
Ultimate Fighting Championship


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
I am glad that MMA(mixed martial arts) is finally gettting the air time it deserves; instead if reciveing bad press do to the fact that it is a "violant,dangerous" sport. The fact is that MMA, well most MMA compitions are just as safe if not safer than boxing,K1 and other fighting sports. In boxing you have the standing 8 count, so when a fighter gets knocked down with a hard right, he has up to 8 seconds to get up and "kinda" gain his composure, the fighter can be bleeding pretty badly and they still sometime does not stop the fight. While in MMA specifically the UFC you have great referies such as Big John McCartny who will stop a fight when a fighter cannot inteligentaly defend themselves.

There are many great competitors in the UFC as well as Pride fighting that people can look up to as rolemodeles as weird as it sounds, with fighters like Randy Courtuer (who is almost 40 right now),Quintan "Rampage" Jackson(who grew up in a rough neighborhood), Tito Ortiz, Sakuraba, as well as many others. The people who fight in these compititions are not only brave,but they are great practioners of there chosin profession. MMA is more than 2 guys bashin each others brains in, MOST fights and I emphasize most fights are very well thought out and very well strategized by both fighters.

WHOA! sorry for this little rant that I went on, it's just that I am very passionate about the things I love, and martial arts/MMA is something I am very passionate about. Full contact fighting is one of the most exciting things I have ever done in my short life, even if you go light contact you should give Full contact fighting a try. Its a great work out, its fun and you can learn alot about yourself and how you react when you have someone tryin to beat you up.

Well, sorry for the rant, but yea..... check online for UFC and Pride, get a couple of your buddies and gather some money and order it on PPV one of these days, its a blast.

PS: BTW I AM A HUGE FAN!!!!!!!!!!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I have a few friends who fought in some UFC style matches. What I like is the purity of the athletes. Compare them to boxers, who strongly discouraged from speaking beyond yelling threats during the weigh-in, these fighters seem to be open with how they feel. If they don't like you, sure enough it will be settled in the ring.

I remember an interview between Joe Rogan (mr. Fear Factor) and Tank Abbott, one of the pioneers. Rogan wrapped up the interview with the clique, "What are your future plans", and Tank replied, semi-jokingly, "I want to fight you, Joe." Fans started cheering and if Joe wanted to go (who does train), they would have been fighting a minute later.

I don't see Larry Merchant or Jim Lampley mixing it up with any fighter...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
Personally I would not consider Tank Abbott a pioneer on MMA, his fighting style as the ring anoucer called was "bar fighter." Thats all he had going for him, his size, just like Kimo and many other, however, Hoyce Gracie, was a pioneer of the sport, a relativy small guy at around 135-145(I am guesin) was destroying fighters twice and three times his size with choke holds and submission, I am just glad that I am not the only one here that like MMA.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I watched about 3 hours of that stuff last night on Spike TV. I liked it, but gotta think that those matches were pretty tame. I have a weak stomach, so seeing people's bones get broken and whatnot, would force me to turn the channel. They are some sick mofo's though for sure!! I want to see that "Ice Man" guy fight, he looks sick!!


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
yes im glad that is its finally getting the attention it deserves. ive been a fan of kick boxing for a LONG time, so MMA is a great addition.

while i respect boxers for the talent that they have i consider MMA far more difficult becuase you have to be multi demionsional to be effective, i.e striking AND grappling.

i can't imagine being the poor SOB that pisses off one of these guys in a bar :eek:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Yeah I taped it while I was out last night and watched this morning. The fights weren't bad. I was a little disappointed in Bonnar. He definately wasn't in all that great of shape. Mike Swick is compelling. Two fights, 42 seconds total. The main event sucked though.

I'm glad that UFC is finally figuring out how to market themselves. You gotta give away some of it for free so it hooks folks. I wonder how much more buy rate they will get on the pay perview on the 20th because of this. But how smart would it have been if they had shown a previous Liddell fight.

Plus fights like that help show the true nature of the MMA fighting. Its not this gladiator destruction with one man left crippled for life, which is the image many of have of it. Even many knowledgeble boxing fans I know have that belief. The Ultimate Fighter show really helped open their eyes. I'm glad they'll have another season and more free events. Spike TV is going to put a huge push on this because they won't have WWF anymore.


sanjuro said:
Spoken like the guy who has bruises on the back of his head...
Nope - just one of the more rational people in the world. Hurting people for fun isn't, well, fun.


