Why does someone passively resisting arrest deserve to be tazed? Why does someone actively resisting arrest deserve to be tazed? Same difference as far as I'm concerned. Passive resistance is resistance.just because you would be a pussy in that situation does not mean everyone else would be one too. i'm not saying that i would have attacked the officers, but i would have stood up to them.
why does someone who goes limp in protest deserve to be tazed. he wasn't thrashing about, they could have just dragged him out. and also, he asked the cso who asked for his id to check the id of the white guys around him as well, but they refused to do so.
Again, I'm not feeling bad for someone who brought this on themselves.
BV, I was simply commenting on the amount of e-anger everyone is showing in an issue that they would likely NOT do as they brag they would. I find that quite amusing, and the glaring anger really undermines any real thought that goes into the response.
And Silver, yes, it may be odd that they were yelling at him to get up, but the point remains that they DID. And he refused, vehemently, in fact (Fvck off, I believe was the first comment), so he got shocked again.
See above about my not feeling bad for him. This all could have been avoided by simply a "yes sir, no sir" and being polite, weather he liked it or not.