Project mayhem?Oh, I don't mean to imply that its going to come as a real surprise that a particular financial institution(s) and the people who work there are as crooked as a dogs hind leg. Everyone know that already. What I suspect/fear is that the docs will show that one or more MAJOR financial institutions are insolvent. While anyone following the financial crisis will not be particularly surprised by this, the outing of proof that a bank(s) is/are insolvent has the potential to bring the whole house of cards crumbling down right now in a way that will make people look back on the Bear Sterns failure in 2008 as the "good old days".
As for the second half of your post, you should pick up a copy of Michael Lewis’s book titled “Liars Poker”. What you suspect is eloquently proven in his book.
ok. so suppose its true. are we better off knowing, letting the cards come crashing down, so we can then get started rebuilding? or are we better off letting the facade carry on?