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
loco said:
Nope - just one of the more rational people in the world. Hurting people for fun isn't, well, fun.
Its not for fun, its for profit. This is a career to some of these guys and a lot of them do pretty well financially. They don't make the kind of money that boxers do (unfortunately) but they still do OK.


Potroast88 said:
Its not for fun, its for profit. This is a career to some of these guys and a lot of them do pretty well financially. They don't make the kind of money that boxers do (unfortunately) but they still do OK.
Well - that makes a ton more sense to me then. :rolleyes:

Wife - Hi Honey - how was work???
Dumb ass fighter - Not bad. I only had three vertabrae broken. I'm pretty sure I have a few months before I am truely paralyzed.
Wife - Sweet - did you get that $1500 in prize money???
Dumb ass fighter - Sure did. :thumb:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
loco said:
Fighting always seemed kind of dumb.


i've watched those fights before, and i just don't understand it.

However, i think the spectators have more issues than the fighters themselves.


Turbo Monkey
loco said:
Dumb ass fighter - :

Dont judge, you dont know those people. Its a sport just like MTB and people like doing it for whatever reason they want.
I did kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu for many years and my teacher was actually one of the first people to fight in the UFC. ( Remco Pardoel in UFC 2 in Japan)
This is not dumb fighting, its professional athletes competing against eachother knowing exactly what theyre doing.


Kevin said:
Dont judge, you dont know those people. Its a sport just like MTB and people like doing it for whatever reason they want.
I did kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu for many years and my teacher was actually one of the first people to fight in the UFC. ( Remco Pardoel in UFC 2 in Japan)
This is not dumb fighting, its professional athletes competing against eachother knowing exactly what theyre doing.
You're right. They are not necessarily dumb ass people. They are people that I don't know, engaging in dumb ass actions.


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
loco said:
Well - that makes a ton more sense to me then. :rolleyes:

Wife - Hi Honey - how was work???
Dumb ass fighter - Not bad. I only had three vertabrae broken. I'm pretty sure I have a few months before I am truely paralyzed.
Wife - Sweet - did you get that $1500 in prize money???
Dumb ass fighter - Sure did. :thumb:
There are thousands of jobs that people do each day that carry a lot more risks than these fighters face. Serious injuries are extremely rare in these fights.


Kevin said:
How do you think most people think about mountainbikers hucking themselves off 30ft cliffs?
I think its pretty arrogant to decide for other people what they do for fun/sport is dumb.
Hucking off of a 30ft cliff is dumb too.

*How's this??? - I won't judge the dumbness of any more sports, and keep it to myself it is dumb to fight. Period. Not that I like Nascar, or any other sport like that, but don't ever judge any of them, or make fun of roadies shaving their legs. ;)


Potroast88 said:
There are thousands of jobs that people do each day that carry a lot more risks than these fighters face. Serious injuries are extremely rare in these fights.
Yeah - the ladies in my group in Customer Service are pretty rough, so I understand danger.

*most jobs that involve risk involve reward, i.e. big tower gets built, fire gets put out, bad guys get caught. I don't see a huge reward in kicking someone's ass. :think:


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
loco said:
Hucking off of a 30ft cliff is dumb too.

*How's this??? - I won't judge the dumbness of any more sports, and keep it to myself it is dumb to fight. Period. Not that I like Nascar, or any other sport like that, but don't ever judge any of them, or make fun of roadies shaving their legs. ;)
Wait a minute......no more making fun of roadies shaving their legs? Forget it.


Oh - btw, fellas. I have never watched a second of this, so I don't really know what I am talking about. I just felt like commenting, so don't take any of it to heart. Go see the Dukes. YEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW


Potroast88 said:
Wait a minute......no more making fun of roadies shaving their legs? Forget it.
It's cooler in the summer here. :thumb:

*I guess since I only ride the road bike once or twice a week, I'm not really a roadie. Folks look at me weird when I mow the yard though. (Not shave the junk. I don't let people watch that.)


