
Urine trouble now mister...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
DaveW said:
So it's ok to wreck an art work that over time thousands can view and enjoy just so that a handful present at the time can enjoy? Fairly selfish outlook isnt it? :mumble:

Hmmm. If I understand the concept of dadaism correctly. Art is just art because the artist says it's art. So if the guy smashes the urinal, the artist (or anyone for that matter) could just get another urinal to replace it and say "it is art" and be done with it - no harm done.
cannondalejunky said:
that reminds me...have you guys ever seen pictures of those urinals in amsterdam with the fly engraved on it...they say that it looks so life like and most guys will try to pee on it...and it's located in the perfect spot to have the least amount of splash back

edit: found a picture of one


o was just in switzerland and one of the urinals had a unhappy smiley face in the bowl, when you peed on it it became a happy face


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I HATED THIS CRAP! We did it some in art history 2 semesters ago and i just shrugged at it. So dumb....