
>>> Two Stay <<<


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Easy enough day mentally but it seems it's hydraulic cylinder season at work, lots of heavy lifting.
I think there'll be 12 cylinders apart in the workshop come tomorrow, one has had to be re-barreled but we had to farm that out.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello and crap. Riding my bike before work was temping, but I decided to take advantage of the "cool" 65 degree morning to get a 7 mile run done. I will ride later today.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Easy enough day mentally but it seems it's hydraulic cylinder season at work, lots of heavy lifting.
I think there'll be 12 cylinders apart in the workshop come tomorrow, one has had to be re-barreled but we had to farm that out.
What's happening on your quitting and getting a new gig?

Also, present.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
:wave: (but :dead: on the inside)

At work. Quite crappy sleep last night. The cat came onto the bed two times, quietly I might add, but I was having some messed up dreams and woke up panicking when she started walking on the blankets.

And now I have a massive headache, which feels like its behind my eye balls.

Oh well, coffee it now and push through the day. I could use a nap.

stop was perfectly just....


if I had slammed on the brakes I would have had a cop slam into the back of me and push me through a intersection.

so yeah.
Red light?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
:wave: (but :dead: on the inside)

At work. Quite crappy sleep last night. The cat came onto the bed two times, quietly I might add, but I was having some messed up dreams and woke up panicking when she started walking on the blankets.

And now I have a massive headache, which feels like its behind my eye balls.

Oh well, coffee it now and push through the day. I could use a nap.

Red light?

sunday drivers.

going barely fast enough.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
psa for you masochists who ski

Chile in june



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

I had 4 days off and did very little and it was nice. Taking tomorrow off because it's the wife's company picnic and we are taking Lil Man. So that's nice.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Woke up feeling like shit. I continue to feel like shit. Missed my morning ride because I feel like shit. I predict an early bedtime and maybe another attempt tomorrow.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My team has a 6 hour long off-site planning meeting today. I spent 10 minutes this morning and finished documenting my plan for the quarter.

At least I am working from home today, dog had explosive bloody diarrhea last night and I am keeping a close eye on him, not to mention I don't want to leave him home locked up inside, don't need that mess to clean up.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
first day of summer vacation for the boys. they are at a mountain bike camp. i'm paranoid they're going to get hurt. my oldest is in a group with a buddy of his that races enduro, and trains 3x/week. he's fit enough to keep up, but doesn't practice technical tracks. I'm worried his buddy with take him on the gnarly stuff. On the other hand, a little peer pressure might get him to try stuff he wouldn't with me, and he might find it fun, and get hooked. could go either way... fingers crossed.

little guy struggles with socialization and appropriate social behaviour. we're trying to help coach him, but it's not easy. I hope he can make friends and have fun...

50.00 traffic stop.

191.00 in monetary rape.
the intersection that takes us onto the highway to get to camp has a camera that is both a speed trap and a red-light camera. I've been nailed there before. get the timing wrong, you either get a red light ticket or a speeding ticket. today the light changed to yellow at that very go/no-go moment. With the memory of the $300 ticket, I slammed on the brakes, squealed the tires, and the car behind me almost rear-ended me. kids were like "wtf dad!?!". such a stupid system. it's like they're setting people up for failure at that intersection. They keep the light green a few seconds after the pedestrian crossing countdown, so as a driver, you don't actually know when the light will turn from green to yellow. smells like a money-grab, but it also feels dangerous.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
first day of summer vacation for the boys. they are at a mountain bike camp. i'm paranoid they're going to get hurt. my oldest is in a group with a buddy of his that races enduro, and trains 3x/week. he's fit enough to keep up, but doesn't practice technical tracks. I'm worried his buddy with take him on the gnarly stuff. On the other hand, a little peer pressure might get him to try stuff he wouldn't with me, and he might find it fun, and get hooked. could go either way... fingers crossed.

little guy struggles with socialization and appropriate social behaviour. we're trying to help coach him, but it's not easy. I hope he can make friends and have fun...

the intersection that takes us onto the highway to get to camp has a camera that is both a speed trap and a red-light camera. I've been nailed there before. get the timing wrong, you either get a red light ticket or a speeding ticket. today the light changed to yellow at that very go/no-go moment. With the memory of the $300 ticket, I slammed on the brakes, squealed the tires, and the car behind me almost rear-ended me. kids were like "wtf dad!?!". such a stupid system. it's like they're setting people up for failure at that intersection. They keep the light green a few seconds after the pedestrian crossing countdown, so as a driver, you don't actually know when the light will turn from green to yellow. smells like a money-grab, but it also feels dangerous.
Pretty easy to predict light changes here with most pedestrian crosswalks having a countdown timer.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Pretty easy to predict light changes here with most pedestrian crosswalks having a countdown timer.
most of ours do too, but this one doesn't is special. i think it's because it's an arterial road that also serves as an on-ramp to a highway, and a very busy route at rush-hour for people leaving downtown. they want to stop pedestrians for a while so cars can get onto the highway. or its a money grab. (or both?)
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Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
psa for you masochists who ski

Chile in june

They are having an epic start to the season. Some say best in 40 years.

dog had explosive bloody diarrhea last night and I am keeping a close eye on him, not to mention I don't want to leave him home locked up inside, don't need that mess to clean up.
Poor doggo. :(