
Upgrade complete: details here. Please post feedback or problems.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
The upgrade is complete. Some notes:

  • I permanently fixed the animated avatars by upgrading our image processing libraries. If you had an animated avatar and it's not animating, please re-upload it and I promise I won't make you do it again. I fixed a few manually that I knew were animated.
  • There are some changes to the post layout. I'm not settled on them entirely yet but I think it's much better. Please give feedback.
  • The theme framework has been significantly slimmed and optimized. The mobile layout specifically should be a ton better, especially for anyone reporting "jumpiness" or quirks where menus were getting blocked. Overall, it should be faster for everyone.
  • The green dot on avatars is an "online" indicator. This can be shut off in your Preferences section.
  • You can now highlight text in a post and click the multi-quote or reply button to directly quote and reply to that text.
Let me know if you notice any good or bad differences and if there are any problems.
Last edited:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
oooooooooo i like the new highlight and quote feature. A+
I had forgotten about that... this upgrade has been in process so long thanks to some issues with validating the theme framework that I lost track of a few of the nicer features. Added to the OP :thumb:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Testing to see if animated avatar transparency works now.

Wrt layout, any way to put the #[postnumber] - [timesinceposting] line on the same line as the like/dislike/etc. posting tools? The latter doesn't have any reason to be full width, let alone have a darker background as it does.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
At least for me, the animated avatar background still is borked.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Wrt layout, any way to put the #[postnumber] - [timesinceposting] line on the same line as the like/dislike/etc. posting tools? The latter doesn't have any reason to be full width, let alone have a darker background as it does.
I actually implemented that in the test environment, but it actually does need to have a fair amount of width once the post ratings are activated, since it uses that line to tabulate and display those approvals.

I darkened the line to help provide a consistent visual separator between posts - a chief complaint with the layout when we initially went live.

At least for me, the animated avatar background still is borked.
I noticed it wasn't handling the transparency and animation together properly, but there's only so much I can do to control the image processing library. Give 'em a white background and call it a day.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Fair enough re avatars.

I don't think post separation is an issue with this layout, as each post is now within an outlined rounded rectangle. I don't believe that was the case before.

Why not move the post count line to the tools/reputation line then, if the ratings line sometimes is occupied? That might cause wrapping issues with really narrow screens (iPhones in portrait?) but would save vertical real estate for everyone else.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't think post separation is an issue with this layout, as each post is now within an outlined rounded rectangle. I don't believe that was the case before.
It was always that way.

Why not move the post count line to the tools/reputation line then, if the ratings line sometimes is occupied? That might cause wrapping issues with really narrow screens (iPhones in portrait?) but would save vertical real estate for everyone else.
I have a test layout in the dev environment with it already set up like that, I just want to make sure the wrapping is handled gracefully since every device narrower than a desktop will see it wrapped (it even wraps on many tablets).

I found how to turn my own online indicator off. Can't turn others' off, though?
No, just your own.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Every time that I see the red notification flag thing now, I expect a negative rep or something. :banana:

The green dot also reminds me of Tars from Interstellar hah.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
This ain't new, (W 8.1, Chrome) but I see Alerts highlighted. Mouse over, after which the icon width (or is it position?) shifts so I'm over Conversations instead. Annoying.
Hmm, I use 8.1 & Chrome on a couple machines and don't see this. Let me do some testing.

How is the icon shifting? When you're mousing over, does the menu automatically drop down without a click, clearing the unread alert number, and that's why it's moving?

Anyone else notice this problem?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
Search function still leaves a lot to be desired, results don't seem to be sortable in any sort of useable fashion.

Also, my avatar seems to have changed size/zoom/something.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Search function still leaves a lot to be desired, results don't seem to be sortable in any sort of useable fashion.
When you hit the More button for search, you can dictate that the search be returned as either most relevant or most recent. Are you looking for some other kind of sorting?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
When you hit the More button for search, you can dictate that the search be returned as either most relevant or most recent. Are you looking for some other kind of sorting?
I will have to run some searches, in the past I seemed to get a bunch of old irrelevant threads rather than what I was looking for. Sometimes I was searching for a specific thread and still couldn't find it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Drops down on mouseover event without click. Did not happen when getting to your reply. Will pay more attention and keep better notes.
I changed the unread count so it's no longer inline with the icon. That should prevent it from jumping around. Might switch back to the other one if it can be fixed so it behaves.

I will have to run some searches, in the past I seemed to get a bunch of old irrelevant threads rather than what I was looking for. Sometimes I was searching for a specific thread and still couldn't find it.
Let me know what you find.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Not sure if it was this way before, but when I click on a thread link on the front page, it brings me to the first post in that thread. Not to the newest post. Any change there?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Not sure if it was this way before, but when I click on a thread link on the front page, it brings me to the first post in that thread. Not to the newest post. Any change there?
No, and it still seems to behave normally for me. Are you sure there's an unread post in the thread that's not the first post? That is, fully read threads just open the first page when you click the thread title.

Anyone else having this problem? I'll test a little more.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
No, and it still seems to behave normally for me. Are you sure there's an unread post in the thread that's not the first post? That is, fully read threads just open the first page when you click the thread title.

Anyone else having this problem? I'll test a little more.
Yeah for example the latest GMT thread. I've read it entirely, but if I click the link the front page then it takes me to your first post.

Same thing happens in the forum itself actually. Maybe I never noticed this before because I usually just click the last page number of the thread, instead of the thread title.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Yeah for example the latest GMT thread. I've read it entirely, but if I click the link the front page then it takes me to your first post.
Yes, that's expected. If a thread has unread posts, clicking on the title will bring you to the first unread post. If there are no unread posts, clicking on the title just opens the thread.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
PNG pictures cause problems. Black background and "interesting" pixeling
Okay, it's related to the image thumbnailer that we use. Outside of my expertise, so I've put an item on the backlog for our developer to look at. His wife is due any day now so no promises on a turnaround time, but it'll get fixed.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Using the quick reply box at the bottom of a thread reply today I got this popup message:

The following error occurred:

Not Found

The requested URL /threads/threadname.XXXXX/save-draft was not found on this server. (edited the bolded part to make it generic)

Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at www.ridemonkey.com Port 80

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
We had some server issues this morning, not relating to the upgrade. Should be fixed, let me know if they persist.