

Aug 29, 2006
Why Sid? Why did you have to do it that way?

This one is going to take some time to get over. Just like WJC but only for Canada.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
14 gold medal in all. Not to shabby pal.....not too shabby.

So were any of you americans actually able to ya know...WATCH the game? yay nbc.

The pisser is, had the USA won, the american would be all USA! USA! USA! But when Canada wins they just get all american on you and say "Big deal. It's friggin Canada. They're SUPPOSED to win at hockey"
You guys ARE supposed to win...ad you not, tommorow would be a national day of mourning, and Babcock would be deported if not lynched. If we had won, it would not have had the significance of 1980, especilly seeing as many of the players in the final will be playing on the same teams tommorow in pursuit of Lord Stanleys chalice.
We are second, no biggie. Most of the US, with our national ADD, will have forgotten about the Olympics by lunchtime tommorow...

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Nickleback. Nuff said.
Who knew there were other bands even more crap than them in Canada. Thankfully the Japanese announcers were babbling over the top of the worst of them. There was even one from Quebec.....damn if this is what you're preserving the nation for, cut the f*ckers loose immediately.
Anyway Australia won 2 golds and Japan none so I'll be wearing this sh*t eating grin all week.


Feb 11, 2010
Waterloo, ON
Iginla fed him the puck :)

It was a close game, very exciting. I feel bad for Miller that he lost, he played so well. Can't fault the USA players (except Jack Johnson for the late hit after the 1st period), but I do think Canada owned with the scoring chances.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I was only able to watch the third period and listen to OT in the car. We had a PW B game at Salisubury School in CT today at 3:45. Sidenote - holy crap does that Prep school ever have a world class athletic complex and one beauteous hockey rink!

We watched the third period from their 4 Flat screen TVs in one of their two weight rooms. And then I listened to OT on Westwood One radio. I had to find an a.m. station from Rochester, NY to listen though - wtf - thank goodness for WHAM radio 1180 in Rochester.

Pretty storybook for Canada and Crosby. Great effort by the US Team as well. Way to go Boys!

Here's hoping they send these guys to Russia in 2014.

I used to be anti-NHLers in the Olympics, but this year changed my opinion on that.

Good job by USA hockey for going with the Youth Movement this year.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I said we would get run out of the rink...I was wrong. Great tourney by both US and Canadia...

They should have brought in The Tragically Hip to play the closing. Or at least Alan Thicke (I kid, I kid...) (About Alan Thicke.).


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I said we would get run out of the rink...I was wrong. Great tourney by both US and Canadia...

They should have brought in The Tragically Hip to play the closing. Or at least Alan Thicke (I kid, I kid...) (About Alan Thicke.).
It is ironic that the game we lost was actually the more "even" of the two games between US and Canada. From what I saw and heard shots were fairly even, faceoffs even etc. etc. yesterday.

Who gets the start in net for Canada if the NHLers go to Sochi? Fleury?

And holy crap I keep forgetting that Crosby is only 22 years old.

Will Ryan Miller still be the same Ryan Miller in 2014? Or will there be a new face in between the pipes for the USA?

And yes - the T Hip would have been a great band to play at the Closing Ceremonies. I heard the closing ceremony was actually pretty cool and not as strict as the Bejing closing ceremonies.

Good on Ya Canada!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I think one of the best things for me was to get to see some of the young defensemen on both teams. Suter, the two Johnsons for the USA and Doughty,Seabrook,Keith, and Weber for Team Canada. Holy Talent at the Blue Line Batman!

So much youth and so much talent on offense for Team USA - should bode well for the future as these "kids" mature and improve over the next few years.

Here's hoping the NHL sends their players to Sochi for 2014 - just for the sake of getting to see this core group of Team USA Players together again on an Olympic stage. :thumb:


Aug 29, 2006
I wonder if Sid will get booed anymore in Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa?

Boy the NHL is in a tough place with 2014, how can you not send them. Also ESPN is bitting for both summer and winter Olympics after London so that would mean a lot more tv coverage for hockey. Plus the Russian players are saying they are going no matter what.

I think Fleury will be the goalie for Canada if everything continues to be the same. Remember the Ricky D was going to be the team USA goalie for 2010 a couple of years ago.

Buffalo vs. Pens tomorrow night. How inronic.


