
US Soccer with an amazing upset


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I know that there are only about 7 people in the US that follows international soccer but the US just upset Spain in the Confederations Cup and is moving on to the finals against Brazil(probably).

Sunday at 2:25pm on ESPN.

Amazing game and well deserved by the US team. Snapping Spain's 35 game unbeaten strength non the less.
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Seriously, the US beat Spain?!?! I don't really follow soccer, but from what I picked up of it last year living in Spain, that's crazy! There will be some belligerent Spaniards out in the streets for sure.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
It was a good game. The US's first goal was the first goal scored on Spain since April if I remember correctly.


Jul 7, 2008
Norman, OK
The match was intense. The last half Spain pressed super hard but USA definitely fought them right back to hold on for the shutout. Spain has always been my country but I was super impressed by the USA and believe they deserve every bit of the victory. You don't have to be a "football" fan to get into that match. Classic...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
The US soccer team definitely seems to be getting better. The proof will be at the world cup. Last time out, they didn't win a single match - spain on the other hand made it to the round of 16 before being beaten by the eventual runners up France. fwiw.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The finals should be interesting. With any luck, the same team will show up and give Brazil a game.

We have an awesome team right now. If they can play like that the rest of the way, we will get a few more wins.


I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
So it appears USA is getting better at soccer and worse at baseball. Who'da thunk it?

I'm not a huge soccer fan but I'm glad to see the US do well. With soccer being the biggest sport in the world, it sucks to see us getting spanked all the time.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Hope Solo aint bad...but she uses the wrong locker room. I had big hopes for Zach Thornton back a few years, but he never panned out...Keller is done, isnt he in Seattle now?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Hope Solo aint bad...but she uses the wrong locker room. I had big hopes for Zach Thornton back a few years, but he never panned out...Keller is done, isnt he in Seattle now?
Thornton is still good, he's just too big to be fast. I remember when he won the shot speed contest at the all star game years ago. He beat out a bunch of strikers by like 10mph. His first shot went over the cross bar and carried 2 states.

Yes, Keller is in goal for the Sounders, they are in town next week. He played at the University of Portland, so it's always a big deal when he comes to town. Keller still has game, but he's old.