
Ultimate 4X/DJ frame...


Oct 23, 2001
Salt Lake City, UT
Originally posted by DHTRAVELER
I know it was designed for a 110mm fork but couldn't you put an 80 or 100mm travel fork on it to get the head angle steeper for racing? I am still learning what ways you can use effectively to adjust geometery, so if I'm way off on this please be kind.

I guess its more the axle to headset race distance than the fork travel that effects head angel, no? The quest for knowledge continues...
We are building a Rail for local customer this week (Mani_UT). I'll get some measurements from the final build. It does have an adjustable rear shock mount that allows for some geometry changes.


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
I finally get my bike collection set up all nice and you got to throw in the new PX :angry:

Now I need to figure out what to sell, so I can get one:think:
Dec 25, 2003
Edinburgh, Scotland
Well it might not fulfill a number of your criteria but it would be on my list if I was in the market for a 4X frame, plus they are a really small setup and can offer all sorts of custom geometry options.


I also loved my Cove hardtail and wouldnt hesitate to look at the Hooker.



Oct 23, 2001
Salt Lake City, UT
KTM 200 it rules gate starts...braaaap!

Not long after I started this post I ended up in the hospital with a few broken ribs and a bleeding kidney. So I missed out on most of the spring DJ season. Since healing up I've been racing DH, but now that that season is almost over I have been rethinking the FS DJ bike. I sent an email to Planet X USA for updates on the Split Tail, but have not heard back in over a week.

What I've seen of the Split Tail looks promising. Good geometry, simple & strong design, and under $1000 for the frame.

Anyone else seen any other FS DJ bikes?


Turbo Monkey
I hear really good things about the Rail.
Friend of mine bought one a while ago. It was Eric Carter's spare frame. He also has a Intense Tazer FS so he sold the Turner to another friend of mine. The rail felt just as nice as the Tazer and he had a hard time deciding.
This is a pic from the guy who's building it right now, thank god he ripped of those ugly mongoose stickers...

Ralph Malph's Turner Rail


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
go-ride.com said:
What I've seen of the Split Tail looks promising. Good geometry, simple & strong design, and under $1000 for the frame.
how ironic...I just just just sent Peter at PX an e-mail about the split tail to see where they are at with that bike.

sure looks nice for the price.


Aug 26, 2004
SuspectDevice said:
From a racers perspective the Rail is a little too slack and too heavy to really be considered. It would definetly be a fun play bike though!
I got an 04 Rail, and have ridden it all 04 season. Regular size w/Romic shock.
It sure is a heavy frame, (9,46lbs w/the Romic and std seatclamp).
I sat it up with a 04 DJ1 110mm. at first, but found the head angle too steep for do-anything-kinda-riding. After rebuilding the DJ1 to 130mm. travel, the bike felt mutch better for me. (I do not like slow handling bikes). So I wouldn't recomend to use a 80mm. fork on the Rail.
It's a steady frame, with quick handling, easy to maual, easy to bunnyjump, and can do anything you'll take it at. The wheelbase is below normal short, so it feels unstabe under high speed in rough terrain. The other way arond, it is VERY fast on a tight 4x course. (I got many superb "railings" on the Les Gets 4x course this summer. The Rail ruled there!)