
***Un dia de los muertos GMT***


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Shockingly busy at our socially distanced candy bucket last night. Kids seemed good about only taking a piece or two each, didn't have to answer door. Had beers with neighbors instead. 10/10 will do halloween like this again next year.

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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Pretty well picked clean last night. Blew through 200 bags of chips in about 90 minutes. Was closed up by 8 and at 9:30 the little buggers were still out. Thankfully they respected the darkened house unlike previous years where they bang on your door until WAY too late.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Carved pumpkins with kids. Did a socially distant halloween parade through the neighborhood yesterday. Was actually pretty cool. Neighbors had an outdoor kids movie after a dinner break which was also cool (also social distanced). Bonfire, bees, and hot tub in the full moon light afterwards. Coffee and fireplace now, rained out of dh for the day, bummer. There's always next season, the mountains aren't going anywhere.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Trick or treating on the street involved lots of candy in buckets at the end of the street or put on tables in little baggies with multiple pieces. We got together with five families - all on the street or from classes. So if one of the kids had gotten sick, we'd all get sick anyways. Crock Pots, Hocus Pocus projected on a sheet outside for the kids, and drinks for adults in the garage (open).

Put self-leveling sealant into all the driveway cracks yesterday morning and by last night, most had sunk down into the cracks. I have a very bad feeling that those cracks are much deeper than they initially appear and explain the small crack that appeared in the basement wall. Thankfully I made the point of measuring and marking a series of lengths across the crack during the spring, so I can tell if it's been growing or not. I'm going to try putting sealant in again today and if they don't seal, I'm calling a few foundation guys to take a look at it, and get quotes, since they are very likely related.

Also stuck on a relatively hard to remember calculation I rarely use in my work, but need to know for my current class test and the CFP test. It's keeping me from moving forward until I have the calculation and logic memorized. One of the downsides of the drugs they put me on for my seizures - it seriously ruins my short-term memory. So I end up having to do the thing repetitively far more than I had to historically to memorize them.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
FIL passed away, so the wife headed down to help get things sorted. I am loading up the dogs in Frita and we are going to camp in the driveway. Good times.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Was able to muster enough willingness to go out for a ride. Crunchiness was abundant.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I wish my body was capable of 10 hrs of sleep. :(
Ugly weather here, cold & humid, snow has mostly melted, trails are likely wet and muddy.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Not sure why, but I hit my FTS level with diapers/pull-ups for Hannah this am. Full bribery with candy is in place. Underwear is on, going to toilet every 30min. I'm fucking done.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
If anyone thinks their country is a dumpster fire I present you Poland 2020.

The Ruling Party has changed our strictest anti abortion law to be even stricter (essentially you have to give birth to dead babies) so 100k + people went to the streets in the capital and 300k in the whole country. Biggest protests since the country stopped being communist. What does our Ruling Party Head do? He goes on national TV with a speech to the nation literally encouraging far-right hooligans to defend the churches (there were a few cases of people spraying abortion helpline phone numbers on them) and fight people on the streets. So they attack the sides of the march.

At the same time a guy from our equivalent of the FBI drives through 2 protesters blocking the street and runs away. He gets charged with a misdemeanor. (Putting Pride Flags on Statues is a Felony here). A minister's Limo runs over 2 other protesters. Thankfully with no one really hurt but also - nothing happens. Finally some guy who attacked a journalist gets let go from arrest because the head DA gives direct orders to local DA to not arrest him. The DA also goes after protest leaders after direct orders from Head DA.

At the same time we have 2nd highest absolute death numbers from Covid in Europe (after Russia with 3x the population), 3-4% Death Rate, the government decides to change its mind about raises to healthcare workers, my state has 0 respirators left, our supreme court is basically illegitimate with the ruling party changing its membership via shady law changes signed by the president at midnight.

Also the country has closed our graveyards last minute (1st Nov is a big visiting day) so people lost a ton of money and some mayors decided not to listen to the government and keep them open. There are also some cases destroying the walls of graveyards to get inside.

And not like in America the closest election both for the parliament and presidential is 3 years from now. How do you say fucked in Polish?



Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
If anyone thinks their country is a dumpster fire I present you Poland 2020.

The Ruling Party has changed our strictest anti abortion law to be even stricter (essentially you have to give birth to dead babies) so 100k + people went to the streets in the capital and 300k in the whole country. Biggest protests since the country stopped being communist. What does our Ruling Party Head do? He goes on national TV with a speech to the nation literally encouraging far-right hooligans to defend the churches (there were a few cases of people spraying abortion helpline phone numbers on them) and fight people on the streets. So they attack the sides of the march.

