This is despicable and absolutely pathetic. Freedom my ass.
A Pulitzer Prize-winning war photographer is seized by U.S. Forces and locked up for one year. The U.S. refuses to bring any charges. When American military spokesmen suggest their "suspicions" in interviews with the media, virtually all of them are exposed as false within a matter of weeks. No matter. He is still held. But surely this is some dark alternate universe, and not the one we inhabit, you think?
No. Bilal Hussein belonged to a team of Associated Press photographers who received the profession's highest award the Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of fighting in the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2005. One year ago today he was seized by U.S. Forces in Iraq. He has been held in continuous custody since that time. No formal charges have ever been brought against him, and the accusations raised by the Pentagon and the U.S. Command in Baghdad have changed continuously sometimes changing even in the course of a single press cycle. A large part of those accusations have already been demonstrated to be false. However, in addition to stated accusations the U.S. Forces insist that they have secret charges which, in the manner of Franz Kafka's novel The Trial they are unwilling to present to Bilal Hussein. They are also afraid to present them to a court.
The Associated Press story marking the anniversary quotes the photojournalist's lawyer, former federal prosecutor Paul Gardephe saying:
U.S. officials indicated they lacked solid evidence on seven of the allegations and could not reveal the evidence they did have on the other two allegations because it was classified. One of those allegations is that Hussein offered to provide false identification to a sniper who was seeking to evade capture, while the other is that he took photographs that were synchronized with insurgent explosions, Gardephe said.
Gardephe disputed the validity of both those allegations. False identification cards have long been easily available from a variety of sources in Iraq, and Gardephe said insurgents would likely have a ready supply without having to turn to an AP photographer for one. He also noted that the military didn't even claim Hussein actually provided a false ID, just that he allegedly made an offer.
As for the photo allegation, Gardephe said he examined all of the more than 900 photographs Hussein submitted to the AP during a 20-month period before his detention. "There are no photos that are synchronized with an explosion," he said. "The absence of evidence leads to the conclusion that Bilal is being held because of the photographs he took for the APwhich were published around the worldand which were part of AP's Pulitzer Prize-winning submission in 2005," Gardephe said.
I was involved with Bilal Hussein's case through the end of last year and I personally conducted investigations that disproved many of the contentions advanced and then quickly withdrawn by U.S. Forces in Iraq. From my own examination of the case and discussions with U.S. representatives, I was convinced that Bilal Hussein was seized and has been held in captivity for the last year for one reason: the Pentagon was embarrassed by the photographs he took of the fighting in Al-Anbar province. They contradicted the message the Pentagon was putting out about the nature and scope of fighting in Al-Anbar and senior figures in the Bush Administration were particularly galled that the AP won the Pulitzer Prize for its photographic coverage of the war. The Pentagon wanted to send a message to the entire press community in Iraq: Cross us, and we can just lock you up. And we don't need reasons. This is justice in the style of the Bush administration.
In the meantime, Bilal Hussein starts his second year of incarceration on no charges, and America's reputation for justice in the world suffers another blow.