
Update on the breakey


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Went to the doc today, looked at the X-Ray.

Looked like a break still but he said there definately was new bone forming. He had me walk on it a little and i still have pain on the Tibia (small bone) cuz it didn't have the help of being patched together with a rod so it's just starting to fuse together. But i really don't have much pain on the Fibula (big bone) which is cool cuz that's the load bearing bone.
So he gave me the go-ahead to walk on it but being sensible with it. I guess the pressure from walking on it's going to make my body react to build more bone. Happy let me borrow a trainer so that's what i'm gonna ride til i can get around halfway good, i'm still pretty gimpy since i can't put alot of wieght on it yet.
i'm pretty stoked, 4 weeks after surgery is pretty quick and it enables me to heal quicker if i make sure i don't get stupid with it.
got another appt. in a month and by then he said i'll probably get the go-ahead to go back to work. just gotta work hard otherwise if i miss too much more work no new bikey's for me for YEARS!!! :mumble: :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
oly said:
i think amy is ready to challenge you to a game of soccer.......
Ha! ;) If I could only distract Kevin long enough so I can get down to field to play :mumble:

Good to hear you're healing up :thumb:

I've started riding on the dirt trying to get back in shape for the Plains of Abraham ride :)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
No soccer for me thanks.....

i've been goin to alki alot and watching alot of people (females) play volleyball, i think that would be alot of fun to do. :D
Plains of Abraham, we can shoot for that in probably a month i'd say i might be ready for that ride. Hard to say really i'll know more in about a week.


Jun 24, 2002
Bothell, WA
aw yes.

I saw my doc about my broken fibula today. Got some more x-rays. It's healing but she is worried now about it not healing correctly. The crack is located right at the main joint in my ancle region.

Things need to be even down there. Right now they may not be when the bone is fused back together.

So then, off to other specialists.

Next comes physical therapy, can't wait.

But I still hold onto the idea of maybe being able to ride whistler one last time before it closes for the winter. I'm cuttin in pretty close tho.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Skookum said:
No soccer for me thanks.....

i've been goin to alki alot and watching alot of people (females) play volleyball, i think that would be alot of fun to do. :D
Plains of Abraham, we can shoot for that in probably a month i'd say i might be ready for that ride. Hard to say really i'll know more in about a week.
Ah...eye candy always makes it better ;)

I'll be in Boston until the 26th of September so maybe the weekend after that? :)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Fast&Smooth said:
I saw my doc about my broken fibula today. Got some more x-rays. It's healing but she is worried now about it not healing correctly. The crack is located right at the main joint in my ancle region.

Things need to be even down there. Right now they may not be when the bone is fused back together.

So then, off to other specialists.
i'm sorry to hear that man. important thing is to try your best to get the best advice to get it done right NOW. You're young and will heal fast once things are set right. Mine was very close to not being able to put a rod in and i would have been out for alot longer if that was the case.... at any rate just keep your chin up while trying your best to be patient.
some more healin vibes for ya----> :dancing:

Snacks said:
Ah...eye candy always makes it better ;)

I'll be in Boston until the 26th of September so maybe the weekend after that? :)
sound like a plan.:)

gonna hook up with any Monkeys while you're out there? i think Splat is from them there parts, he rides alot of xc.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Skookum said:
sound like a plan.:)

gonna hook up with any Monkeys while you're out there? i think Splat is from them there parts, he rides alot of xc.
Nope...no riding :( My mom and I are doing the touristy thing. Oh, we might rent some beach cruzers and ride out at Cape Code. My mom doesn't ride on the dirt.


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
Fast&Smooth said:
aw yes.

I saw my doc about my broken fibula today. Got some more x-rays. It's healing but she is worried now about it not healing correctly. The crack is located right at the main joint in my ancle region.

Things need to be even down there. Right now they may not be when the bone is fused back together.

Sounds like the same worries I have. The Fibula sit right in a small vertical notch at the base of the Tibia. If it is not centered correctly or is pushed to far into that notch you can't rotate your lower leg correctly. I go back to the Doc again this Thurs. and hopefully it will be out of there. If not then possibly one more week then break it and plate it then 6 more weeks :mumble: . If all is ok this week then I can be back on the bike in time to hit the Plains of Abraham with Snacks and Skooks (I miss riding with you two :( ).