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
loco said:
It's cooler in the summer here. :thumb:

*I guess since I only ride the road bike once or twice a week, I'm not really a roadie. Folks look at me weird when I mow the yard though. (Not shave the junk. I don't let people watch that.)[/QUOTE
How many seconds did you shave off of your total mow time?


Turbo Monkey
I understand your views on fighting people for fun/sports Loco but I like to think everyone can decide for themselves whats s good for them or not.
Same goes for roadies shaving their legs. Its their own choice they wanna look ghey.



YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I don't have a road bike, but I sometimes ride my singlespeed to the end of the block to get the mail. If I shave my legs, do you think I will be able to retrieve my bills faster?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
yonton228 said:
Personally I would not consider Tank Abbott a pioneer on MMA, his fighting style as the ring anoucer called was "bar fighter." Thats all he had going for him, his size, just like Kimo and many other, however, Hoyce Gracie, was a pioneer of the sport, a relativy small guy at around 135-145(I am guesin) was destroying fighters twice and three times his size with choke holds and submission, I am just glad that I am not the only one here that like MMA.
I agree I would not compare Abbott to the creator of Brazilian Ju Jitsu.

He looked like the scary guy at the dive bar and he played off his bad-ass reputation. Also being on "Friends" didn't hurt his career....


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
loco said:
Nope - just one of the more rational people in the world. Hurting people for fun isn't, well, fun.
Hmmm. You don't think violence is appropriate viewing material? Do you avert your eyes when a hockey fight breaks out? How about two girls in a catfight? I suppose you think Fight Club is a worthless movie?

Alternately, in the (hopefully) few moments in your life when confrontation was inevitable, did you enjoy having to back down?


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I agree with you, sometimes confrontation is inevitable. Maybe my attitude has gotten me into more than my share of fights, but I must say, knocking someone out has its therapeutic benefits.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
loco i don't know you so i can't gauge you sense of humor. i really hope you are just stirring the pot...

otherwise your comments are pig fvcking ignorant.

potroast...that is one of the funniest avatars ive seen in a longgggg time :thumb:


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
bar fighting or fighting cuz you're pissed at someone is stupid...

but to call these guys fighting in the UFC dumb... just proves your ignorance...there is quite a bit of training and skill that goes into this...these are two guys that go into the octagon because they want to test their skills...whether it be boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, or the tons of other techniques they have come up with...or all of them combined...they are warriors in their own way and it's very commenadable...that ****e takes a lot of dedication in many aspects...and to put it down because you don't understand it...makes you the dumb one...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am not advocating violence. 99% of the fights I have seen could have been easily avoided. These fights usually involved idiots, alcohol, or both.

However, I have been fights that were unavoidable (like when I was mugged), and I rather inflict pain and injury than receive it.

Alternately, my friends who did train and fought in matches were some of the calmest people I knew. They never looked for a fight, but they were not afraid of any situation.

In any confrontation, violence should not be the first option, the second, or the fifth. Talking it out is a good response, and walking away is not a bad one either. But your posture in any confrontation will be different when you can handle any response from the other side, including violence.


It's not that fighting is something to completely avoid, but fighting for fun is stupid. Choosing a career that has you fighting seems stupid to me. It's not something I like watching. Like I said, it seems stupid. If it floats your boat, that's cool.

*nice to see that goodtobeirie found something to be confrontational about herself. yay


sanjuro said:
I am not advocating violence. 99% of the fights I have seen could have been easily avoided. These fights usually involved idiots, alcohol, or both.

However, I have been fights that were unavoidable (like when I was mugged), and I rather inflict pain and injury than receive it.

Alternately, my friends who did train and fought in matches were some of the calmest people I knew. They never looked for a fight, but they were not afraid of any situation.

In any confrontation, violence should not be the first option, the second, or the fifth. Talking it out is a good response, and walking away is not a bad one either. But your posture in any confrontation will be different when you can handle any response from the other side, including violence.

I agree with most of what you say. I have a good friend that is very skilled in martial arts. He teaches them even. Trouble is, he has night terrors and sleeps locked in a separate room from his wife. I guess I don't understand what makes it cool to watch. I didn't say these cats lack skill, I said fighting for fun or work seems stupid. Not that they are stupid, the act is.