Aug 29, 2006
I was only able to watch the third period and listen to OT in the car. We had a PW B game at Salisubury School in CT today at 3:45. Sidenote - holy crap does that Prep school ever have a world class athletic complex and one beauteous hockey rink!.
My sister plays Prep hockey and it is rediculous. The hockey team has their own locker room, weight room, and video room. Plus the school has a trainer. Crazy. Also the place is the cleanest hockey rink ever.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
There was even one from Quebec.....damn if this is what you're preserving the nation for, cut the f*ckers loose immediately.

Quebec and myself would like to let you know that,

quebec will always kick your ass in hockey.

Here in quebec,( unlike enywhere else in the world ) in my city of beutifull montreal,they have outdoor hockey rinks taken care of for the public free.

Why ?? cause I bet my province is all about hockey over the other wackass provinces of canada.

everything is better on the east,the mountains,the food,the women

the east of the states should be park of quebec imo,and we branch off from everyone :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: ;)


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
I wonder if Sid will get booed anymore in Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa?


He deffenetly will in montreal.

Deffenetly not enywhere in ontario,meny of those people love to ride the dick.

crosby jerseys are probably all sold out.

The worst part is allot of canada doesn't even play hockey,as usual its allot easier to go for a team then you try and play like them.

montreal is far to known for its fan-base like that.Thats why I dont even like the habs/ montreal plays with strings of hope,not a skilled team that works together like detroit :)


Feb 11, 2010
Waterloo, ON
Quebec and myself would like to let you know that,

quebec will always kick your ass in hockey.

Here in quebec,( unlike enywhere else in the world ) in my city of beutifull montreal,they have outdoor hockey rinks taken care of for the public free.

Why ?? cause I bet my province is all about hockey over the other wackass provinces of canada.

everything is better on the east,the mountains,the food,the women

the east of the states should be park of quebec imo,and we branch off from everyone :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: ;)
Uhhh... Waterloo, ON has free community rinks. So did Regina, SK, Calgary, AB, Edmonton, AB... which would be all the Canadian cities I've lived in.

You've got us beat on the mountains, the food and the women. Unfortunately, not on the job market...


Apr 8, 2007
Cranbrook BC
Why ?? cause I bet my province is all about hockey over the other wackass provinces of canada.


I drive by an outdoor rink almost every day. We have three indoor rinks in a one block radius.

Every community is big on hockey, it doesn't matter the province.

I'm also a bit bias, but living in the Rockies is pretty darn cool aswell.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
Go Nordiques!!

Ive been hunting for a nordiques jersey forever for outside.

I've got 3 rinks all around my appartment,2 that are 1 minute walking distance and a nother near my old highschool about 5 minutes out.

The hole city here is covered with outdoor rinks in every cities parks.Some are obviously much better then others.

Nice to see our tax money go to something.

And yes Im sure all of canada has rinks,this season specially the month of FEB was complet trash for hockey outdoors.

Job market,sure quebec fails.I got laid off myself.

Quebec fails cause they made the school system harder here then everyone were else in canada.Thus making more drop outs ( like me ) who just dont feel the need to work extra hard ( at the time ) and now we ( me ) are ****ed cause everything requires school.And its becoming more and more rediculously costly to live,IE people like me cant get back to school cause you have to work all the time to simply live.So its a big vicious circle.

wich is wack as hell.Even if your the best mechanic,forget getting a job in a dealer if you didn't go to school for it.

Thats were quebec is failing.Always putting school first before the work and quality and satisfaction these jobs give to some.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
^^ Awesome. Apparently the merchandising exclusivity has run out on the Hartford Whalers, now New England is seeing a huge rise in WHALE stuff. GO WHALE!!


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
^^ Awesome. Apparently the merchandising exclusivity has run out on the Hartford Whalers, now New England is seeing a huge rise in WHALE stuff. GO WHALE!!

I've aways wanted a whalers jersey.And thats awsome.

I love the older era of hockey.Dont get me wrong the new young guys are talented as hell.

Just I grew up seeing the whalers,JETS,THE NORTH STARS and the nordiques play.

Few nights ago I caught the canadians VS the northstars for the cup in 89 or like 91 ?? I forget,but we beat them like 7 or 6 to 1,back wen montreal had game.
I love catching the old games on tv here.

I just hate how the fan base is blown so out of proportion here.