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Dang Skookum, you are healing fast. I see my doc in another two weeks. It was three weeks yesterday for me since the injury. I am already back at work though. I really wish I would have stayed out another week.

I find that I can put more pressure on the leg, but still no walkies. Hopefully I will be walking and on the trainer in a week or two. Say, did you get a rod inside your bone, or a plate and screws on the outside? I am curious as to what might heal faster as I have a plate and screws I think. What kind of cast are you in now? My plaster cast was off in 12 days, and I am now in a Cam Walker aka The Darth Vadre Boot. I can take it off when I want as long as I am not in danger of banging the leg against anything or putting any weight on it. Muuuuch more comfy than a regular cast.

Hey, it's nice being able to compare my rate of healing to yours as I think we have pretty similar injuries. We'll have to compare x-rays when I get mine. Thanks for sharing your adventure, it's made getting through mine a bit easier. Thanks!


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
breaky = Brekfast in Canada.

you are no longer allowed to use that term for anything else than B-Fast


good news on the recovery front tho!! :thumb:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Man...visiting the PNW forum is kinda like visiting the sick ward at the hospital :( everyone is gimped up!!!

Y'all need to heal up quick like so we can go play again soon!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Ciaran said:
Say, did you get a rod inside your bone, or a plate and screws on the outside? I am curious as to what might heal faster as I have a plate and screws I think. What kind of cast are you in now? My plaster cast was off in 12 days.
i got a rod put inside, place in the front of my bone, i can feel it, it's pretty cool. i got my knee tendon moved over and i think one screw put in the top of my fibula. Then it's screwed in the front and inner side on the bottom. i got one big scar on my kneecap and two smaller ones below the knee, and i got two average scars near my ankle.
i'm not an expert but my doc told me the rod is way less intrusive and helps hold things in place alot better, which is why he's giving me the go ahead to walk on it already....
The cast i had was a half cast for a week, where a plaster peice covered the back and sides then was wrapped covering the front.... After a week i got an aircast, which looks like a Stormtrooper from Star Wars boot. Today i told the doc that it really bothered my Tibia since the cast would put pressure on it, so he told me to stop using it, since i really don't need to baby it that much anymore. I'm wearing a inflatable ankle brace right now so i don't sprain my ankle since it's totally weak.

Acadian said:
breaky = Brekfast in Canada.

you are no longer allowed to use that term for anything else than B-Fast

i spelled it with an E.... break"E"y, so cut me some slack flapjack! :p
Oh and sorry i tried sending it but they busted me at the border, but i'll do hard time in the name of providing 12 Grain Bread for my bikey brethren....

Yah so i walked at Alki with a pal and ran into Oxygen77 of all people. i think he was stalking me or something..... kind of ironic since his first ride out here with me he broke his collarbone on the "last" jump of the ride....
But anyways i put a little wieght and walked on it with crutches, it's kind of wierd cuz it hurts but it's getting stretched out so it feels good too. haha.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Took me about an hour (everything takes forever one legged). But i put some platforms on my road bike and slapped that sucker on Happy's trainer. Figured out how to jump on, (dangerous) and pedaled for 5 minutes.

Wooo Hooo i'm stoked. it hurts but it feels soooo good. :thumb: :heart:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
props for getting back on the bike! :thumb: altho you were on it almost immediately after your injury in a way ;)


Aug 5, 2003
Skookum said:
Took me about an hour (everything takes forever one legged). But i put some platforms on my road bike and slapped that sucker on Happy's trainer. Figured out how to jump on, (dangerous) and pedaled for 5 minutes.

Wooo Hooo i'm stoked. it hurts but it feels soooo good. :thumb: :heart:
Excellent! You'll be waiting for me at the top of any given climb in no time!... as long as you take your own advice - be patient and give yourself plenty of time to heal so it only have to go through it once!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Toshi said:
props for getting back on the bike! :thumb: altho you were on it almost immediately after your injury in a way ;)
Yah i'm not as vocal as i was during that stretch. No Owwws, Ooooohs, or Ahhhhrrgghhhs after hitting my broken leg off rocks and stuff. haha.