I like strong tasting beers. Becks, Newcastle, Doseques Amber, Guiness, and a few others with a bit of taste. I am fond of Porters and stouts and dark ales. Most however are a bit too strong tasting for me to actually drink more than 2 or 3 at a sitting. After Shying away from mass produced American Beers some time ago I wanted to take the stress off and get a less than intelegent drunk on this weekend. I went to the store and picked up a case of Bud select. Now years ago when I stopped with the mass produced beer it wasnt that bad, just not what I was looking for. This stuff was absolute crap!! The only select thing about it is am I going to select to give it away or select to use it for target practice. A couple days later I bought a Regular bud in a resturant. They must have changed the recipe. It was like drinking dirty water. What has happened to Americas taste in brew? HAve we evolved to the point of yellow alcaholic water?? I guess I will stick to imports and Micros and keep the hard stuff for those couple time a year drunks.