
Username origins...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I know this was done before at one time, but I can't find it, so let's do a new one...

...where does your username come from?

Mine is from when I was doing freelance tech support/webpage design in high school. I needed a company name and "Binary Visions" just came to me one day. So I registered binaryvisions.com and the rest is history. Sold the domain several years ago for a couple grand, which I'm kicking myself for now since it was a great .com in a world where good .coms are almost gone. Oh well, it bought me a Giant AC at the time.

What about everyone else?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I was playing a game called Asheron's Call at the time I created this account and just used my characters name from there.

I'm not Asian BTW. ;)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Nickname of a deceased friend. First good adult friend I had that was into riding. Seemed harmless at the time but I now that I meet people in real life that call me by my username it bothers me a bit.

Meat Foot

Mar 24, 2004
On the asthenosphere
When I was about 11 or so, I nearly chopped off my foot with an axe at a Boy Scout function. One of the senior scouts replied "way to go Meat Foot". Then I was chatting with a good friend and I was trying to think up a user name and he said remember when....

For the record, I am vegetarian.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
uhhhhhh.........mine was given to me by a rowdy bunch called the hick hucksters. i didnt really ask for it but it stuck. my last name being wiggins (which is what people have called me for years) and my first name being Ben it just kind of stuck. i reall y do not have biggins at all.


Mar 14, 2005
My grandmother used to call our house ( her daughter, my moms) The Hoople house cause she said we were all a little nutty. and there are 3 of us


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
My friends in high school called me Hami (my last name being Hamilton). I wanted my AIM screen-name to be kinghami, but apparently there were 3 kinghamis before me, hence kinghami3, and that just transfered over to RM.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
Westy said:
Nickname of a deceased friend. First good adult friend I had that was into riding. Seemed harmless at the time but I now that I meet people in real life that call me by my username it bothers me a bit.
yea but locally here its the easiet and best way to communicate with people.

long ago when i was on a XC team, i was the only person that was racing DH. now the meaning changes ever so often.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
First time I tried to think of a username for anything was prolly about 2 years ago. I just thought about really campy stuff that had been broadcast over the years...I didn't want to go with anything associated with the Brady Bunch, cause my name's Greg...Couldn't bring myself to be named after anything related with Lawrence Welk...

Then I started thinking of cartoons from waaaay back in the day...All of a sudden one of my parents friends' said in a conversation about something that I wasn't listening to, "We'll have to *blah blah blah* Secret Squirrel Style *blah blah blah*..."

And it just stuck...I think it was H8R that gave me the cool avi though!!


Apr 21, 2005
Goddy = nickname since 9th grade (short for my last name, nothing to do with goTTi)
43 = Basketball jersey number all through high school


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
There used to be a company that made shirts, hats and things as an alternative to the "No Fear" crap that was happening awhile back.

I wonder what happened to that company. The "No Fear" company was threatening all sorts of legal things if they didn't quit their "Skared ****less" stuff.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
When I first moved to NJ I would send emails back and forth to my friends talking about what we had done that weekend (mostly riding and drinking discussions). There was a stretch of bad weather and I didn't ride for a while, but my friends were riding a LOT.

One email I mentioned that I had done nothing but sit around all weekend…like a big fat slug. The next week the subject of the Monday morning email I received was “how was your weekend Slugman”… and so it began.

‘Slugman’ turned into my alter ego. I would never refer to myself, only ‘slugman’… in the third person of course. I would write stories about my weekend as though ‘Slugman’ was a super hero… some of them were actually rather funny.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Being a huge fan of the band Phish (R.I.P.), I have spent a lot of time on Phish related message boards over the years when not on RM. One of my favorite Phish songs is a song called "McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters". The first day I ever went "online" (in '96 I think?) I went to set up my email and screen name as McGrupp on AOL, it was taken so I tried different variations of the name until I ended up with McGRP. When I moved to NY in 2001 and got a new email address, I added the "01" to the end. I use the same screen name on all the boards I go to whether it's relavent to the content or not. It's just easier for me to keep track that way.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
The origin of Echo is extremely lame. A long time ago I used to play this game called Unreal Tournament. I couldn't think of a cool name so I just used a common shell scripting command. It just carried over to forums.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I'm the guy that always got stuck with driving on roadtrips cause my Explorer was the vehicle that held the most people. We started calling it the "Greyhound" bus---cause it was grey and held several people. It's not because I like grapefruit juice and vodka, or I like fast dogs that are skinny, it's just the name of my dearly departed vehicle.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004

I was trying to come up with a sexy RM name but I misspelled "I8R".