
Username origins...

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
mine came from the southern saying "I'm drunker than Cooter Brown", back in my younger, reckless days I would stay a constant state of pickled of some degree, and when my friends would ask me how I was, I would say, "I'm drunker than Cooter Brown!". I signed up for this board while still in that same state of thinking/drinking, so the name just seemed proper. It has since followed me to all the other boards I sign up for as well as "Cooter" being the name on the back of my racing jersey


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
binary visions said:
I know this was done before at one time, but I can't find it, so let's do a new one...

...where does your username come from?

Mine is from when I was doing freelance tech support/webpage design in high school. I needed a company name and "Binary Visions" just came to me one day. So I registered binaryvisions.com and the rest is history. Sold the domain several years ago for a couple grand, which I'm kicking myself for now since it was a great .com in a world where good .coms are almost gone. Oh well, it bought me a Giant AC at the time.

What about everyone else?
Picked it up in college.

Bunch of riding buddies were out and about riding and we started talking about our riding styles....

- can charge fast for short distances
- am near sighted (stupid glasses)
- am a big/fat guy
- smell like a rhino when I am done (if the ride goes well) :D









and on account of how well I wear a thong!


Did I get anyone with that?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
McGRP01 said:
Your new avatar ROCKS!!! I LOVE that album!!! :thumb:

Actually I've gone back to it - that was my first ever RM avatar in 2001.


Oct 17, 2002
Tenchiro said:
I was playing a game called Asheron's Call...

My original "nickname" was taken from one of my favorite characters from the Vlad Taltos series written by Steven Brust... Lord Morrolan. Story of how it got morphed into Lord Opie, not gonna bother with.

“There is no substitute for good manners — except fast reflexes.” ~ Lord Morrolan e'Drien


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
My friend John was really drunk and started calling me zark. "WTF is a zark?" He replied "Noahzzzzzark!" It stuck:p


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
When I did tech support for Netscape (in the early days before it sucked around '95), we would call stupid end users "sausages". Of my group of geek friends, I seemed to get more than my share of sausages, so I became known as "Jimmydean, the king of all sausages". It's stuck with me over the years.

So for a user name, it just seems to work. Has nothing to do with James Dean or anything cool like that.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Westy said:
....and have your hypersensitive political indignation circuit removed.
It wasn't removed, they put a filter on the circuit to attenuate the signal.

Of course, I can hotwire it when I want.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
I was trying to choose an AOL username around the same time the new VW Beetle was introducted. I really liked the old ones and especially liked the new blue they were painting them. Whenever we'd spot a new Beetle while driving around in high school my friends would say, "there goes Bethy's blue bug." It stuck and one of my favorite athletes growing up was number 23. Someone had already taken it on AOL, so I dyslexified the number for my screen name :p


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
Way back in the early seventies in the predawn of BMX, long before MTBs I used to spend just about every day jumping stuff on my bikes and motorcycles. Evil Knievel was either jumping or dumping during that time also so the older brother of a friend who I road with called me that one day to make fun of me. Ha it was a cool name at the time and he was an idiot. My friends from my early years and my younger brother still call me that and people call me that now too. I really am not evil.........trust me :evil:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
bluebug32 said:
I was trying to choose an AOL username around the same time the new VW Beetle was introducted. I really liked the old ones and especially liked the new blue they were painting them. Whenever we'd spot a new Beetle while driving around in high school my friends would say, "there goes Bethy's blue bug." It stuck and one of my favorite athletes growing up was number 23. Someone had already taken it on AOL, so I dyslexified the number for my screen name :p
You could have gone with 45 :D


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
The extra M is for "machismo"

Actually it came to be out of laziness. Back in the day before mtbr had login id's and you had to type your name each time, I started out as Montreal Mike.....but I got tired of typing that every time...
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
From a college boyfriend, later progenitor of my offspring, now the lump snoring next to me at night. We were both listening to Frank Zappa& the Mothers. He'd call and ask "Suzy?" I'd say "Yes" and he'd ask "Suzy Creamcheese?" and I'd answer "Yes" and we'd do the whole bit from Freak Out

