
!! Um, yeah, ??day !!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Last week sleeping on a blow up mattress in the back of a van I was getting 9+ hours of sleep a night. Since getting home my sleep has been terrible, not helped by the DSO wanting outside in the middle of the night every night...

Will have to try and sneak in a ride this afternoon if it doesn't storm, too late to get one in this morning.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
The PB comments never disappoint :rofl:
that's a pretty strong start to your day! :rofl:

as for me, I called 911 to report a fire in the forest behind Parliament. Wonder if it will make it in the news? My commute takes me on the North bank of the Outaouais river, just across from Parliament. Seems odd to me that I was the first to call it in, the smoke was pretty thick and high...

Oh, and HBD @jstuhlman ! :cheers:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
that's a pretty strong start to your day! :rofl:

as for me, I called 911 to report a fire in the forest behind Parliament. Wonder if it will make it in the news? My commute takes me on the North bank of the Outaouais river, just across from Parliament. Seems odd to me that I was the first to call it in, the smoke was pretty thick and high...

Oh, and HBD @jstuhlman ! :cheers:
I assume you found the comments. That guy must be having a bad day at work. :rofl:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Boss - What’s the status on this thing that’s two weeks overdue?
Me - I sent it to you two weeks ago with a request for feedback.

He’s actually a good boss, but he’s swamped. Instead of hiring more staff I need to hire a second boss so I can get things approved faster. Things tend to bottleneck more at the approval stage than in production.