
Using Android Is Like Peeing In Your Pants For Warmth


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Outgoing-Nokia Exec: Using Android Is Like Peeing In Your Pants For Warmth

Why hasn't Nokia switched to Android? Anssi Vanjoki, the outgoing head of Nokia's Mobile Solutions unit, will tell you--and colorfully, at that.

According to the Financial Times, Vanjoki "likens mobile phone makers that adopt Google's software to Finnish boys who 'pee in their pants' for warmth in the winter. Temporary relief is followed by an even worse predicament."

Phandroid explained Vanjoki's rationale in greater detail:

His thoughts came as a response to the now-age-old question regarding why Nokia hasn't adopted Android with his argument essentially being that the market is over-saturated as it is and that manufacturers would be stinting growth in the long run since it'll be hard for consumers to find meaningful differences from one piece of hardware to another. That would be a sensible conclusion, but I'm guessing HTC's, Motorola's, and Samsung's amazing performance since going all out with Android isn't being counted here.