
###Twosdey Gee Em Tea###


Sep 8, 2009

Just need to make it through this week then my week long vacation begins. We're flying out to the Midwest on Saturday to visit my wife's family. I'm soooo looking forward to relaxing and sleeping in all next week.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Came home last night and felt great and jumped on the road bike. A little cold but really not that bad. Always a bonus with ride during the week so I do not have to call myself a weekend worrier. New fancy lights on the road bike



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
At work. Haley slept through most of the night. I did not. Spent most of last night getting my tax stuff ready for the CPA. He is going to really earn his $250 this year: new home, new baby, business expenses, retirement acct distributions, retirement acct penalty exemptions, lots of 1099 income, multiple W2's, etc. It's a bloody cluster f***.

Hoping to get into the gym to beat on the rowing machine and lift a bit. That is all.

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
When you're a dirtbag, sometimes you have dirtbag friends. And, sometimes those friends show up at your place at 2:00 drunk because the have nowhere to sleep. So, they crash on your couch. Then you both wake up at 7:43 and you have to leave for work. Being dirtbags, he has a key and you tell him to lock up before he leaves.

Ride the bus to work, cute girl at the stop but I suck at social interaction so I awkwardly half-stare. Get to work and have **** all to do. Get it done and now have all day to clean screens but don't feel like it. Internet and phone games for the rest of the day.
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Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Hey all. It's Tuuuuuuuesday. Work blows. Continuing the search for new work and entertainment via teh :monkey:


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
did i miss something?
Met a redhead, went out a couple times, went for a couple all nighter rolls in teh hay..... Found out she was married, cut it loose asap,... Fast forward three ish months... she shows up at my house, cannot understand why I broke up with her, showed up at my work dropping off a letter declaring her un dieing love with a stack of rather.... entertaining photos<I went ahead and kept those>.... Leaving notes on my truck over night, was waiting outside yesterday morning when I woke up......

Its both cool and creepy to have such a stalker...... But it had to end