
Tyre clearance on a NRS


Jul 5, 2002
Just wondering if a 2.4 Moto Raptor would fit on a Giant NRS frame? If not, what is the biggest size I could use?
I run 2.4 motoraptors on my Rocky Mountain Element race. They are small for 2.4 tires. Most WTB tires are smaller then they claim. Actually smaller then many 2.3's out there. I have 2.3 Tioga's on my Stinky and they are much bigger then the 2.4's on my Rocky mountian Element bike. The motoraptors are probably a tiny bit bigger then the 2.25 IRC Backcountry tires I also used on the Element bike. Woulden't it be nice if the measurements Mfg's used were even close to reality