
Tyler Hamilton speaks

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Hamilton issues statement in his defense
By PR Newswire
This report filed November 23, 2004
Statement from U.S. Gold Medalist Tyler Hamilton Regarding Doping Charge
Tuesday November 23, 11:40 am ET
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a statement from U.S. gold medalist Tyler Hamilton regarding doping charge:

As an athlete I realize that sometimes you may have to lose a few races to gain the knowledge on what it takes to win. Relating to my doping charge, I will say that, up to this point, I have been losing the "pr" war -- partially because I naively thought that if I stated whole-heartedly that I have never and would never engage in blood doping or any form of cheating -- and waited for the process to exonerate me, I would be fine. I also naively thought that officials within the various "anti-doping" organizations would wait for the due process before passing judgment on me publicly. Again I was wrong. I know now that if I wait to discuss at least a few points of fact with the public, by the time I am fully exonerated, and I know I will be exonerated, my reputation may be jeopardized.

So with that being said, I would like to dispel some things that have been said inaccurately in the media.

1. Despite indications to the contrary my A sample from the Olympics, the one that first brought on this issue, was initially determined to be negative for blood doping. When it was re-analyzed -- and I am not sure why it was re- analyzed -- it was again deemed negative. It was not a clearly positive test as it has been characterized. Instead, the results of both negative tests were reviewed by a "panel of experts" and then apparently deemed positive. This much review of one sample calls into question the validity of this test, which has been criticized by many very reputable scientists as being inaccurate and unreliable. To this day, I have not been provided any paperwork from the IOC that states my A Sample was positive.

As blood testing is a fact of life for a professional cyclist, it is critical that tests are reliable and proven. On that note, I have been tested over 50 times throughout my career and this is the first time I have ever even been questioned, so again this is new and beyond upsetting to me. Everyday throughout the world, somebody gets news of a false medical test result. Fortunately, in most of these cases the "false positive" is correctable.

2. Again, contrary to what you have heard in the media, my B sample from the Olympics was not accidentally frozen. I have no idea why an official would lie about this procedure but for the record, the protocol is for the B sample to be frozen when the A sample is negative. This was the case with me after my A Sample was deemed negative and is why the lab froze the B sample, as opposed to a lab "mistake."

Moreover, comparing my test results from Athens to "test results" from Spain reveal serious inconsistencies, which could mean that 1) the test itself is invalid; 2) the test method was not followed; or 3) that one of the samples is not my blood. On this note, I have asked numerous times for my blood to be DNA tested. I have been turned down and also not been allowed to have independent scientists review the findings. In addition, repeated requests to review the raw data and the testing protocol have been thwarted or denied. Doesn't that sound odd?

To conclude, these are only a few points of the many that I will be bringing up during the examination process of my case, but I wanted people to have these facts to consider.

I know we are living in an age where we unfortunately hear about athletes who cheat and I have to admit that, prior to this, when I saw something on the news regarding doping or some kind of cheating, it seemed very black and white. I have now learned that drug testing is very complicated, and mistakes can be made. I have always admitted when I have made tactical mistakes in races, and I hope that when this case is over, the testers and the agencies involved will admit to their mistakes as well.

I also believe that it is important to keep sports clean and wholly understand that testing is a necessity and will continue to adhere by the rules. This is why it is all the more important that we have a process to expose doping/cheating that works. We need to have officials who protect the process, which includes reserving judgment until all avenues are explored and validated, and utilizing tests that are absolutely accurate. It is unfair to work through the kinks on new and unproven tests with athletes who have trained a lifetime and whose whole livelihood can be eliminated with an inaccurate test.

In the end, I am not a lawyer, scientist or a publicist so I am learning how to win this particular race fairly in the only way I know, with the truth. What I am is a guy who loves to ride his bike and compete and I have done so for 10 years without ever bending the rules.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I'm still giving him the benefit. That guy really seems to be all heart and I hope to HELL he is "innocent".

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Ditto, the circumstances around this test would never hold up in court. I find it appaling that the UCI can take away someones livelyhood based on guess and supposition.

IMO Tyler is innocent until proven guilty.


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
Damn True said:
Ditto, the circumstances around this test would never hold up in court. I find it appaling that the UCI can take away someones livelyhood based on guess and supposition.

IMO Tyler is innocent until proven guilty.
I think all of us were totally floored when this came out. After all, Tyler has proven himself to be one of the most tenacious riders in the past couple of years. Completing the Tour with a broken collar bone is great evidence of the grit this guy has.

That type of grit doesn't seem consistent with a cheater. We all know that many athletes are suspected of using performance-enhancing drugs (Barry Bonds, Marion Jones, Mark McGuire, etc.), but I'm with Damn True... Tyler should be treated as innocent until these tests are independently verified.

After all... nobody wants to see an American on the podium at ANY cycling events... it's their sport. (They being the neon-clad, stuck up Euros...)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Damn True said:
Ditto, the circumstances around this test would never hold up in court. I find it appaling that the UCI can take away someones livelyhood based on guess and supposition.

IMO Tyler is innocent until proven guilty.

The UCI just sucks plain and simple. They are killing cycling both on and off road. :nuts:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
DOH! I should have read the article. I just ASSumed it was about thoes basketball players....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Heidi said:
Anyone that professes there innocence THAT vehemently has to have a reason.
that "reason" is his career and image. I'm not saying he's not guilty but I'd be VERY surprised if that's the case...


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
DRB said:
I want him to be innocent and hope that he is.

The only thing that leaves me a little skeptical is that the fact that someone on the same team has failed tests for the same reason.
Yah, Santi's tests is something that makes you go hmmmmmmm

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
From velonews letters:

"A little math shows how scary it must be to be a professional or amateur athlete, subject to continuous drug testing. Take the case of Hamilton.

As I recall he was the only one of 385 riders at Athens who tested positive for a homologous blood transfusion at this year's Olympics. For the sake of argument, let's assume the test is 99.74-percent accurate. We might think a test that's 99.74-percent accurate is a pretty damn good one, but it means that 1 in 385 riders will exhibit a false positive, which would mean for a case like Hamilton's that the test is no better than flipping a coin. And it's funny thing that the odds of any test being valid go down as the number of dopers decline. That's got to be a scary scenario for any frequently tested athlete, since I would assume no test is perfect, and since I would assume the peloton is getting cleaner by the day.

So the big question I would like to see answered is the question of false positives. Can the test for homologous blood transfusion produce false positives, and if so, what are the numbers?
Steve Rempel
Mountain View, California "