I've been working on this spot for almost 2 months now. Just by myself for now. These photos will show the progress that happened from the beginning up to now.
Here was after the first day of clearing:
Looking down the run in slope.
Starting first roller/pump into the first pit and first upramp. Blur from all the mozzies attacking me.
Gotta have water.
Drainage dug in the first pit:
Second upramp
Looking back
Second upramp packed and shaped lightly, still very wet so it's not final. Throwing dirt for the lander.
kookaburras apparently like jumps too:
Here's the second, once it's dry and I test it the lander will be bigger. I'm digging the third pit and starting the third upramp which will hip to the right.
Third upramp started, I've never jumped a right hip so it will probably be the same size as the second, if not a little smaller while I test it. Gotta clear that big log out of the way.
Looking down the line now
Here was after the first day of clearing:
Looking down the run in slope.
Starting first roller/pump into the first pit and first upramp. Blur from all the mozzies attacking me.
Gotta have water.
Drainage dug in the first pit:
Second upramp
Looking back
Second upramp packed and shaped lightly, still very wet so it's not final. Throwing dirt for the lander.
kookaburras apparently like jumps too:
Here's the second, once it's dry and I test it the lander will be bigger. I'm digging the third pit and starting the third upramp which will hip to the right.
Third upramp started, I've never jumped a right hip so it will probably be the same size as the second, if not a little smaller while I test it. Gotta clear that big log out of the way.
Looking down the line now