
Uh Oh..... Its Black Friday Time!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD

Since i'm home, my mom is making me go with her to Price club tomorrow so that I can help lug her new LCD TV that she is saving $200 on. I hope I make it out alive :help:

Anyone else brave enough to go out?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
why does it have to be black friday?

any way.. im more thant brave enough to go out. i work in a sporting good's store cycling department. not only will i be out tommorow, ill be helping the savages that are out to save a dollar or two.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
monkeyboy424 said:
why does it have to be black friday?

any way.. im more thant brave enough to go out. i work in a sporting good's store cycling department. not only will i be out tommorow, ill be helping the savages that are out to save a dollar or two.
maybe because it keeps the stores out of the "red" ;)


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
uh uh. you won't catch me near a retail area (any retail area) most days of the year, but never, ever ever, ever, ever, ever, ever will i go shopping the day after thanksgiving. once i had to work (in a mall, in the most popular fast food place in the food court) the day after thanksgiving. i was almost in tears by the time i went home. people are insane.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
COmtbiker12 said:
I have to work retail from 5:45-2 today. :( And it's still only my second day so I'm not 'that' great.... FUN! :rolleyes:
you'll be one of those people that when people get in your line they'll be like "ug OMG, I can't believe they put a trainee on the register."
then when they get home they'll be like "ug OMG, i was in (ambercrombie/american eagle/macy's/express and they had some idiot trainee on the register, who does that on the busiest shopping day of the year?"

but you, you can go home and laugh about the fact that you put a large dent in the time spent in everyone's frenzied almost manic shopping spree today. you have done your part to save the world from friday after thanksgiving sale gluttony. good on you.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
You won't catch me anywhere near the mall or a shopping center today. While there are a lot of sales going on, it's not worth the hassle. To be honest, the sales usually get better as the holiday season pushes forward...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I worked retail when I was a kid... working retail today sucks! to those of you in the retail sector and who are working today I say, "HA HA!!!"

It's called "Black Friday" because retailers are traditionally in the red all year till today. Today's sales are what puts them "in the black", and their profit is made during the christmas season. Hence, "Black Friday"! (It's a positive term, not a negative one)

I am working today but it should be super slow. Think I'll take a movie in and leave early. :D


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I live on a hill above a Walmart and a couple of freeways among other things. We usually see the news helicopters out our windows for the traffic report, but today they looked like they were reporting on the Walmart crowd.

Then as I was driving to work, I damn near rear ended a couple of Waltards as they decided to stop in the middle of traffic to make a left instead of use the turn lane... :mad:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Well it seems I survived! It slowed down and since I'm heading to denver (for my second Thanksgiving, parent's are divorced, yadda yadda...) they let me leave an hour early. Let me just say DAMN! Within about 15seconds of them announcing to open the doors people were already swarming us and we're just about as far from the exits as you can get. It's definitely amazing how quickly half the stock goes and half the cheapass junk that people are buying from the ads. I mean, there were mystery brand DVD players and stuff in the ad, and we had probably 50 of them and they all sold out within a few hours. I have to admit it was pretty cool actually talking to a customer and trying to sell them TVs. I ended up selling a big screen and several smaller ones that were about 26-36". But... of course I'm not on commission yet so it doesn't count. :(

Quite the experience though. :p


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
You all are a bunch of panzies. We know how to do it right down here in SFL. Everyone and their brother has received some kind of insurance settlment check from Wilma. Screw spending it on repairing your car or home when you can go buy a 847" plasma at 60% off.


Sawgrass Mills Mall is second to DISNEY WORLD in the # of visitors per year in Florida

Sun-sentinel.com" said:

Woman, 73, says she was knocked down, stepped on during 'Black Friday' at Sawgrass Mills
By Joseph Mann

November 25, 2005, 9:26 AM EST
"Black Friday," the traditional start of the holiday shopping season, began in South Florida early today with a 73-year-old woman being knocked down as a crowd at an electronics store rushed a metal security gate to get inside.

The crowd of shoppers outside BrandsMart USA in Sawgrass Mills, angry at being forced to wait by security personnel, pushed their way under the security gate and down a hallway into the store, forcing dozens of people against the walls and trampling the woman.

"I was trying to get out of the way, but they knocked me down," said Josephine Hoffman of Coconut Creek, who was standing immediately outside the gate as a human wave rushed inside, carrying her along.

"I hit my head on the floor, and people stepped on me," said the woman, who was resting on a box of merchandise inside the store following the 7:30 a.m. incident. "I don't understand why people do these things."

A store manager asked whether she needed medical attention and called for assistance, while Hoffman's two daughters phoned the police.

The incident came as shoppers lined up all over South Florida for Black Friday, the start of the holiday shopping season and the second-busiest shopping day of the year, after the Saturday before Christmas.

A woman at a Pembroke Pines Wal-Mart was also injured and required hospital treatment when she was pushed to the ground by another shopper, according to fire officials.

Shopping crowds were reported to be large around the United States because many retailers offered deep discounts, hoping to spur consumer buying amid an uncertain national economy.

Moments before the crowd burst under the metal gate at BrandsMart , Tony McLeod, another BrandsMart manager, tried to calm down shoppers, telling them the store could only allow groups of about 20 to enter the store at one time to avoid overcrowding.

BrandsMart personnel tried to keep the total number of shoppers in the store to about 500 to meet fire department regulations, he said.

"There is more than enough for everybody. The sale is going on all day," he shouted as frustrated shoppers shouted back, complaining they were tired of waiting.

"We have your money out here," one woman responded angrily. "We need to go to other stores. I can't stand here all day."

One man shouted through the gate that he had been waiting for an hour and half. A woman from Brazil, nearly in tears, asked in Portuguese whether she could be allowed inside because her husband was already there. Others complained that security personnel lowered the metal door and left them isolated from family members.

Inside the store, shoppers were calmer. There were a few hundred people inside since the store opened, but the aisles were not crowded and most of those inside were waiting patiently in long lines to reach one of the store's 17 cashiers.

People began lining up at BrandsMarts two entrances before 4 a.m. Friday, hoping to snag some of the doorbuster specials or hundreds of other discounted items. "We came in about 4:45, and there were already lines," said Cosmo Adamo, the general manager.

By 6 a.m., when the store opened, hundreds of people waited in long lines snaking around the building outside the main entrance, which faces a Sawgrass Mills parking lot, and at the mall entrance.
Copyright © 2005, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Help I've fallen and can't get my X-box



What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Oh this is classic, I found a sequence of the events

Looks like the old lady was doing a little pushing of her own! Don't start a fight you cant win beeyatch

here is her daughter pulling her along. I can hear her... Hurry up Mom you are slowing me down

Its about to get ugly I fear

down for the count
(thats gotta hurt)


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
I got stuck in radio shack (my least favorite place to begin with) in a crowd of people holding remote control crap, sirious satellite radio and dvd players. I was there to buy a new ethernet cable and that was it. The cashier looked at me like I was nuts for not filling a cart. He asked me if I wanted any sale items, so I told him how much I love my XM radio and proceeded to get the hell out of the store.