
US Definition of Terrorism


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Just saw this on the Beeb - Interesting:

Point 1: Washington has long defined "terrorism" as politically motivated violence against non-combatants

Point 2: Attacks targeting US or other forces in Iraq are not included

Point 3: "Significant" terror attacks result in loss of life, serious injury, or major damage
So, all those insurgents apparantly are not terrorists after all. Somebody needs to tell DT and $tinkle.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Insurgent my arse, that is as absurd as calling Che Guevara a "freedom fighter".

IMO they are terrorists.
I don't agree with everything that comes out of Washington.

IMO if you are dressed like a woman going to the market and you drive a car bomb into a busload of people you are a freakin terrorist.

In case you are wondering, that exact scenario was nearly played out less than a month ago in Mosul. The guy that used to live next to me in Hawaii was at a checkpoint that the car bomber attempted to run. They killed the dude (dressed like a Suni woman....nice) and in the car found a map with a bus route marked in highlighter and a hand written log of the times the target bus was at certain locations.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Damn True said:
and in the car found a map with a bus route marked in highlighter and a hand written log of the times the target bus was at certain locations.
Not smart enough to just pick up a timetable eh? :rolleyes:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Damn True said:
IMO if you are dressed like a woman going to the market and you drive a car bomb into a busload of people you are a freakin terrorist.
Depends on who is in the bus.


Dec 6, 2004
if the target of the attack is the US soldiers they are "insurgents" even if innocent people dies. if the target is the people or to prove a political or religious point, then they are terrorists...

if not... then those guys shooting 1000s of bombs into a city are terrorists as well.... even if if they were shooting to "estrategicaly targeted objectives", the damage and "non-combatent" casualties were huge...

dont you think...>?

in WAR nobody wins... specially the "inocent people"

IMO even if this guys in iraq are waked enough to kill themselves attached to a bomb, they think they are fighting for the right side.... i mean, in their obscured minds they feel a foreign army is invading their home.... of course there is the diplomatic way, but these gorups are extremists.... so.... they use bombs...

IMO.... there are terrorist attacks over ther but a lot of "insurgent movements" too....


Dec 6, 2004
and traveling in the bus with a bomb in the chest....

well, they cant afford bradley vehicles or tanks...

too bad tough that thay are killing the people they are pretending to represent...


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
schweino1 said:
IMO even if this guys in iraq are waked enough to kill themselves attached to a bomb, they think they are fighting for the right side.... i mean, in their obscured minds they feel a foreign army is invading their home.... of course there is the diplomatic way, but these gorups are extremists.... so.... they use bombs...
IMO even if this guys in the US are waked enough to kill people bombing the crap out them based on false evidence , they think they are fighting for the right side.... i mean, in their obscured minds they feel a foreign army (of iraqui terrorist) is invading their home (texas) .... of course there is the diplomatic way, but these gorups are extremists.... so.... they use bombs...

you see.. you can have it both ways and still make sense.... :p