes to support the IRS's loss of corp. tax revenue.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Spud
The ads are paid for by Working Assets, a company that donates part of its profits from telecommunications services and credit cards to environmental, educational and human rights organizations
Little plug here: Working Assets is a nice little way to easily donate some cash, if you're interested. I find I agree with most of their causes...