
<><><>two derps day gmt<><><>


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Cholesterol is borderline high according to my doc, so back to the morning oatmeal regimen we go. Also, I haz teh fat, though I blame the bum knee. Hopefully I can get PT to release my back into the wild and i can start running and biking again with regularity.

Friday though. :banana: Probably ought to look into doing my taxes.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Hello there!

I pulled a IAB last night; said F-it right after dinner and went to bed at 8:30. Felt good.

Some old hag in a Toyota RAV4 wiggled her finger at me through her window and then brake checked me on the freeway today. I lol'd, because she was the one who was going slower than the speed limit. Friggin' derp derps out there.

I hope our IT coop student is ready to work today. I've got a whole pile of crap for him to do. :rofl:

Also I prefer my coffee luke warm to room temp. Strange? :D

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
tendons be sore today. I just can't do 6 hours of ladder and insulation work anymore:banana:

Really enjoying my coffee this morning. poochies are wrestling at my feet and I don't want to go to work but there are bills to pay.......


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Day 2 of solo parenting is well underway. Managed to get them up, dressed, fed, out the door, and on the bus in time, and still had time to make a cappucino and an espresso. Showering the night before seems to be a crucial time saver.

Got to work and my thorn-in-my-side coworker is not in today, so it will be a good day. (she has not yet reached shitheel status, but I'm worried that's where we headed).

Tonight is perogies and bacon and broccoli. it's a nice day out so the kids might even get a chance to ride their bikes around in the court after dinner. hooray for spring. finally.

time for coffee now.

have a good day everyone.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
rain. sore from climbing, but starting to get back in the swing of things. feeling better from being more active.

oatmeal then coffee. salad and yogurt/fruit for lunch. i'm down a few lbs, and keeping it off. had been 210. currently ~203. targeting 180.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande

Cholesterol is borderline high according to my doc, so back to the morning oatmeal regimen we go.
I lowered my total cholesterol with atorvastatin, unprocessed grains and zero animal fats. I had a total of 220, 190 was LDL. AS of 2 weeks ago I was 40 the LDL and 20 for the HDL. The HDL is too low but my cardiologist likes the proportion of high to low. This only took 90 days. I posted the recipe for granola in Food & Beer.

oatmeal then coffee. salad and yogurt/fruit for lunch. i'm down a few lbs, and keeping it off. had been 210. currently ~203. targeting 180.
I'm targeting 150 from 178, so far I've lost 2 LBS...

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I haven't broken 135 since doctors have been keeping track. I think I'll go have some more bacon and eggs. And maybe a donut. :homer:
The cholesterol we eat isn't usually the problem, it's the cholesterol we produce that is the issue, the digestive system will not absorb cholesterol if your body doesn't. Have some bacon for me... scotch is the only smokey goodness I get now.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I lowered my total cholesterol with atorvastatin, unprocessed grains and zero animal fats. I had a total of 220, 190 was LDL. AS of 2 weeks ago I was 40 the LDL and 20 for the HDL. The HDL is too low but my cardiologist likes the proportion of high to low. This only took 90 days. I posted the recipe for granola in Food & Beer.

I'm targeting 150 from 178, so far I've lost 2 LBS...

i was down to 198 back in december courtesy of back to back stomach viruses from my son. drank it all back on.

my LDL is a little high and my HDL is a little low. working on improving the diet and increasing exercise to improve this.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. 2500 yard swim this morning. Tax season is down to the last few days for the wife. It'll be nice when I don't have to cook all that extra food every night (got to keep her fed during tax season while she works long hours).

I just ate an apple, and now I will sit patiently while my body turns it into poop.

Re: the physical, I had mine a couple of months ago. Doc said he wishes he could find something wrong with me to talk to me about, but I'm a boring patient.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
LDL was 127, HDL was 39. My weight was a shocking 196. Not the most I've ever weighed, but awful close to it. I don't even remember what the doc prescribed. Lowest dose she could give me of some generic. I haven't picked it up from the pharmacy yet.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Coffee was not hot....must make more.
Tired as hell. Can't decide if my allergies are out of wack or if I am getting a cold, either way I am grumpy. Guess I need to add "find chocolate" to my "to do" list to get rid of the grumpies!
I lowered my total cholesterol with atorvastatin, unprocessed grains and zero animal fats. I had a total of 220, 190 was LDL. AS of 2 weeks ago I was 40 the LDL and 20 for the HDL. The HDL is too low but my cardiologist likes the proportion of high to low. This only took 90 days. I posted the recipe for granola in Food & Beer.

I'm targeting 150 from 178, so far I've lost 2 LBS...
Animal fats aren't the issue. Chemically altered fats, e.g. oleomargarine, are.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I should probably go get one of those physical things. I haven't been to the doctor in 10 years.

On second thought, meh.
As I was reminded over the weekend, you're still in invincible age territory.
Go grab some Pall Malls and whiskey, ride fast, eat bacon, take chances, etc.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Just placed an order for an 11-42 Sunrace cassette and a Radr cage from Oneup Components. I ordered the cassette from MEC (Cndn version of REI) using my dividend cheque. Cassette will cost me $50, and is 60g heavier than an 11-36 XT cassette. Its been over a year I haven't replaced my drivetrain, so I figured it was time. There was a few times last year I felt I'd like to spin more than my 11-36 would allow, so this is a relatively affordable experiment I think. I checked with my LBS before ordering, but their cost is $130 bucks, and they don't have them available before the end of May. I feel bad, but at $40 difference in base price, plus the "dividend discount", bringing the total difference to $90 is kind of hard to pass up. I'll buy my new chain from the LBS.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
'squeeb, I would not worry about LDL ~130. I certainly wouldn't take a statin for it. SM, with his MI history, is another matter. In general I think that statins are way overprescribed, as their potential side effects are numerous and sometimes severe.

I'm also with jbp: oleic acid and vegetable oils in general save for olive and coconut are the things to avoid. Eat bacon, eat eggs, and be merry otherwise.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I should probably go get one of those physical things. I haven't been to the doctor in 10 years.

On second thought, meh.
Same boat. I figure I could go to the doctor and get checked out, or I could go for a ride. I figure the ride is better for me.