
Untitled Trails BMX Picture Updates


Mar 10, 2014
I've been working on this spot for almost 2 months now. Just by myself for now. These photos will show the progress that happened from the beginning up to now.
Here was after the first day of clearing:

Looking down the run in slope.

Starting first roller/pump into the first pit and first upramp. Blur from all the mozzies attacking me.

Gotta have water.

Drainage dug in the first pit:

Second upramp

Looking back

Second upramp packed and shaped lightly, still very wet so it's not final. Throwing dirt for the lander.

kookaburras apparently like jumps too:

Here's the second, once it's dry and I test it the lander will be bigger. I'm digging the third pit and starting the third upramp which will hip to the right.

Third upramp started, I've never jumped a right hip so it will probably be the same size as the second, if not a little smaller while I test it. Gotta clear that big log out of the way.

Looking down the line now


Mar 10, 2014
a 2-3 hour session, had to move a big hardwood log to make the lander for the third hip.

Once again, kookaburra inspecting my work. He eats stuff around where I'm digging.

Second lander a bit thicker and wider.

Pit between second and third is done, drains to the hole on the right.

Where the lander puts you, had to remove a dead stump and this area has more rocks so slower digging.

I decided to put a large roller after the third hip, mainly because the land moves up and I want to make sure there's enough speed for the change in height.

Starting to put dirt down for the fourth, which I think will be a spine because of the jump in land height.

Looking back

The fourth, easy to see the height difference in the land.



Mar 10, 2014
At this point it was a month since the start of the trails.

After the berm; cleared quite a bit. This can go further and to the right to join up with the start. It's slightly uphill.

dem shrooms

Berm being extended because it was too tight of a corner

The spine is now a step up, works good and should keep speed high.

After the berm is the pile for the fifth upramp. Still need to dig the pit from the berm to this.

Looking back at berm exit

The other part of todays session was making the first and second landers taller. These two are on a down slope so the landers are still a bit lower.



Mar 10, 2014

Had some water sitting in the berm so haven't been riding it, working on the fifth after it and drainage for the berm.

And that puts the photos up to date, I'll be going today to finish the fifth lander and hopefully ride it.
The line can branch left straight or right, I plan on getting the straight done then the right.


May 5, 2015
Looks cool I have been building for a few months on my own jumps i'll post some up sometime show what ive got built