The Cheese


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I worked as a bartender at a strip bar in the combat zone in Boston (the Naked Eye for those that remember it). After work they used to make really lame adult films upstairs (softcore as they call it now). The owner needed an extra for a scene and they had to give me credit for being in the film. I was paranoid about using my real last name and since nobody else did and I couldn't think of a cool one my boss came up with Cambridge as I lived there at the time. One of my friends found a copy years later and all my friends started calling me JD Cambridge as that is how it appeared in the credits. It unfortunately stuck.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
Not a lot of originality here..... I joined up on RM when I was climbing more than riding. My local climbing is up at Morrison, which we call Morry. Take that and add my initials and it's Morryjg. I've thought about changing it to Morry or Mort or something shorter.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
jdcamb said:
I worked as a bartender at a strip bar in the combat zone in Boston (the Naked Eye for those that remember it). After work they used to make really lame adult films upstairs (softcore as they call it now). The owner needed an extra for a scene and they had to give me credit for being in the film. I was paranoid about using my real last name and since nobody else did and I couldn't think of a cool one my boss came up with Cambridge as I lived there at the time. One of my friends found a copy years later and all my friends started calling me JD Cambridge as that is how it appeared in the credits. It unfortunately stuck.
Lets see the movie!!!!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
robdamanii said:
Rob - My name
DaMan - I am....no denying it.
II - Someone took robdaman so I made it numeral II.
I always imagined you were some kind of eastern european criminal who couldn't pronounce or spell rob the money.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I was using Yojimbo, which is the Kurosawa's first movie of the "Sanjuro" series. But it is the more popular of the two films, with two remakes (Fistful of Dollars and Last Man Standing), as well as a well known bike shop in Chicago with its name. Not surprisingly, it was taken on RM, so I chose Sanjuro, and I prefer it now over my old handle.

I am Asian, Chinese specifically, and Kurosawa is my favorite director. Kurosawa's films have a strong humanistic component as well as an amazing visual style. And there is a simple comedy which makes his films very accessible. His movies have directly influenced Star Wars, and Mel Gibson would not have a career without Kurosawa (Lethal Weapon and Ransom are direct ripoffs of "Stray Dog" and "High and Low").

I also admire Toshiro Mifune. There is a perception that Asians are a passive, ineffectual people; and Mifune was an angry, fiery presence, hardly to be trifled with. He is certainly my movie idol.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I was riding at Sand Hill and some kids were saying hey man damn you are a pretty decent ripper for and old guy, then we started talking about how I have been riding roughly twice as long as most of them have been alive. (I'm 36 and have basically been riding my whole life.) One of them said "Yo you are O.G. for real" and then another said "Yeah damn, you are the O.G. Ripper."

Thirteen year old suburban crackers are funny like that...:)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Mine is the name I chose for my personna while doing medieval recreation (in the SCA). Since the SCA is very consuming and will end up replacing your real life I ended up with everyone except my family calling me Ciaran. Even at work I was Ciaran. These days I rarely use my givin name, though I am trying to work it in more.

When I joined RM it was a givin that I would use Ciaran. I tried to change it once and incorporate my givin name but that didn't work out very well.

The full SCA sig with my titles and awards and such is:

Lord Ciaran Blackrune, OCS
Navigator, Indigo Rose
Squire to Sir Malachi Halfdan Brightskull



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ciaran said:
Mine is the name I chose for my personna while doing medieval recreation (in the SCA). Since the SCA is very consuming and will end up replacing your real life I ended up with everyone except my family calling me Ciaran. Even at work I was Ciaran. These days I rarely use my givin name, though I am trying to work it in more.

When I joined RM it was a givin that I would use Ciaran. I tried to change it once and incorporate my givin name but that didn't work out very well.

The full SCA sig with my titles and awards and such is:

Lord Ciaran Blackrune, OCS
Navigator, Indigo Rose
Squire to Sir Malachi Halfdan Brightskull

Dude, you're probably one of the coolest people on RM but sometimes you FREAK me out!!!!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
mine came from my aim sn. and i got that from the snowboard that ive ridden for the past few years(gnu). and for some reason i just felt like choosing 1080 for the # since gnurider was taken.