Cary price wins a game,next day ALL THE GIRLS GOT PRICE SHIRTS ON AND ****,bunch of guys who dont even play or like hockey get into it cause girls get into it.......

For the record,I hate price with passion,I've hated wat the habs have done with goaltenders ever since ROY in like 93 or 94.

enyway i can talk about hockey forever,I wish I could go cut suckers up right now outside,but its too warm :(

Wat do you guys know about hockey ;)



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Quebec fails cause they made the school system harder here then everyone were else in canada.Thus making more drop outs ( like me ) who just dont feel the need to work extra hard ( at the time ) and now we ( me ) are ****ed cause everything requires school.
They did tell you that in school right? Or did you drop out before they mentioned that part?


Feb 11, 2010
Waterloo, ON
I've aways wanted a whalers jersey.And thats awsome.

I love the older era of hockey.Dont get me wrong the new young guys are talented as hell.

Just I grew up seeing the whalers,JETS,THE NORTH STARS and the nordiques play.

Few nights ago I caught the canadians VS the northstars for the cup in 89 or like 91 ?? I forget,but we beat them like 7 or 6 to 1,back wen montreal had game.
I love catching the old games on tv here.

I just hate how the fan base is blown so out of proportion here.

Cary price wins a game,next day ALL THE GIRLS GOT PRICE SHIRTS ON AND ****,bunch of guys who dont even play or like hockey get into it cause girls get into it.......

For the record,I hate price with passion,I've hated wat the habs have done with goaltenders ever since ROY in like 93 or 94.

enyway i can talk about hockey forever,I wish I could go cut suckers up right now outside,but its too warm :(

Wat do you guys know about hockey ;)

Somewhere in a dusty drawer, my mom or my grandma have baby pictures of me with a Habs touque and scarf. My grandpa's always been a huge fan.

Think you're mixing up a few years of cup finals. '91 was North Stars vs. Pens (Quebec content: Mario), '90 was Ed vs. Boston (Quebec content: Gélinas, my hero for the '04 playoff run), '89 was Montreal vs. Calgary. Calgary beat Montreal in the forum.

I prefer Halak too...

Life won't get easier for you man unless you get back and do school. It's an investment, 'though an extremely sucky and lame one at the time. Gotta do it. I was lucky to stay in my folks' basement while I did my time...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch

Ive been hunting for a nordiques jersey forever for outside.

I've got 3 rinks all around my appartment,2 that are 1 minute walking distance and a nother near my old highschool about 5 minutes out.

The hole city here is covered with outdoor rinks in every cities parks.Some are obviously much better then others.

Nice to see our tax money go to something.

And yes Im sure all of canada has rinks,this season specially the month of FEB was complet trash for hockey outdoors.

Job market,sure quebec fails.I got laid off myself.

Quebec fails cause they made the school system harder here then everyone were else in canada.Thus making more drop outs ( like me ) who just dont feel the need to work extra hard ( at the time ) and now we ( me ) are ****ed cause everything requires school.And its becoming more and more rediculously costly to live,IE people like me cant get back to school cause you have to work all the time to simply live.So its a big vicious circle.

wich is wack as hell.Even if your the best mechanic,forget getting a job in a dealer if you didn't go to school for it.

Thats were quebec is failing.Always putting school first before the work and quality and satisfaction these jobs give to some.
Uh......what in the hell are you talking about?? Working to live is not unique to Quebec.....


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Quebec is one of the cheapest places I have ever lived, bar none, and I have had the opportunity to live in many places. I have also had the opportunity to travel, extensively.

You should probably take your xenophobia, put it away in the garage for a bit, and see the rest of the world. Your eyes would be opened to how truly blessed you are to live in Canada; even the part that like's to waste YOUR tax dollars on things like language police, sign laws and referendums they will never win.
Last edited:


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I can find a bunch of Albeta and Sask boys how ill argue your Quebec rules post...what does Quebec produce ouside of goaltenders and fragile forwards? :D:rolleyes:


Feb 11, 2010
Waterloo, ON
Haha, I'm the Sask boy and I'm being nice! I do love Quebec 'tho, spent a summer. People were nice to me there, can't fault it.

Was lucky to have my folks' help when I did school. Guy seems like a young dude who has some things to figure out. I bet he's a better street rider than me...