
uncle ted's on the hunt


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
RINO Season Is Now Open
Like any entity that abandons basic quality control, political parties rot from within. It happened to the Democrats long ago, and now has become the case with the Republican Party, which has strayed from its conservative underpinnings.

There are really only four things I have a strong aversion to: unloaded guns, dull knives, banjos, and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).

The Nugent family simply doesn't allow any of those things in our lives.

RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal “bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims, opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan's admonition that government is the problem, not the solution.

RINOs reach across Fedzilla's aisle to cut deals and build consensus with the liberals. Consensus building means compromising values and cutting deals with the socialist prankster punksters whose goal it is to turn America into EuroAmerica.

Consensus building is for wimps and soulless people who stand for nothing. Compromise is not about being tolerant: these days, it’s about giving up conservative principles.

<and so on>
i'd like to see him compound bow in hand & boot-on-neck w/ a felled schwarzenegger


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Ask Old Terrible Ted how he got out of serving in Viet Nam...

"I got 30 days' notice of the physical, I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up."
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ted nugent & ted haggard have something else in common: closeted self-loathing


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Ask Old Terrible Ted how he got out of serving in Viet Nam...

"I got 30 days' notice of the physical, I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up."
Anything to avoid liberal interventionism.