At the same time a guy from our equivalent of the FBI drives through 2 protesters blocking the street and runs away. He gets charged with a misdemeanor. (Putting Pride Flags on Statues is a Felony here). A minister's Limo runs over 2 other protesters. Thankfully with no one really hurt but also - nothing happens. Finally some guy who attacked a journalist gets let go from arrest because the head DA gives direct orders to local DA to not arrest him. The DA also goes after protest leaders after direct orders from Head DA.

At the same time we have 2nd highest absolute death numbers from Covid in Europe (after Russia with 3x the population), 3-4% Death Rate, the government decides to change its mind about raises to healthcare workers, my state has 0 respirators left, our supreme court is basically illegitimate with the ruling party changing its membership via shady law changes signed by the president at midnight.

Also the country has closed our graveyards last minute (1st Nov is a big visiting day) so people lost a ton of money and some mayors decided not to listen to the government and keep them open. There are also some cases destroying the walls of graveyards to get inside.

And not like in America the closest election both for the parliament and presidential is 3 years from now. How do you say fucked in Polish?
What still puzzles me is that the EU commission lets all this slip. I really hope they will follow the push of the EU parliament to make money transfers dependent on obeying to European laws and values. You wonder how long the Polish and Hungarian governments stay in power when the money doesn't flow anymore.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
If anyone thinks their country is a dumpster fire I present you Poland 2020.

The Ruling Party has changed our strictest anti abortion law to be even stricter (essentially you have to give birth to dead babies) so 100k + people went to the streets in the capital and 300k in the whole country. Biggest protests since the country stopped being communist. What does our Ruling Party Head do? He goes on national TV with a speech to the nation literally encouraging far-right hooligans to defend the churches (there were a few cases of people spraying abortion helpline phone numbers on them) and fight people on the streets. So they attack the sides of the march.

At the same time a guy from our equivalent of the FBI drives through 2 protesters blocking the street and runs away. He gets charged with a misdemeanor. (Putting Pride Flags on Statues is a Felony here). A minister's Limo runs over 2 other protesters. Thankfully with no one really hurt but also - nothing happens. Finally some guy who attacked a journalist gets let go from arrest because the head DA gives direct orders to local DA to not arrest him. The DA also goes after protest leaders after direct orders from Head DA.

At the same time we have 2nd highest absolute death numbers from Covid in Europe (after Russia with 3x the population), 3-4% Death Rate, the government decides to change its mind about raises to healthcare workers, my state has 0 respirators left, our supreme court is basically illegitimate with the ruling party changing its membership via shady law changes signed by the president at midnight.

Also the country has closed our graveyards last minute (1st Nov is a big visiting day) so people lost a ton of money and some mayors decided not to listen to the government and keep them open. There are also some cases destroying the walls of graveyards to get inside.

And not like in America the closest election both for the parliament and presidential is 3 years from now. How do you say fucked in Polish?

View attachment 151629
What's the total population in Poland? If 300k went out to protest, what % of the population is that?


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I made a bunch of electronic noises yesterday. Gonna stream them live tonight with a friend.

Some friends dropped off treats yesterday. It was the first time I’ve had a “social” visit in six months. They stood by my front gate and I yelled at them from my window for 5 minutes.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
If anyone thinks their country is a dumpster fire I present you Poland 2020.

The Ruling Party has changed our strictest anti abortion law to be even stricter (essentially you have to give birth to dead babies) so 100k + people went to the streets in the capital and 300k in the whole country. Biggest protests since the country stopped being communist. What does our Ruling Party Head do? He goes on national TV with a speech to the nation literally encouraging far-right hooligans to defend the churches (there were a few cases of people spraying abortion helpline phone numbers on them) and fight people on the streets. So they attack the sides of the march.

At the same time a guy from our equivalent of the FBI drives through 2 protesters blocking the street and runs away. He gets charged with a misdemeanor. (Putting Pride Flags on Statues is a Felony here). A minister's Limo runs over 2 other protesters. Thankfully with no one really hurt but also - nothing happens. Finally some guy who attacked a journalist gets let go from arrest because the head DA gives direct orders to local DA to not arrest him. The DA also goes after protest leaders after direct orders from Head DA.

At the same time we have 2nd highest absolute death numbers from Covid in Europe (after Russia with 3x the population), 3-4% Death Rate, the government decides to change its mind about raises to healthcare workers, my state has 0 respirators left, our supreme court is basically illegitimate with the ruling party changing its membership via shady law changes signed by the president at midnight.

Also the country has closed our graveyards last minute (1st Nov is a big visiting day) so people lost a ton of money and some mayors decided not to listen to the government and keep them open. There are also some cases destroying the walls of graveyards to get inside.

And not like in America the closest election both for the parliament and presidential is 3 years from now. How do you say fucked in Polish?

View attachment 151629
Easy translation:



year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
When on a gravel ride today for the first time in a looong time and it was just boring compared to the mtb not that I was surprised but I did manage to clock 50k on a sunny mild fall day. There were people everywhere as and it was not easy to go fast. I am sure everybody is going corona crazy and just needs to get out of the house.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
What's the total population in Poland? If 300k went out to protest, what % of the population is that?
We sit at 37 mil so that's a bit below 1%. So that's equivalent to 2.5mil in US. Would be higher but those protests were essentially illegal as we are in lockdown and no gatherings can happen since we sit at 17-22k daily covid cases (we went exponential)


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
What still puzzles me is that the EU commission lets all this slip. I really hope they will follow the push of the EU parliament to make money transfers dependent on obeying to European laws and values. You wonder how long the Polish and Hungarian governments stay in power when the money doesn't flow anymore.

They did try to punish us in some ways but I think they are afraid of punishing the newly insane far right countries of PL/Hungary and Italy since they think we may leave the union.

As for PL Government - the problem is lack of real alternative.

- The main opposition party basically only has to offer "we are not those guys" (ie. Democrats 2020) but the ruling party has actually helped people financially and the ruling party did not so they have no chance (they are also bigger morons than Dems),
- We have one group that may form a party around a moderate, left leaning on most issues Christian Journalist but every election we get one new party centered around a presentable guy in a suit. They get 5-10% and then they implode when it becomes clear they have no experience or depth in terms of people. This guy seems more reasonable even though I'm a hardcore leftie so maybe he has a chance.
- We also have Nazi Libertarian, Conspiracy Theorists at 6-7%
- A strange Left Wing Grouping consisting of 3 parties - One really reasonable group of left wing intelectuals who are so faithful to keeping their party democratic they won't allow the media to focus on any of their members (And they have one guy who essentially put them on the map and he is probably the strongest politician in terms of rhetoric skills I have seen anywhere in the last 10+ years but fuck logic and lets not push him to the front. They also annoy business owners because they can't communicate for shit) , One Post communist Group who seem ok now but no one trusts them and one group formed around essentially Mayor Pete (the party has literally no members)

So The Ruling party has to screw up royally for people to go to the polls and vote for someone. The last presidential election was narrowly lost by a guy who tried to do a van damme split and pander both to the progressives and libertarian nazis but he's also a disconnected idiot who organizes rallies in exclusive shopping malls in the capital not realizing it further solidifies his rule as a disconnected rich boy.

Seems like maybe you have enough people in the streets to make an election happen any damn time you want.

Stay safe, brother.
I feel like more protests in front of churches might result in church pressure on the religious part of the government leading to a split and new elections but the protests avoided churches because right wing hooligans were "protecting them" (There is this really bizzare picture of the army protecting the police protecting the right wing hooligans protecting the church no one cared about. )

Generally Warsaw is safe and while I'm not the biggest dude I am fortunately a bald guy with an unwelcoming face so (unless I jinx it here) people with stupid ideas tend to pick other victims.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
FIL passed away, so the wife headed down to help get things sorted. I am loading up the dogs in Frita and we are going to camp in the driveway. Good times.
Sorry to hear.
Wow I must have been wiped out. I slept for over 10 hours last night. Might do some fishing before heading home this afternoon.
Nice. Done with the weekend EMT horse show gig season?

I had a lovely Yeti Pumpkin Spice Stout with a lunch of fresh-from-Italy-via-Costco mozzarella. Now relaxing for a minute befor Peloton time as the baby naps.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. Trails are too wet and muddy for riding today, so I ran 4 miles then spun the bike trainer for 90 minutes. Sadly I skipped handing out candy last night due to cooties, but did go on a nice sunset hike with some friends. It was cool...beautiful sunset, then a beautiful full moon. Neither were as beautiful as me though.



Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I made a bunch of electronic noises yesterday. Gonna stream them live tonight with a friend.
Some mixed an mastered audio from the last stream I did, if anyone cares. I still have to listen to it all again, but he grabbed a good section of it.