
Utah Concealed Gun Law Allows Permit Holders to Carry in Schools

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Granite Mulls School Gun Policy
By Ronnie Lynn
The Salt Lake Tribune
May 21, 2003

Granite School District employees would be fired for leaving a concealed weapon unattended in a briefcase or coat pocket inside a school -- even if they carry a concealed-weapons permit -- under a policy proposed by the school board Tuesday.

Granite's policy is even more explicit than one discussed by the Jordan School Board last week.

Both policies are designed to limit the districts' liability by saying employees who carry or use concealed weapons will be responsible for any claims or damages brought forth because of the weapons.

But the school boards that oversee the state's two largest school districts may be jumping the gun by writing policies to govern a newly revised state law allowing concealed weapons on school property with a valid permit.


N8 Note: Heck students and teachers used to always bring guns to high school when I was a teen in the early 80's. There was a lot less violence then too.


Mar 5, 2002
You can bring guns to school? At my school even teachers cant bring a knife with over a 2" blade. If you get caught with "any weapon or object that could cause bodily injury or harm when used to cause bodily injury or harm" you get suspended.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
You can bring guns to school? At my school even teachers cant bring a knife with over a 2" blade. If you get caught with "any weapon or object that could cause bodily injury or harm when used to cause bodily injury or harm" you get suspended.
So no chairs then at your school? :monkey: