
US Open Update


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
sayndesyn said:
A shame that he wasn't racing pro? I think it's hard to judge what class you should be racing if it's your first time on a course and not sure where you would stack up.
the AMs had a LOT easier quali than the pros, and the course dried up quite a bit while the AMs were qualifying. there's only 1 rider in the top 10 quali who had a 2xx # plate, and he was #10. just look at all of the 300s and 400s towards the front of the quali listing, and you'll see that the course got a lot faster. Most of the people who had numbers in the 200s range were farther down the list...

besides, in the final tally, the top 2 of AM would've been #43 and 50 in Pro class. not really sandbagging... :nopity:


Turbo Monkey
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I would of finished 57th in Pro. Of course I wouldn't of qualified with my multiple crashes and run off the course... I was only number 225 so I'll blame it on the wet conditions....ha

dante said:
the AMs had a LOT easier quali than the pros, and the course dried up quite a bit while the AMs were qualifying. there's only 1 rider in the top 10 quali who had a 2xx # plate, and he was #10. just look at all of the 300s and 400s towards the front of the quali listing, and you'll see that the course got a lot faster. Most of the people who had numbers in the 200s range were farther down the list...

besides, in the final tally, the top 2 of AM would've been #43 and 50 in Pro class. not really sandbagging... :nopity:
To all you awesome folks...

Just wanted to say Thank You very much for supporting our event... We have put our blood, sweat and tears in to The US Open and our park. All the hard work and 16 hour days really pay off when we receive the comments that we had flooding in all throughout the weekend.

Our event brings together riders and racers from all over the world, and just keeps getting better and better each year.

From all of us at Diablo; Shawn, Dom, PJ, Kara, Jamie, Chris, Amy, Jack, Fronj, Joe, mini Fronj and everyone else who had a hand in making this a complete success... We all thank you! Hope to see everyone back at Diablo soon!

-Marc Tremain


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Marc - how's the wrist and the knee doing? Last I saw - you were up at the start house with ice bags, when I was asking you for help with my quali time...
S.K.C. said:
Marc - how's the wrist and the knee doing? Last I saw - you were up at the start house with ice bags, when I was asking you for help with my quali time...
well those apparently wound up being the least of my worries..

But those injuries severely held me back in qualifying... couldn't hold on to the bars or really pedal for my life, it was quite painful. landed me a horrible 3:35 or something getting me 89th, and no finals for me :nopity:

Took the day off and nursed the bruises with beer, hopped on the bike yesterday... my first run down crashed, thought nothing of it really... 20 minutes later at the bottom, my knee is the size of a cantaloupe. Went to urgent care, and got sliced open... my knee is still huge and all hematoma'd up... fun :(

So im out for a while..

DS Dom

Nov 14, 2001
Denver, Co
It's definitley nice to hear that everyone really enjoyed the event. It really makes all the long hours worth it when everyone comes away from the event with such positive vibes. Thanks a lot for making this event a clear standout with the high attendence numbers. Having a turnout that large while there was a world cup going on is simply amazing.

Hope everyone also had fun freeriding all the trails all weekend

thanks again


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
FYI guys.

Next time Todd Bosch shows up late and has pre-paid his entry...let the guy race!!! That was a total dick move on Shawn's part. I'm sitting at the start line with Nobman, then Lars and a ghost rider in front of me. Then yesterday I get a line from Todd saying they wouldn't let him go??? :mumbles:

How the heck? You guys aren't UCI. Can't be dicks just for the sake of being...who made that call?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
well those apparently wound up being the least of my worries..

But those injuries severely held me back in qualifying... couldn't hold on to the bars or really pedal for my life, it was quite painful. landed me a horrible 3:35 or something getting me 89th, and no finals for me

Took the day off and nursed the bruises with beer, hopped on the bike yesterday... my first run down crashed, thought nothing of it really... 20 minutes later at the bottom, my knee is the size of a cantaloupe. Went to urgent care, and got sliced open... my knee is still huge and all hematoma'd up... fun

So im out for a while..

Sh!t man, sorry to hear about that...

Hopefully you can see an orthopedist and get some rehab soon... Ice that knee and keep off of it - I know that's hard to do, all things considered, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Ice that sucker, put a compression dressing on it, and get some Motrin if you can... and of course go easy on the drinking if you're taking Advil or Tylenol. (I know - but you're liver and stomach will thank you for it later.)

Take care, and heal up soon.


eBay vigilante
Oct 30, 2003
bizutch said:
FYI guys.

Next time Todd Bosch shows up late and has pre-paid his entry...let the guy race!!! That was a total dick move on Shawn's part. I'm sitting at the start line with Nobman, then Lars and a ghost rider in front of me. Then yesterday I get a line from Todd saying they wouldn't let him go??? :mumbles:

How the heck? You guys aren't UCI. Can't be dicks just for the sake of being...who made that call?
Heiki want to chime in ??


Turbo Monkey
Dec 10, 2004
San Diego area, California USA
just got back into San Diego this minute from the good old east coast. US Open was a blast once again - photos will be up on the site as soon as i can get to 'em. PR's will be shot out & Myspace will be updated. Lars's house was off the hook too! moto tracks, 4x, dh, huge jumps & more! damn, wish i got to ride!

Anyway, just wanted to throw out a quick BOOYAH to those who attended!


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
DylanDeanDesign said:
just got back into San Diego this minute from the good old east coast. US Open was a blast once again - photos will be up on the site as soon as i can get to 'em. PR's will be shot out & Myspace will be updated. Lars's house was off the hook too! moto tracks, 4x, dh, huge jumps & more! damn, wish i got to ride!

Anyway, just wanted to throw out a quick BOOYAH to those who attended!
BOOYA! :rofl:
bizutch said:
FYI guys.

Next time Todd Bosch shows up late and has pre-paid his entry...let the guy race!!! That was a total dick move on Shawn's part. I'm sitting at the start line with Nobman, then Lars and a ghost rider in front of me. Then yesterday I get a line from Todd saying they wouldn't let him go??? :mumbles:

How the heck? You guys aren't UCI. Can't be dicks just for the sake of being...who made that call?
Here's the thing... Im good friends with Todd, and I understand the situation... but there was a strict closing time for registration. The registration room had to be locked up, and the people working in registration had to move on to other jobs for the Open. Todd came in right as qualifiers were about to start, nobody physically had the time to go across the street and get his number plate and wrist band.

Not being dicks for the sake of it... It's very hard to run the event when most of your staff is trying to compete in the event as well... That left us with minimal practice runs, and ultimately none of us qualified.

Todd is awesome, and im sorry it all had to happen the way it did.. but it was 100% out of our control. the rules were made for a reason, not just to piss people off.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
dante said:
the AMs had a LOT easier quali than the pros, and the course dried up quite a bit while the AMs were qualifying. there's only 1 rider in the top 10 quali who had a 2xx # plate, and he was #10. just look at all of the 300s and 400s towards the front of the quali listing, and you'll see that the course got a lot faster. Most of the people who had numbers in the 200s range were farther down the list...

besides, in the final tally, the top 2 of AM would've been #43 and 50 in Pro class. not really sandbagging... :nopity:
Here is a plot of am start order verses time. I fit a curve to it expecting that it would be a downward trend. It started out that way, but is interesting at the end. Possibly too much freeriding?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
ChrisKring said:
Here is a plot of am start order verses time. I fit a curve to it expecting that it would be a downward trend. It started out that way, but is interesting at the end. Possibly too much freeriding?
ha, that's awesome, great way to put science ahead of "general feelings". my guess is that it also had to do with the fact that if you were an experienced racer/rider and you wanted to hit the open, you signed up way ahead of time. if you were just a casual racer/rider, maybe you signed up at the last minute just on a whim? oh well, we should run the experiment at least a dozen more times changing one variable each time. that way we'll be sure to figure out the reason for this anomaly. :clue:


Jul 31, 2003
Boston, MA
dante said:
ha, that's awesome, great way to put science ahead of "general feelings". my guess is that it also had to do with the fact that if you were an experienced racer/rider and you wanted to hit the open, you signed up way ahead of time. if you were just a casual racer/rider, maybe you signed up at the last minute just on a whim? oh well, we should run the experiment at least a dozen more times changing one variable each time. that way we'll be sure to figure out the reason for this anomaly. :clue:

maybe we can just blame the BOOYA factor?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
bizutch said:
Tough pill to swallow for one of the nicest guys on the mountain. He seemed really, really bummed too. To have to miss such a big time event....
Maybe when you give him your "pro issue only" foot massage, you can make him feel better.
Jeez, mind your own damn business.:rofl:


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
ViciousDHer said:
Heiki want to chime in ??
That was my own damn fault just as it was Todds for missing registration in the morning. I was working in the pits trying to get other peoples bikes dialed all morning and just simply did not have time to even think about getting up the hill for my run. As soon as I started to suit up I saw people coming through the finish line that had number plates higher than mine. :mumble: My mistake and I am going to give it my all to not let it happen again.

I know the situation that Todd was in and it sucks for sure. But the fact is that he had over 4 hours that morning to register and he didnt get up there in time. Sure the situation sucks for both of us but they have to keep to a schedule otherwise it will screw over everyone else in the long run. If they made exceptions then everything would not have gotten off on time and the whole event wouldnt run as smooth.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
Zutroy said:
lol...i was thinking same thing.......crap i spend to much time in front of this thing. Although it looks more like an excel graph.

Yes, it is from excel. It took all of 10 minutes to kick out. Getting the data out of acrobat and into columns was the only challenge.

Excel is what I have on my computer at work. When I need complex statistical analysis for work, I have the QE nerds do it in minitab or another one of thier specialized programs. The guys are all working stupid hours so I wouldn't pull a government project right now.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
ChrisKring said:
Yes, it is from excel. It took all of 10 minutes to kick out. Getting the data out of acrobat and into columns was the only challenge.

Excel is what I have on my computer at work. When I need complex statistical analysis for work, I have the QE nerds do it in minitab or another one of thier specialized programs. The guys are all working stupid hours so I wouldn't pull a government project right now.
FYI. Saw you poaching the start gate during Sunday practice and wanting to nark you out...ssooooo badd....:love:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
bizutch said:
FYI. Saw you poaching the start gate during Sunday practice and wanting to nark you out...ssooooo badd....:love:

Thanks Butch. You will notice that we waited until the course was empty at the end of practice and only took one run. It's not like I wasn't registered for that class. I need to have a different number next year. The #1 is way too easy to identify.

And let's be honest, you wanted to take a run in the dry too. :nopity:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
ChrisKring said:
And let's be honest, you wanted to take a run in the dry too. :nopity:
Nope...not at all. I did so many runs on that thing on Friday and Saturday it was ridiculous. I went non-stop from the start of practice both days on it. Can just about count rocks in my head. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
bizutch said:
Nope...not at all. I did so many runs on that thing on Friday and Saturday it was ridiculous. I went non-stop from the start of practice both days on it. Can just about count rocks in my head. :thumb:
It was more fun in the dry. But I know what you mean. I started packing our pit up at 3:30 on Sunday since I couldn't ride anymore without risking a big crash.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
so... anyone know the specific magura guys e-mails that were there?

i can't even remember their names. anyway, if someone could tell them this.

"i was washing all my gear today... and i found the back to that one cougar's phone we were playing with in the parking lot.. in my pocket. also found a piece of clothing that is not mine there aswell.. i have big pockets."

(i'm the kid with the big tattoo on his back)

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
DHS said:
so... anyone know the specific magura guys e-mails that were there?

i can't even remember their names. anyway, if someone could tell them this.

"i was washing all my gear today... and i found the back to that one cougar's phone we were playing with in the parking lot.. in my pocket. also found a piece of clothing that is not mine there aswell.. i have big pockets."

(i'm the kid with the big tattoo on his back)
That's awesome! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
bizutch said:
Everything but 1 thing. It was sort of an unspoken thing with all the riders that you could cut in line if it was decently short wait and it was so easy to get separated from your group on the mountain that by the bottom, there were 10 other guys in between you.

Nobody fussed about it which was odd but very courteous and sort of unique compared to other resorts with the lack of anymosity.

But WTF is up with the pubic hair challenged teens who would straight up jack the line as a group? Multiple times I watched groups of follicly challenged punies pop in in teams of 3-4.

One troupe of panty waste popped in front of me and Milby's wife and I checked them. "Where you goin?" "You were standin' there man"
It continued for a sec and the kid was like "I'm not afraid" and me going all testosterone with "You should be" and started to walk toward him before the little genetic spooges would leave.???
got something on your mind butch? need to poop? how about a nap?

don't let those young'ns get to ya buddy.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
motomike said:
damn dude we talked to you and didn't even know who you were man. You showed us your tatoo at dinner at that outdoor restaraunt/bar on saturday night. haha. that's a badass tat man. :)
oh yea i remember yous guys. we had some fun nights at the Vernon Inn. all those that visit diablo, HAVE to go there. sure Jersey rapes you on drinks and such. but the crowd is just priceless

here's a studio shoot about 13hours of work ago. doesn't show the gears and such of the lower...